I believe systemic racism exists in America and as a patriotic American I believe it is my honor to end it by creampie-ing as many non white women as I can and encouraging not going to the bathroom after i bust, just relax, and let me hit it again with my own semen as lube.
That's what God wanted what you fink America was supposed to be fuyz
We will make an American race, these things are inevitable
you wanna be all secretive and try to shit on people when you're scratching to get by and hoping a lightning bolt sets you free so at least you can try again haha, i'd fuck you up boy.
Someone told me you live in teh midwest, i would love to fistfight you on cam if that' sthe case, I can meet you like anywhere.
100 with you i don't give a fuck, i like losing fights cuz i don't learn shit from womping someone i was so looking forward to jail for the sole reason i could fist fight otgher men, no charges, no one gonna pop a hidey gun out or their friend slaps me witha taser, just straight up 1 on 1 fist fighting
i miss that shit, when i was a child at like school or work places, i know i can fist fight you and you aint got a gun on you, but now i can't go to the bar without worrying imma get kyle rittenonce'd and I think jail and psyche wards are the only places I'mma ever be able to fist fight a motherfucker like a straight up fisticuff kinda duel
so tell me about how i wouldn't fight your bitch ass lol
the fuck you gonna do to me and then if i was really evil, i'd have a shiv to leave in you after saying all this shit about being unarmed haha
I think by pushing the food through you faster, you'll need more water obviously but you'll also netly take in less calories as less are derived by teh food speeding through you.
Real talk, if you're fat you need to not do this to improve your body.
You need speed, adderall, crystal meth, cocaine is a no go because it doesn't last, and just basically take ur focalin or dextroamphetamene, make sure it's an actual speed not like that barrel shaped pill that i can't remember, you want amphets or methamphets, i g uess if you had a lottta xtc you could try doing that, but i can only advise you on what i ikjnow
drink water or like cut up lemons or cucumbers in water, add a couple splashes of hot sauce, maybe red pepper flakes, if you can make "Hot Water" you're well on your way to being high as shit and burning them calories off
so here ur fat ass is, right. Administrating our forum, very in key/touched with the community, drinking spicey hot water, while you shove your tongue back an d forth accross your teeths and when it's time to eat you have:
1 breadstick and a multivitamin
repeat for 7-10 days to see a reduction by as mich as 25lb in me personally but i have seen others lose far more
gains will be diminished as you continue obv, remember to brush your teeth
kids meals mcnuggets be lik e here's 4 chicken nuggets you pompous little toddler and i think taht's a fucking shame too
I loved getting the cheese burger, fries, small soda, toy, for 2.40 and routinely ate that until i went to prison at 19 as like a "I really need to eat a meal and have limited monies but am far from home/grocery food."
now it's like 2$ for a small fry and im like that's so WHACK
they literally use grease that's known to attract dogs & blacks, they got the idea from KFC
I refuse to believe ur old dog unless it was dying, woulnd't eat a mcnugget
i love mcnuggets but honestly that's so much money the 3$ for 10 nuggets like what the fuck, i'mma need like 30-40 if all im eating is nuggets, never really was a fan
in my hometown mcdonalds they had a thing whe re itw as 3.99 (Granted this is 2005-2008) for 40 nugs on monday night, and i was poor then too i was like 12-15 att this time period, so two of us would get 2$, I remember this foster kid named Joe never had any money but we pretended like it wasn't a thing, and so you'd have like 2-4 teenagers carrying knives and lighters and pieces of rebar walking the two miles to mcdonalds for nuggets between 4pm-8pm
now it's like 5.50 or 6 or some goofy shit but i really enjoyed those times
that's also when kfc had the 1$ snackers, similarly we would walk miles to enjoy kfc cuz that's the only way 6$ is gonna feed 4 teenagers
if they don't sensationalize the news it won't be interesting and you won't watch it, so whoever does say it's a calamidity will be get the viewers not the rational mind who says "Yeah it'll be a lil bit of snow, this is winter."