2022-02-04 at 4:05 AM UTC
I need money. Paypal me.
I think it's a bad sign if you fit into our community.
2022-02-04 at 4:02 AM UTC
Snail to meet you
i found out they didn't even count my vote for barrack o'snail
I was 22 years old bro. ur a baby adults pass around
2022-02-04 at 3:59 AM UTC
Should I be worried
i thinki adults that watch cartoons should go on a list of people to check up on when kids go missing
i know pot heads who are like oh this show is so great !!! and i watch like 6 minutes of it and kinda like wonder if they're retarded inside or something.
2022-02-04 at 3:57 AM UTC
Should I be worried
if imma spend 2 hours watching a gay ass movie about kids playing with dolls i might as well start playing runescape again
2022-02-04 at 3:56 AM UTC
Should I be worried
so you want me top watch some hokey ass 1980 puppet movie about dolls?
Bro im good this is the reason why i just be honest with people, movies are fucking gay.
You obviously havne't been white.
2022-02-04 at 3:47 AM UTC
Vinny uses TOR to access NiS.
of course they unbanned him he's a valuble member of our community
Jay. Penis was only in 15 years old.
He got very upset when I told him to memorize something because I wasnt going to be there forever.
Now he's 18 I think idk he stole and that's honestly. Pathetic
And Solstice mother is a hoe!
do you want black up you can put me on speakerphone and say im your dad
i can't believe you just let people steal from you and then smile at them and plan to catch them harming you again
he's mocking you and has your shit
fuck that wheel chair i'd make that nigga get up and ask him if he wants his funny chair back
don't be a pussy
i said student cuz im really high and don't remember what the fuck i have a 4 year degree called im not a doctorate so i'm like a bachelor of two businesses schools which just sounds retarded
i'm a CPA without current Certification lol so just like idk i can do accrual bookwork, invoices, secretarily work, FIFO Inventorying, A/L write ups and balance books, oh and monitor booking accounts but that's really just write ups.
It's not very interesting, I'm very good at it, I can balance your mother's checkbook in my head and don't have to write down any GAAP notes.
But no one wants to hire a career criminal with old schooling and no job experience to balance their books and honestly i can't blame them, if i got a job at taco bell i'd be eating steak tonight ngl.
i inew this little black boy named jay penis i lived with his mother in a trailer very far up north for 1 season
one day it was februarary first or like black history month so i looked upa nigga each day and made him learna bout why black people were shit
my father is a like white power kinda guy and he applauded me and my decision to at least educate this young soont o be black man on 28 accomplishments by various people that his race made to america
I feel like if i ever get judged that's gonna be relevant because like i asked his mom i said am i the first real nigga that jpenis ever kicked it with?
no he's been around my friends in wausau
yea but like without you has he ever kicked it with some niggas?
I literally had to terach a young black man what iw as like to be an OG nigga I was finna shoot this fat nigga iwtha ctrossbow out the moon roof his mom's whip but he was always too pussy and i was like nigga i'm from the 414 i'll show you how we ride!!!!
but he was only 15 and he stole from me once a miniscule amount and i divorced myserlf from his life because i love robbers b ut i detest thieves
like do i feel like im a racist
do i see racism everyday that i live
do i want to creampie black girls in the navy and afghani immigrants and pokahantas in her igloo
You know God is going to reward me for this behaviour but hopefully not with a child. IDK if I really wanna fudk oit im ready