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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Wait, she is over 16, right?

    Sadly she is, but i don't mean, my gf is literally in the chat room, she lives with me so she kinda always is here lmao.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know, going all out tonight. Nah it's cos I limit my drinking to 2 litres or 4 cans every day. Don't want to become an alcoholic

    Right well, you're invited to my IRC party if you'd like. join #niggasinspace let's be drunk together. I mean my gf is here but she's boring af tbh fam.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support /join #niggasinspace

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Me too, except all I have is cheap ass cider. £1.15 for 2 litres, bargain.

    Wew, 2 litres, good God man.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you wanna' bullshit around with me or enourage me to drink myself to death feel free to join me on mibbit at #niggasinspace
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Got a bottle of shitty booze and i'm gonna' kill it tonight. I almost never drink so i might die. Wish me luck.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm a walking, talking, cherry popping revolution, my friend. Everywhere I am people gather around me start shouting and throwing rocks. It's kinda annoying when you just want to go see a movie but hey somebody has to lead the next (first) Holocaust, y'know.

    It's a conversation starter for sure.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Barz for dayz.

  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    someone should hack their audio system so Bill Krozbydogs will never work plays on loop for all eternity.

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bill Krozby. Psycho is deliberately not providing a single sourced reference of a lightning bolt's energy measurement, and yet he professes to be an expert on the subject.

    So you're calling the sources cited in the article i posted bullshit? Well it's what i would expect from a clueless nigger.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Too old.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The main things I need to learn are Python and C# to make a vidya game. I used to have a hacker friend years ago that also said python is the best to learn.

    If you have little experience with programming python is great to start with. What's more there's even modules for game dev in python. Beyond that, you will get acquainted with programming principles that will carry through when learning other languages, like functions and classes and if/else statements, loops, etcetera.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    if I wasn't so busy looking for a job I would practice this programming stuff a lot more, but thank you again for the info Sophie. I will try to learn this stuff when I have some free time. can't even play video games lately D:

    That's alright, make a thread when you have the time. I'd be happy to write more stuff down.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm sure you wouldn't care you jedi pig!

  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    i thought she had a nice butt

    I'm pretty sure her pussy would feel like any old pussy, but in general i am not attracted to male mannerisms and such.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Remember the girl sploo posted with the dark hair and her mouth open pointing at her pie hole?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I once knew a girl who dipped. I think she had daddy issues because she liked to "one uP" dudes on manliness.

    Masculine girls are not attractive.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    her crazy factor (batshit insanity) reduces her league

    So does it yours. By the way, most guys don't care how batshit insane a girl is, they'd still fugg 'em
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Only time i had chew was when i was on vacay in murica, it was pretty decent. And nice on the plane back home because you obviously can't smoke on the plane.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Grab a copy of K&R C. I think it's in the public domain now so you can just download it. It's a bit demanding but hell, it teaches you good. If you didn't have anything to do for month, you'd probably be able to finish it in that time. You could also try using something higher level like Python + pygame/kivy to make games. Easier to learn without going deep into computer architecture and should be good enough to make some simple vidya games.

    Them news are pretty good and I've been meaning to check out Cypher when I get some free time to do so, so good stuff m8.

    Myself, I'd like to see more of pretty much anything here. People looking to solve their problems with their code/machine, people looking to make a website, folks hacking some hardware, folks hacking other folks. There's areas where I could help out and there's areas I'd love to learn more about like hardware hacking or malware analysis/coding.

    That said, I should make an archive of some good CS books and a thread, stuff like "if you wanna learn networking, pick up book X, if you wanna learn webdev, try books X and Y".

    That would be an interesting read and a good resource. I'd like to see more activity here as well, but rest assured, I frequent a number of specialized hacking forums and we get more posts in T&T than they do forum wide in a day. So that's good, also yeah mang, you should check out Cypher. I'm open to collab on it as well.
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