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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    I think they were Catholic.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    also jedi people are reptilese called Salamandorians

    They are from El Salamandor (outter space country, much like Israel but no Palestinians)
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    gold + monkeeys + pyramids in 3 places all "discovereing" the number 0, utilization of seeds and animal husbandry and farming techniques at diffeerent points

    within hundreds of years of each other independently with no communication between the 3

    i can smell what the aliens are cookin

    can u
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    The lesser humans constructed these pyramids and zuggerats in China and pyramids in central america in order to tell the aliens where to show up to give them farming and animal h usbandry skills, mathematics, and continue doing crispr style DNA mutation of primates native to these 3 places, these 3 places became the base for our modern society, the pyramids are just a primitive style of airport landing strips to show Enlil and Enki thee 3 locations of their race of human workers that collected gold foor them and sought to be like.

    Everyone knows this.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by POLECAT someone needs to go find a blm blue haired commie cunt of a traitor and fuck the hell out of him so they can forget the awesome patriot bad ass chick they thought they had before she found out you were a traitor.

  6. Bradley Florida Man
    i knew this kid named stanton and wee would get him to do dumbass shit (wee were like 13) and one timee we told him to cross the stream by climbing on the bottom oof a bridge and wee all started throwing stones at him and soomeone got him in the face and he fell into the creek and we were all cheering cuz it was 725am in winter and we were walking to school
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    I think it's OK to tell people you accept their apology, even when you don't!

    That's pretty gay, I'm not sure what 10m is, like 25 feet? That's kinda disappointing.

    I have dropped really far distances into water, but i don't count that as it's water

    We're talkinga bout shlappin the earth with your body.

    i gueess the cruise thing isn't earth shalppin but i figure cuz it's guaranteed death and i think thy're like 100 feet tall or some shit

    Just imagine seeing the boat just put put puttin away and the sharks that follow it lookin for u.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I had some problems, now everybody in my complex has theem.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    and not do gay stuff ever.

    Kinda worry about a build up of sexual tension.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    what is your nation
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    like when aldra cut himself i felt empathy because we're both white people high on drugs who don't wanna go to the hospital, even 17,000 miles away, I can identify with that feeling because i've ripped nails off my body to get out of doing stuff by saying I stubbed my toe and showing them
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Most people in the developed world look at developing nations as third world coountries full of non white subhumans if they don't speak english ontop of it, most Americans would think wanton violence and savagery is akin to the norm of there and not something we can relate to.

    I've never experienced a car bomb going off outside of my Mosque as we're all walking out or been witness to the aftermath of a drone strike or rocket attack. Hard to relate to something like that for most people in the West.

    Do you think a Nigerian man can relate to being a good father to his white child?
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Put a hole in a nigga like a goatse
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Will the Draco still be available after the BidenBan?

    LOL I'd love if an Assault Rifle style .223 is banned because of it's shape and scary color but the czechan 7.62 14 inch street sweeper is still allowed.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra sorry if this is a derail

    last night I kept dreaming that I'd woken up, and looked outside and there were 20-30 people standing there, totally still, with makeshift weapons like hammers and shovels and axes and stuff. I'd walk outside, approach one of them and they'd snap out of it, no idea why they were there, then they'd scatter and go home. Then I'd wake up for real and make sure there was nobody outside.

    I kept having this dream, each time at least some of the same people showed up. I kept asking them questions about their background, religion, where they were born, where they went to school, trying to work out if there was some commonality that was drawing them there but that was it, I woke up again and stopped having the dream.

    that's great

    so what's thee farthest you've ever fallen Aldra?

    Have you ever pushed anyone off something?

    You seem like someone who would commit a murder of a friend by pushing them off a yacht or cliff while spending quality time with your friend.

    Don't take that the wrong way, it's a trait I really admire about you
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I wish I could practice control overe my own emootions and not be affected adversely by the words of some unknown cock sucker on the internet.

  17. Bradley Florida Man
    i was sick as fuck for like 6 days and didn't tell anyone and tried to hide it and wondered fi I had the covid ass i was hacking up this wet cough and sweating and like neauseaus and shit and i was like fuck em bro i dn't have covid then my roommate got it, the guy i was sleeping with got it, pretty much wild fire raped all of our bodies, i slept like 14 hours two days in a row, drank a lot of water, i think i ate like 20 oranges and made sure to stay drunk, not wash my hands, and to cough wherever at my leisure. Is that bad? IDK and now I feeel fine, did I have the Covid? Probably not. Do I ever get sick? No. So maybe?

    The end.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    i tell people that 1 in 3 people who get the vaccine will die from complications related to it, according to new conclusions drawn from ongoing long term studies

    Why are they so concerned with us getting this vaccine if we're under 50 and in standard health? Do you have your tetanus booster, is that free? No. Why not? More likely to get fucked up from a rusty nail than die from SARS-Covid

    Makes me highly suspicious of what the motivation by the feds is. So I just said fuck it and am tellin evrybody thy'ree gonna be straight up FUCKED if they don't take my advice.

    I'm hoping to make the herd mentality defense or whatevr not a thing. I'm teellin everybody that I don't have to wear a mask cuz im vaccinated.

    I'm not.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    IDK why but I've been thinking about falling from really far heights. i've never fallen farther than two storiees (onto semi soft snow and ice) and like idk I'm not really afraid of heights at all.

    I know like not to be a dumbfuck and ever go up to tall places now that I am an old man and could not just roll down a 120foot bluff face like I used to at the beach in town with my friends every year.

    But i've just been thinking abouot it. I don't reeally have any frieends who have died or become permaneently FUCKED from falling, i supposoe i shuld worry abut my cocaine being cut with fentanyl uneexpectdly (I tested crystal meeth with the fent tested the neeedle exchange gaave me and my old roommate a bunch of back in 2020 Spring and it tested posoitive, for whatevr that's worth, i told my plug and he said he never sold meeth fastr than that batch and he's been selling it for 20 years).

    Kinda fucked up IMO.

    So when im layin here thinkign brad thoughts, I sometimes watch Horribile Videos.

    Today I am watching about people fallling from great heightst.

    Post videos that you like of people falling.

    Not a big fan of the 9/11 Twin Towers Jumpers, but i do expect that to be posted.

    Normally I likee when someonee is flirting with death or being cocky and their resultant fall.

    Chinese stuntman falls 800+ Feet from 62 story building.

    I like in Game of Thrones when they have the sky cells & the trapdoor in the Aviary. That is a death that while entirely lacking honor and dignity, is really cool.

  20. Bradley Florida Man
    fat mexican with glasses
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