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Posts by trippymindfuk

  1. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Stubble gets itchy so that's definitely not a preference, at least to me.

    Pubes or shaved doesn't really make a difference as long as it's not a massive bushy jungle down there it's all good.
  2. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Just got done eating breakfast. About to take the dog out and then try to be somewhat productive on my day off.
  3. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Found it lol, I really dig this joint. Lots of good memories from my teenage years.

  4. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks

    Tax the rich, feed the poor
    Til there are no rich no more
    I'd love to change the world
    But I don't know what to do
    So I'll leave it up to you
    Population keeps on breeding
    Nation bleeding, still more feeding, economy
    Life is funny, skies are sunny
    Bees make honey, who needs money?
    No not poor me

    Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose
    Nothin', don't mean nothin', honey, if it ain't free, no no
    Yeah, feelin' good was easy, Lord, when he sang the blues
    You know feelin' good was good enough for me
    Good enough for me and my Bobby McGee

    Going insane .

    That 10 years after album is pretty good. There's another song on there that I really like but I can't remember the name of it. An old hippie couple I used to drink and smoke bud with when I was 14 got me hip to it.
  5. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
  6. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks I'd smash her too that's why I overlooked it, and overlooked her, and then again


    My kind of girl 💯
  7. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kinks LA-LA LA-LA LAAHHHH



    Iggy Azalea spit the most horrible freestyle I ever heard. I'd smash her though so I can overlook that
  8. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I'm glad I don't see A Serbian Film in there.

    That's the only movie I've ever seen that I will definitely never watch again. I honestly thought it would be worse but that fucking ending man....and the newborn thing. Whoever thought that shit up has some serious issues.
  9. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I considered myself an atheist for a long time but I do believe there's a higher power of some sort. DMT and bundy have shown me that there are definitely different dimensions. I definitely don't believe in the Christian version of God or heaven and hell but I know we have souls and when we pass away our souls or energy disperses to a dimension that we can not see. Doing DMT also made me lose the little bit of fear of death I did have. Death is not something to fear, it's just an unknown thing.
  10. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Imma die having never done hard drugs or going to jail and I’m okay with it

    Psychedelics are very interesting and I recommend you try some type, considering you smoke weed. If you are in the right setting with the right people it will change your life for the better.
  11. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
  12. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy I'm not defending the eating of domesticated animals but if you cook it right, it taste alright and you were starving in a post apocalyptic world, WHO FUCKING CARES!

    People eat rabbits, they're rodents and rodents aren't to be eaten. Cats and Dogs aren't rodents. I wouldn't purposely eat a dog over a feral cat though because dogs eat their own shit or other dogs shit. but cats not so much.

    Did Africans ever spear lions and eat them? you never hear about that. maybe Lion meat taste like shit because they eat other animals and not graze

    I've heard somewhere that cat meat is more nutritious than dog meat. I guess it has more protein but idk.
  13. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Does no one like my food threads? :c

    I like your food threads. Gives me ideas for something different. I tend to eat the same stuff for a while until I get tired of it, I guess it's because I'm a creature of habit. I've never heard of layers, that actually looks pretty good. In Ohio and Kentucky they make breaks, they also call them blow ups in Kentucky. I think they call them spreads in most other places. It's the ramen with chili, chips, pickle, summer sausage and all kinds of different shit. I'm sure they probably make those in Wisconsin too.
  14. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc My morale is low


    Mine too but the line is drawn at jacking on cam for underage girls. I really liked KOF and hope in my heart he wasn't intentionally doing that
  15. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Women's volleyball is usually some good content, I've never watched ping pong, didn't even know they televised it
  16. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    This is one of the few places that I actually feel like I fit in and belong, we're all a little fucked up but most of us are good peoples at heart.
  17. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
  18. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Check id before masturbating for someone, got it....
  19. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    As far as I'm concerned everyone here with the exception of Wariat is alright in my book. I know there's some drama or whatnot but I just want to say Candy is a genuine good person, I was really going through some shit and made a post about it and she immediately messaged me without even knowing me and reached out to me which really made me feel better. If there's anything personal that makes you not like her I can understand, that's life, but I think it's fucked up to spam racist shit to her. I'm surprised she's even here, on Zoklet black people got ran off. But she has always been real to me and I consider her a great Internet friend. And Bradley offered to help me out when he thought I had no food. That's some real solid shit. You're both good ass people to me 💯
  20. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Enjoying my only day off with my doggo chilling
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