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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    I like when really bad fucked up things happens to thieves, except for when I'm hanging out with my boy batman like I'm now Robin

    was robin his son btw? I didn't watch TV till I was aboout 13 and theen only pornography , dragon ball z and forensic filees.

    Some asian dude dreessed like goku in somee weeabooo japanese cartoon (it was like 1999 cartoon network, remember with the alien after schoool who'd like be the director ofthe lineup) and I remembere just telling my mom i'mma go to bed early (I'm like 8 ish still in 3rd grade) it's like the shw was on at 530 lil kid dragn ball xy and then it was dragoon ball with goku as an adult at 530.

    and i remember i Used to jerk off in this really weird way (double penetration fisting most likely) and i would bust and feeel it but nothing came out till like 3 or 4 years later.

    I'm so happy i'm not a kid anymore cuz that was fuckin abusive ass shit fr.

    i ccan see why I joined a gang before I had pubic hair.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I wonder how many white people joineed the KKK since 430pm cenetral.

    Bet they got a back the bluee officer division, the first time since 1878.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I wonder how I can make the solder gold coloreed. Fuck I wish I knew some jedi secrets to run their name sake store.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    The jedielery store i bought one of my chains from (the smalleest and most reecent) told mee they wouold be happy to fix it fori think like 38 dollars plus tax i said "This is what i get I guess for purchasing from a jedieish jedielery when he was running a scam. My family will never come heere again. I'm just gonna have my regular jedielery guy do it, just figured it was your work---" hung up at ssom point in the last sentence, so niggas i'm out here with my soldiering toool a bout too repair this thin ass chaain i got too thin. it wasn't a band so if i fuck it up i'mma just tell one of our bgs he can have it if he take it too the jedieler and apolgizes for his grandpa.

    But i'mma make it do it on speakrphon andyell "IS THAT THE KIKE IN THE jediEELERY STORE YOU WERE FINDING?" and hang up and leet him keep it.

    assuming i don't fix the bitch if i do imma put my ex's lil st gaudalupe thing he grandma gave her that she pawned to me after our break up when shee had no money.

    My girl was a waitress so I gave that bitch some tips
    Then her ass fucked a lame now she crying workin douuble shifts.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    OP i have recvered your facebook and all media, however i also forgot to save it. What can I say, it wasn't memorable media?
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    In Stanley i saw thesee dudes whoo weeree suckin peoplee off (they were like a prison cuple i guess) and just given head bhind a dumsteer while onee inmate would hoold a flattened boxo up and the othre inmate would hoold the can lid like ethy were toossing garbagee away (but frozen mid step) while getetingheaed.

    I felt kinda bad cuz they saw me watchin oncee so I yelled "Fags" and neever lookeed again.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    i masturbated while in waupon about 10 feet from thee closoeet they stabbed up dahmer in, I didn't know it at the timee, my cellie ewas jjust old and gym 5 tims a weeek was ther than the 3 timees a week 5 minute showers, I was getting away frmo my cellmate. But he was old and when he said hee had a bad shoulder i felt a lot more comfortable jacking off while he slept and i pretended to reead or w/e my horny 20 year old said when he caught me beating it and said DUDE WHAT THE FUCk?



    What you gonna doo get mad at a 19 yaer old man who can't leave the cell for 2 months?
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    i kinda feel like giong poaching since it's 10 degreees on 4/20 and no oone will be out since i twas snwing and sleeting and the weet snow might've frozeen but if it hasn't i can walk up on anything (except joggers obv)
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    I've been praying since I came back to my home in august that something would pop off on the northside, I asked gallom if he wantedto pick me up since i'm ono the way from chicago to minneapolis but then that cop lost 3 counts and I was just laughin and laughin at one I said "Hold up I can't breath" and started lauhin again.

    Fuck that bitch ass mufucka and God Bless the niggre who will become as famous as Jesse owens or w/e ethat niggers name was that killed dahmer in waupan


    who switched me to trazedone which after 1 unwanted 5 hour erectioni i never want to take again till im old
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    heey bunny bitch boys, back off this mofo
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    i'm sure if you made yoour own chatroom more ppl will be ethere to talk to you.

    Do you came up in LargeChat or still skurred
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm ashamed OP saved more porn than childhod family memories through media.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by IWD I want you to know that I'm being completely serious.

    I lost all of my facebook data from my old accounts. (Actually, it was 2 of them.) I had it saved in my hotmail inbox and then upon not having a computer for a year and a half, I missed a notification that would have told me "Hotmail is changing to outlook express and we're deleting all of the contents of inboxes unless you sign in within 9 months."

    I lost my entire hotmail inbox in an account I had been saving sentimentally and just, overall, personally valuable emails in.

    I am fucking devastated, because in addition to things like love letters from when I was a kid. Other sentimental types of things, I lost ALL of my pictures and videos and pieces of writing from facebook. I shut down my facebook account (deleted it) 2 different times and I thought this was fine because I had all of the data backed up in my email inboxes.

    I am completely aware that I fucked up and it was stupid and careless for me to not have saved that stuff on a USB somewhere.

    I also lost all sorts of stuff from various laptops I had that got stolen from me. I had all of my possessions (nearly) stolen and all of my things violated, with the exception of my body.

    I'm hurting as a result of this. Trying to piece my life back together and it's hard without my things that I have memories associated with. I'll never be able to share my story with a significant other, in an appropriate manner. I have no way of expressing the unique complexity in regards to who i am. I am proud of who i am… but it's the result of a lot of things that I've experienced. My personality is a great thing, but moreso because of it being in contrast with what I used to be like. I don't have that contrast now.

    So… my question. I noticed in that thread about that guy that was a convicted sex offender from zoklet… I forget his username. Unwinter or whatever the fuck it was. I noticed that you had pics of him saved.

    I don't care about the fact that you save peoples' pictures. I want to know if you ever saved any photos of me from my facebook account… and if you could please send them to me. If you have any videos that I'm in or that I'm speaking within, that would be extremely awesome.

    I'll even pay you when i can. can you help me?

    Spectral taught me how u can make a new email the same as yoour old eemail (emails are tossed when they're past being ripe), and do the recovery pasword and bam you're back into all of yoour accounts.

    This has worked many trimes for him and I can't see it noot working. Why would they keep an email address available past a year? ABC Google company holds user data (including databased emails) for seven years in their Terms of Service.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by BummyMofo ikr

    Like what the fuck is going on with niggas these days justify this shit somehow it's just gross and makes zero sense. You start seeing profiles with these bitches saying their pronouns are "xe/xem" or some shit and it's fucking retarded

    please don't lump me in with these faggots. The entire gay community isn't supportive, the spotlight just falls on the loudest and gayest.

    I see a lot of things in the gay community that make mjust cringe.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Slightly larger than Tiny Tim lookin ass bitch.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    if OP did thee shooting he'd be "at very large"

    I bet if quick mix ran from the police a fit aberchrombie modoel with a badge and gun on power walks after him and the trail of stolen canned goods he's leaevingl ike bread crumbs.

    I love §m£ÂgØLs other father.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    you knows fuckin fault this is! Zeneith for breaking up the frieendship triangle with m and Tortilla, then i get out of prison and tortilla goes into the navy, so im sitting ther all fucked up on tinychat and i reaelize COSMIC WHOLESALEE IS KINDA AT FAULT TOOO.

    Haha. I miss that naggar.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    stl1 is actually gollem's father who had to be his father when he really just wanted too hang out and be his friend but Mamasita didn't want that, so now theey had to meet up ono thits gay mexican young for old website called Abadosin.Space

    Woudln't go to that site btw, §m£ÂgØL and his dad called mee on a 3 way call, niggas gave me a double ear infection.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Quick Mix Ready loves luigi pu blically be is waluigui

    nigga why do oyou look like every fat fuckin evil villian
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    This site has made me a lot meaner, to individuals in my life, to people i work with, to like even my mom. I'm really fuckin mean to everyone which isn't helped the alcohol but i suree as shit wasn't htis mean six moonths ago.

    Like you know I made Sq1/QuixDicksOnly cry and call me up sobbing cuz his ex wife used too make fun of his weight and resemblance to jaba the hutt.

    I suppose my feelings of rage have been continuusly reuinted in my psting here (a couplee days I did it for like seven or eight hours.)

    I got emt classes I half ass study and couold be 2 cheeking, I am expanding rapidly my fish room and my my snakese aree all pregnant.

    I think I should just wait for my BIrthday, selel all my gold and go move down suouth where nobody wants to tell you abut my past, wheree I can liee and deny being a homosexual or I can join a biker gang or maybe just do Bonsasi, masturbate at the men's only beach and try to live soomewhere where, like I don't know hoow I did 4 1/2 years sober in a state wheree drinking on a weekday is more acceptable than not having a beer with mee cuz it's a weekday.

    So I'm out, I"ll pop ono in TInychat for a cuplee minutes every few months. I won't read the forums as I will be too needing to be involved.

    I want better for myself and that's through rising myself above the situation and realizing whille I"m certainly not better than any of yoou (except Ghost, but that was romantic betterness), being a part of this community allows me to accept about myself things I'd rather work on (likee sadism) while ignoring things that I'd really like too work on (drinking & wasting timee on forums that i coould spend doing other things.

    Kinda in my feeels, I guess. I felt really high earlier, now I feel idk really high still but just sad now.

    Thanks for all the smils laughs and raw data, I have no doubt wee will meet again afteer my first gay marriage dissolves and I get really shitty drunk and return too this shit hole.

    RIP to everyone who dies betweeen noow and 2024. Stay well

    BradleyB the White of America.
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