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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    space blow jobs ahead
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    nok nok

    who der
  3. Bradley Florida Man
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Imagine getting into a gunfight witha police officer and they accidentally discharge a taser at you.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by mmQ You could ask candy nicely if shed let you have a theeesome with her and her FIANCE. it might be a good start. MMF.

    i'd be down with it, they're in good shape and seem like really wonderful people.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    like half of us are dead, we just replace dead users with more §m£ÂgØL alts.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Yes it did run befeore.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm still in love with every one of my exes.

    I can't see how you can love someone, and then not love them. None of them know me anymore, but how I feel in my heart doesn't change, how could it?
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Take a base rod and run it like 2 feet down, i use a coat hanger, affix that to your negative, take another coat hanger, about 3 feet away, shove that bitch in, run a line from your positive and just tap the coat hanger that isn't plugged in.

    Just tap it nigger don't be fuckin stupid and hold it on that bitch.

    You will end up getting much less life out of your worms the more electricity you use to fry them.

    i just pick them at night with a flash light with wax paper over it and then store them in coolers which I also use to vermiculture farm my red wigglers

    another relatively easy solution is a couple drops of dish soap in a 5 gallon bucket and just pour that on the ground, they'll come to get away from the soapy water, then i just keep two buckets, 1 half full of water, 1 fodr the worms, when i pull them out, i drop them in the water (They can breath underwater for a good amount of time through a means of respiration i don't fully understand) and after about a minute or a gentle shake, i pull them outand put them in the dry bucket

    I've been a worm farmer and grew/foraged for bait for money as part of my business BradleyBaits. I've also gotten helgermites (Dobb Moth larva), minnows, alewives, and grown wax worms. HMU if you wanna talk about it or bait me off, thanks
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    just ate an apple, i feel so healthy, time to get higher courtesy of me
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    i'd tickle you worse.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I cut it into like squares the size of sliced bread and made sammiches with the pizza cuz it was so cheesey and meaty.


    woudln't pay 8$ for a pizza lol
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Not gonna lie that looks like shit.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    I wonder if I'm related to Bruceley.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    I wish I could bust bigger loads all the time.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    featured in an unsolved mysteries episode

    i didn't watch this episode in it's entirity.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    So some faggot in the 80s started writing leetters to thee bus driver and the principle, saying they weere gay together and they were both married and it was a real shocker.

    Some people posted hundreds of notes calling her a cheater, one note had a booby trapped pistol stolene from someonee's home

    It's honestly extremely mind fucky ofo a story and I really enjoy it.

    One day I'd like to discover all of a town's secrets and bully them into being good people with anonymous letters.

    That' booby trap stuff though just adds an lol-element, also the guy whose pistol was used in the tittytrap got 10 years or so, thee best part was they made him do the majority of it in solitary confinement because they KNEW hee was still sending out letters to his victims (he wasn't), the funniest part is where that cock sucker started geteting the bullying letters whil he's in solitary confinement for sending the letters


    Discuss. But only after viewing some of the media I'm presenting or stating "I have opinions based in nothing"

    Well, space negrum, have you ever bullied someone with anonymous letters? Snitching to the police via letters to Crime Stoppers doesn't count unless you made 100% of the snitch report up, cuz if u call on some old man for being a pedophile and a trafficker of children and the possesser of lewd illegal pornography and they raid him and find nothing cuz hee doesn't do any of that shit and you just didn't like him... That's just fuckin funny if yoou can pull some shit like that off.

    I wonder how good of a circle jerk letter writer you'd have to be to force a suicide in your opposition. I'm sure it be easier if you utilized Child Protective Services and got their kids taken from them.

    Hard to say how much of this can be done anonymously anymore. I couldn't even get in an Ueber with my cock rings on.

    It takes many great peoplee to make a community but it only takes one man to ruin it for everyone.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    I reeally liked Rent a Pal, Jujitsu, thanks for the recommendation
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Don't woorry aldra, i'll be making a thread soon that will be as edgy as it is conversation provoking.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    I know. But at least I get to get high while im doing it.
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