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Weird fact I learned today.

  1. #1
    Bradley Florida Man
    According to a 2023 survey, almost 73% of residents in China's Yulin region eat dog or cat meat at least once or a few times a year.

    Interesting. I have eaten both when I worked in a cantonese restaurant but not much before or after.
  2. #2
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    First you stab dogs. Then you eat their meat. This is unforgivable!
  3. #3
    Bradley Florida Man
    I ate the meat in 2014 at work I stabbed the dog in 2023
  4. #4
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    You sure do take your time.
  5. #5
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Look at these niggers SMH
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Bradley Florida Man
    lol omg
  7. #7
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley According to a 2023 survey, almost 73% of residents in China's Yulin region eat dog or cat meat at least once or a few times a year.

    Interesting. I have eaten both when I worked in a cantonese restaurant but not much before or after.

    I've seen a video on Facebook of some dude in China fuckin hitting this poor dog with a fuckin flamethrower. I guess he thought if it was terrified and tortured it would taste better or something. I've seen loads of fucked up shit and gore and shit in my life but that one disturbed me and stuck with me. It's one thing to eat the motherfuckers but to torture them is really fucked up. I'm desensitized to a lot of shit but that really bothered me.
  8. #8
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Look at these niggers SMH

    dte dropping the hard r? what is the world coming to
  9. #9
  10. #10
    I'm not defending the eating of domesticated animals but if you cook it right, it taste alright and you were starving in a post apocalyptic world, WHO FUCKING CARES!

    People eat rabbits, they're rodents and rodents aren't to be eaten. Cats and Dogs aren't rodents. I wouldn't purposely eat a dog over a feral cat though because dogs eat their own shit or other dogs shit. but cats not so much.

    Did Africans ever spear lions and eat them? you never hear about that. maybe Lion meat taste like shit because they eat other animals and not graze
  11. #11
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Elbow dte dropping the hard r? what is the world coming to

    White savior complex kicking in, buddy?
  12. #12
    DontTellEm Black Hole
    Cluches pearls !! Omg IMAGINE!! Just imagine…
  13. #13
    I get all my cat and dog meat from the supermarket, where no animals are harmed.
  14. #14
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I get all my cat and dog meat from the supermarket, where no animals are harmed.

    plant based!
  15. #15
    trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy I'm not defending the eating of domesticated animals but if you cook it right, it taste alright and you were starving in a post apocalyptic world, WHO FUCKING CARES!

    People eat rabbits, they're rodents and rodents aren't to be eaten. Cats and Dogs aren't rodents. I wouldn't purposely eat a dog over a feral cat though because dogs eat their own shit or other dogs shit. but cats not so much.

    Did Africans ever spear lions and eat them? you never hear about that. maybe Lion meat taste like shit because they eat other animals and not graze

    I've heard somewhere that cat meat is more nutritious than dog meat. I guess it has more protein but idk.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #16
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers White savior complex kicking in, buddy?

    If by that you mean a complex around saving my fellow huwhites from the same kinds of graceless behavior I partake in, then yeah; kind of, I guess. Although I don't think it's actually within my power to save anyone. It's more... just... a lamentation of the loss of innocence, and of the fallen state of Man.
  17. #17
    Originally posted by trippymindfuk I've heard somewhere that cat meat is more nutritious than dog meat. I guess it has more protein but idk.

    Just ask Vinny. Once you do cat, you never go back.
  18. #18
    Michael Myers victim of incest [divide your nonresilient tucker]
    Originally posted by Elbow If by that you mean a complex around saving my fellow huwhites from the same kinds of graceless behavior I partake in, then yeah; kind of, I guess. Although I don't think it's actually within my power to save anyone. It's more… just… a lamentation of the loss of innocence, and of the fallen state of Man.

    No, I meant making people of color feel like helpless victims so you can feel better about yourself. That's what white savior complex is. I think you were mistaking it for the white man's burden, those are two different concepts.
  19. #19
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers No, I meant making people of color feel like helpless victims so you can feel better about yourself. That's what white savior complex is. I think you were mistaking it for the white man's burden, those are two different concepts.

    No, no, I was just making a play on words: "white savior" could theoretically mean "savior of whites". Of course my concern wasn't for the inferior races, but rather the immortal soul of the White Man being tarnished by their stooping to crass and anti-intellectual racism (like saying the N word).
  20. #20
    Elbow African Astronaut
    Huwhites are Enlightened Beings, immensely morally superior to all other hominin species and subspecies. "Nigger" is a guttural utterance, utterly lacking in the aesthetic qualities befitting such a noble breed, and so we should not use it.

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