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Thanked Posts by Enigma

  1. Enigma African Astronaut
    I'll miss you <3
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Instigator I just pray you finish college this time Brad.

    You can do it.

    I finish in like 68 days lol

    The halfway house is part of a chain that runs like 4 other houses so five in total. THey told me yesterday I am next in line to be groomed to be a manager. That kinda shocked me because I am an egregious troll and talk a lot of shit but they said because I'm always here, responsible, clean, well spoken, smart, betting myself, not drunk and liked by 3 out of the 5 existing managers I was told yesterday I am next in line.

    it's free housing to do very little work, when I can I am going home but if they want to give me 800$ a month to run a household I don't see why I shoudln't.

    Just kinda surprised me
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  3. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Candace I have a question for you. Do you consider fake eyelashes a black thing?

    I guess white women wear them but it doesn't seem to make as much of a difference with how they look. For some reason it seems to on black women (to me).

    Idk if women are supposed to have longer eyelashes than men.

    aren't you the guy who made a thread about raping women after candy shut down your advances? LOL
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  4. Enigma African Astronaut
    I like candy's eyelashes. I like that she doesn't wear a wig too.
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  5. Enigma African Astronaut
    hi candy
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  6. Enigma African Astronaut
    I eat a honeybun every couple of years. Same thing with doughnuts and candy bars.

    I don't even drink soda regularly.
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  7. Enigma African Astronaut
    Hay be nice !~!~!~ I'm sensitive
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  8. Enigma African Astronaut
    hey candy happy Friday eve, I Just was thinking about you as I do every Thursday on Friday Eve and wanted to say hello!~!~!~!~
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  9. Enigma African Astronaut
    ur a child snatcher
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  10. Enigma African Astronaut
    hey crispy u almost got as many haters as me!!! You're doing great!~!~!~
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  11. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Well ur sleep posting. Also fuck you get ahold of yourself ur being weird

    Id rather get ahold of u <3333
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  12. Enigma African Astronaut
    OP takes bad photos.
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  13. Enigma African Astronaut
    at least I don't get butt ass naked and show children a childish hat I have on video
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  14. Enigma African Astronaut
    Happy birthday CrispyC. When I was your age we didn't even have internet
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  15. Enigma African Astronaut
    Also I have some plans for hopefully later this summer. One of them is eating iguana. There's an iguana problem in Miami and because there's no trash in our canals, these fuckers eat really well, gonna eat some of the medium size ones. Seems pretty straight forward, you skin them like anything else. That'll be another thread in Oral Indulgences later today.
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  16. Enigma African Astronaut
    Well we're one third through the month and I haven't gotten fucked at all yet.
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  17. Enigma African Astronaut
    Hopefully this takes hold within the black community next.
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  18. Enigma African Astronaut
    In the vast realm of cyberspace, there's a friend I hold dear
    Aldra, a beacon of light, always there to lend an ear
    Whenever my computer stumbles, falters, or fails
    He's there to guide me through, like a ship in stormy gales

    With his quick wit and sharp mind, Aldra knows the ins and outs
    Of circuits, codes, and algorithms, there's no shadow of doubt
    He's the tech wizard, the virtual guru, the maestro of bytes
    Fixing glitches and bugs with utmost skill and insight

    But more than just a computer whiz, Aldra is a true friend
    Always patient, always kind, his support knows no end
    Through late-night chats and virtual high-fives, our bond only grows
    In this digital world, his friendship truly shows

    I could search the cyber expanse, from dawn until night
    But I know in my heart, Aldra shines bright though he is non White.
    A friend so loyal, so caring, so true
    I'm grateful for him, and all that he'll do

    So here's to Aldra, my online amiga, my tech-savvy mate
    In this vast digital world, you truly are first-rate
    For all the times you've saved me from computer despair
    I thank you, dear friend, for always being there.
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  19. Enigma African Astronaut
    If you don't know what a rape whistle is, they're a small whistle usually on a keychain or otherwise easily accessible spot. When a person is stranded in the wild or being raped they are generally advised to blow into the whistle repeatedly to gain the attention of others. The ease at which this can be done makes it possible to do it for long periods of time (for instance when hiking in the woods) and extremely loudly by even the smallest lungs.

    So this guy feeling that rape was a fucked up problem in our society makes a rape whistle. A noble thing trying to stop one of the most sexually destructive acts that can befall anyone both historically and in modern times.

    However, lets say that society shifts in a direction where there is less rape. This means that less people will fear rape so less people will go out of their way to purchase one of his rape whistles. As a rape whistle manufacturer this is extremely bad for business.

    So the man who started out creating rape whistles to comb at rape is now in a dubious position where he benefits from increased rapes.

    So while he started out wanting to end the horror of rape for all, due to his substantial propietery holdings in the area of rape whistles he's left yearning for the number of rapes to continue.

    Thus by setting out to end something he now feels it's his duty to his family's business and economic success to go out and rape.

    Let us reflect on the rape whistle conundrum and how it can be applied to many other aspects of life.
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  20. Enigma African Astronaut
    Last week was such a success we've decided to do another.

    This time kinko will be hostess.

    Were also going some changes


    A lot of people have expressed to me worry because of how ugly they are, you don't need to cam up. Many of us are like this (incessantly, aldraly, poastly to name a few) but we welcome all people to come and make merry, you can watch cams without caming up.

    Not sure what else to address. Last week i dressed up as fox so this week I will be wearing someone else.

    I think that's it. Any questions or if you want the invite link pm me.

    All are welcome except wariat.
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