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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    i know i think there's a lot to study about this.

    r u still in canada
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready good show. they shouldnt have cancelled it.

    Mike talks just like Red aka MIC boi (because Mike's a Chicago PD and the show take splace in Chicago) also I read that has a hidden worm it uploads to peoples computers prolly to access bank info


    Also do you wanna watch an episode or otwo of it in the chatroom? Don't cam up, i wouldn't want the paparazzi catchin u in the wild
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I'd rather pop a molly and snort some mike
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready I know its commie pinko writings yet general sources are usually fact before they start twisting shit around. she claimed she was quoted wrong and they did a cold slam on her final answer. but she still took money from the #BLM Not the BLM idea that everyone jumped on board. She and 2 others coined the #BLM during (I believe) the ferguson riots before George Floyed. and I agree George Floyd shouldn’t of had his neck leaned on and most likely this is what killed him, even with blood vessel disease or fentinal in his system.

    y does it matter who came up with a phrase? In my race no one owns the phrase "White Power", nobody argues about who said We Must Secure the existance of our people and a future for white children, cuz if you're the one saying it you're on board. It's this typa goofy ass shit resulted in africa having 2,000 different tribes all vying for different people and unble to get a long. Pure undeveloped third world primate minds.

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Im saying that the Black Live Matter in the sense they dont just Matter as well, because when you say this, you then add on top of that "We all matter" pushing the black man or woman back down and under the scope.

    but anytime you start up a fund raising organization, this is where you see greed and oportunity take over. Same with the Clintons raising funds for Haitian after the Earthquake. Im sure Republicans have a history of this. Its not a party or race issue, I was saying I knew corruption would take hold. the money was for the Black Neighborhoods and the money was for parks and improvements and the money was to have in reserve for commercials bringing out the fact their is a higher abuse on Blacks then others. I agree the White Man is the devil is BS. and this is where that campain money went to. the DNC which is hilarious because its ran mainly by White folks. Obama was black but he was half white as well and hardly tooted White Man Bad as much as people like Nancy Pelosi cries out, just to get the people behind her.

    The majority of white americans do not think any person is marginalized to the point where they don't matter. If you call 911 as a black person and say help i'm havin ga heart attack, 50/50 they're gonna kill you or get you health services. That's not bad. You ever try calling 911 in the congo? No. You just know everythin about loving nigger cock but never even read Heart of Darkness, dumbass nigger.

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready they're separating our races by pushing this Kill Whitey BS. whites owned slave but so did J'ews and so did Black people (not as rare as people think) and Spanish brought slaves over. So Hispanics were former slave owners. to this day, it is known in Africa that Arabs own slaves in some western African Nations they moved to.

    The money was opportunity to get some money for themselves while the bulk of it went to the leftist movement to push agenda. And ironically to RT being the ones reporting this, the Communist Movement in the USA under the guise of National-Socialism.

    While all races engaged ins ome form of the slave trade to believe that disproportionally they were any race of people other than WHITE is to deny the fact that my race is the greatest enslaver of men and mover of races for property servitude we've ever had.

    Accepting black people as slaves was unique, Roman's typically kept gaulish slaves or jedi slaves, you know people that looked white, people you thought a real man could trust and name and not be stolen from or killed or lose his nation to after emancipation.

    But my race took in black slaves, we didn't mind if you had darker skin, or liked to sing a lot, or yelled a lil louder when you talked than any white person i've ever met, cuz we were tolerant and open to accepting blacks as white slaves and that's a progressive shift my people (and yours if your white) is responsible for. Without america, african slaves and their great utility would've only remained a local secret, by puttingg them on the world map america was doing them a solid.

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready non of these ideologies are bad, its the people who lead the campaigns.

    and finally this. CNN, Fox, MSNBC and all MSM (not just liberal CNN) are all just as guilty of whipping up exaggerated BS on top of the story itself. Even RT posts some facts. its your job to find how much of it are credible.

    I only get my news from people on youtube Da Truth (that's how you know it's true) in their names and then the articles STL1 posts.

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Plus Data and Bradley are homosexuals who suffer from HIV induced delirium. probably the HIV4 that cant be seen in a HIV test.

    We got it from our Daddy, sk1 the Hutt.

    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready He made that photo for me to use. It's a very nice photo, I am very very strong in chin and breast.

  5. Bradley Florida Man
    That's a lie, i know one that's 19 that i stalk via facebook cuz it's my friends lil sister becoming a dude who likes scene girls and kinda interesting to watch. I'mma that one of these days. but at 19 i'm 27 i'mma wait till i can go to the bar.

    I already asked this one nigga like 2 weeksa go if he wanted to get drinks or some shit over the weekend and he said "I can't go into a bar I'm 18, haha." i'm like damn no wonder you look like harry potter.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny or like this.

    I honestly never thought I would be attracted to female to male trannies. I saved this photo.

    I'm glad I know you Vinny. Not only have you ruined my cambodian ladyboy fantasies with common sense advice, but you've now helped me figure out a niche in my ever more complicated growing sexuality and perversion adoption.

    That's kinda cool. i know one female to male tranny, but she looks like a fat bitch like Clay Mathews big sister type shit, and i think that's kinda gross. Plus what if she wants to have sex with me cuz she's a "man" that's just weird, like when u watch lesbian porn and they start giving head to a strap on.

    I'm like what kinda dumbass shit is that.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    well he didn't block me, maybe there's still a blowjob in it for me somewhere down da line
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    what's your steam
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    can we watch it together in the twoseven chatroom, im bored as fuck

    what's hashish is that like a dab?
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    if u buy the plastic brand, we can't be friends tho. I don't even recycle them, i just put them in a backpack under my bed and save them to do fun shit like fill with piss, put the cap on and HURL at something.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Best part? THey're $3.18 at the gas station LOL
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    If you need to stop drinkin to fight, feel free to use the 40 ounce bottle as a weapon, full or empty, though if you do throw it empty, take the cap off so it smashes easier.

    Will fuck up windows, heads, lotta shit i've hurled a half empty 40 at before i got into some shit.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    unless it was you vinny then i would buy you two 40ounce of mickey's malt liquor (called FOE-TEEs here by the people who love them most, blacks) and tape them to your hands with as much tape as possible.

    We would call you Edward 40 Hands. And after consuming 80 ounces of 8.1% alcohol, you're gonnna SMASH the two bottles together and you get your hands back.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    if there was a china town in milwaukee, i woudl go there and walk around with a massive erection and give them money and eat chinesey food and wait until someone kind spoke to me and get laid.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no its in their gene.

    china town are known all over the world but have you ever asked yourself why mexhicant town arent as ubiquitos and widely available ?

    si senora. gena inferioridad.

    Umm, I know this is gonna be fucked up to say. I base most of my world knowledge from my life experience which has been sheltered to one rough area of the world (Wisconsin). We have a couple cities here, only one i'm really famliar with cuz it's always been next to me my whole life called Milwaukee. Milwaukee has no chinatown or asian presence aside from Potowatami Casino and the Chinese Buffet, however our ENTIRE southside is all mexicans.

    Green Bay and Madison do not have a china town either. They do have a slummy area where mexicans live.

    I suppose the hmongs (which I didn't think you meant when you said chinatown) do have sporadic pockets here and there in Green Bay, Sheboygan, Kenosha and Racine.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    y people think old naked ladies smoking weed is sex inducing to the mind and body?

    "Oh look bro your mom's smoking all of our weed" is like what i think in my head
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Hmm, I with their was spore information available about this.

    My underwater mermaid colony would be very excited to research this.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    2020 The Rise of the Nigger
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    no humans were ate that i know of.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    i thought about making my pet fish into fish sticks but i worry about all the fucked up chemicals and shit i put in there to grow plants and nuetralize water and keep their slime coats well and don't really want to poison myself with potentially crazy differences in toxins over me bonding with 1 fish 1 fish stick.

    I'd eat my enemies dog or cat if someone stole it for me or i could get ahold of it myself. I'd send them back the tail and maybe a photo of it when it was skinned.

    But i learned how to first eat dog, cat, and pork blood from the cantonese, where i assisted in the putting down (of cats, dogs were already dead usually and skinned, but not always!), skinning, and quartering, I did not do the butchering cuz one of the line cooks was better but he sucked at english so he couldn't explain shit without the translator app. We usually kept the choicest bones and used it to make stock for doing fish boils in.

    I shit you not. I have killed, skinned, quartered, and took a break (Chinese method of working is never stop, but switch off on 1 task, back and forth, while other persond oes little thinsg like gets the fat off the meat as the other man butchers it into meat)

    Typically this was cooked with like salt water kinda soy shit, and then served in very small pieces. Your plate (as a white person, in my early 20s, who had been there the second shortest, I got to plate up my food second to last out of 6-8 men that were going to eat. I was the only white person as the other two white guys made burgers and fries and chicken and shit, but i ate cantonese every day i was th ere after the first like four or five days of eatin gburgers.

    Your plate is about 40% rice, 40%-60% vegetables from wok bowl fried, 0-20% meat or fish bowl. But they all watch one another while you scoop out the meat. AND YOU MUST NOT BE GREEDY. head cook Ken Nee was always the first to eat unless boss Paul was goin to eat, which then we would all wait to even sit so he could decide which bucket he wanted (he never wanted to sit on a bucket, he went to the office, but we have to all stand and wait or keep working) and then we could eat.

    real fucked up.

    Some cantonese wouldn't eat the pork blood made into like a jello, like half of them wouldnt. I loved it over white rice.

    oh and they had happy tea which i later found out was like monster energy blend knock off poured into a jug then tea is added, I lol'd.
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