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Thanked Posts by Enigma
2024-06-17 at 2:15 AM UTC in New watch.Can't read the old one easy anymore. I used to think the face was cool showing you the automatic functions of the watch.
Now I'm low vision and it looks cluttered. See first image displaying
Why yes i have been doing a lot of squats and dressing up like a mortal combat character.
pic table
New watch, should be a lot easier for me to see. -
2024-12-07 at 12:53 AM UTC in GOOD BYE FOREVER AND I SUPER MEAN IT THIS TIME!!!Is everything okay RR? I'm gonna miss you!
2024-12-04 at 10:09 PM UTC in My mom is dying of alcoholism.
2024-11-13 at 3:52 PM UTC in Season 17, episode 16 of family guy.Not weird at all really.
2024-06-06 at 1:47 PM UTC in The Great Conundrum of a Rape Whistle ManufacturerIf you don't know what a rape whistle is, they're a small whistle usually on a keychain or otherwise easily accessible spot. When a person is stranded in the wild or being raped they are generally advised to blow into the whistle repeatedly to gain the attention of others. The ease at which this can be done makes it possible to do it for long periods of time (for instance when hiking in the woods) and extremely loudly by even the smallest lungs.
So this guy feeling that rape was a fucked up problem in our society makes a rape whistle. A noble thing trying to stop one of the most sexually destructive acts that can befall anyone both historically and in modern times.
However, lets say that society shifts in a direction where there is less rape. This means that less people will fear rape so less people will go out of their way to purchase one of his rape whistles. As a rape whistle manufacturer this is extremely bad for business.
So the man who started out creating rape whistles to comb at rape is now in a dubious position where he benefits from increased rapes.
So while he started out wanting to end the horror of rape for all, due to his substantial propietery holdings in the area of rape whistles he's left yearning for the number of rapes to continue.
Thus by setting out to end something he now feels it's his duty to his family's business and economic success to go out and rape.
Let us reflect on the rape whistle conundrum and how it can be applied to many other aspects of life. -
2024-06-13 at 1:12 PM UTC in Piss Booby TrapsFolks these arent' going to stop and invading force but they will cover someone in piss.
Try to follow along because it's going to get very complicated.
Take some B vitamin (alternatively you can dehydrate yourself either be reducing water or reducing water in combination with alcohol) you want this piss yellow and piss smell.
Fill up a large pitcher, a cup may also be used. Now at this point you gotta think, do I want to hurt the person (a jar of piss can really harm someone's skull or teeth if they look up at the falling piss) but that's up to you player. This is your piss trap.
Recommend not doing this in your own home as well.
Open the door about 4 inches and put the piss in a precarious position where it's atop the door but it's kinda resting on the frame.
When a person comes by and opens the already ajar door a real jar of piss will come falling upon their upper body. Drenching them in old, room temperature, yellow piss of a very stinky nature.
They will typically say "ughhh.......... Is this piss?"
2024-09-03 at 11:26 PM UTC in Best Camouflage?Have you tried the covid mask + hoodie
2024-09-03 at 9 PM UTC in I stopped smokingGreat to hear OP, I actually celebrated six months of no smoking cigarettes March 1st. My lungs idn't feel suddenly amazingly healthy, however the pace was gradual as they cleaned themselves out from all of the toxins.
I did however acutely notice when I had a black n mild cigar in July and April. Both times made my lungs feel awful and made me feel dirty on the inside.
Now I can't imagine smoking anymore. Feels great mane. THis is the longest I've gone without a cigarettes outside of in an institution. -
2024-09-09 at 11:01 PM UTC in CrispyC that is me!I don't know what u heard about c
Coz you can't get a dollar outta c
Coz she a mother fuckin c r I s p -
2024-09-03 at 9:07 PM UTC in BradleyB is the best poster this community has and is a vital asset.meant to say claw meat inside the crab, how would I know i eat meat from a can
2024-09-03 at 4:57 PM UTC in What’s something fun you’ve done recently?Won a shirt in a Narcotics Anonymous raffle.
Tickets were 2$ each. YOu put a ticket in the box and they did this fo ra week then at the first of the month meeting they pulled winners. Like 10 shirts, 5 hats, 1 backpack, then 1 50$ giftcard or some shit.
normally u gotta give a dolla rhwen u go to these meetings. I said OK and bought a ticket instead of just giving the dollar to them and my friend was at the meeting on the first and said I won and called me all excited.
I was like oh shit what did I win (cuz I forgot the prizes)
a t shirt with a guy holding the NA flag saying u can stop the fight and im like oh, great.... -
2024-09-03 at 3:12 AM UTC in Lanny please remodify nisGreat idea!
2024-09-02 at 2:39 AM UTC in IMMA NEED YOU TO BAN EVERYBODY I DON"T LIKE!!!I'mma need you to ban everybody I don't like and if you don't I'mma take everybody that likes me and leave!!!
And I screenshot everything and send it to Casper
So ban everybody I don't like
Immediately!!!! -
2024-08-28 at 6:31 PM UTC in The Media Is Not Real LifeI was robbed.
2024-08-28 at 6:31 PM UTC in The Media Is Not Real LifeOP uses his asshole to steal semen from sleeping men
2024-07-01 at 2:29 AM UTC in What do you think is the easiest drug to create?Black tar is heroin. I think you're thinking of shake and bake meth.
The easiest drug is meth.
Also it's spelled pseudo lol I don't think you need more drugs -
2024-06-26 at 1:09 PM UTC in Totse Book ClubI'll buy you a birthday present Kafka. Something nice and deeply thoughtful. It wont' be expensive because I'm poor but it will truly be something you put on the mantle and smile at whenever you glance upon it.
But I'mma need your address to send it. -
2024-07-06 at 2:29 PM UTC in Hey Jig Johnsonu trying to get laid or something???
2024-07-09 at 1:38 AM UTC in Introduce weekly bans for shitposters
2024-07-09 at 1:37 AM UTC in Introduce weekly bans for shitpostersI've won best poster of the week the most times and you say I'm a bad poster. Delusional.
Haven't been named worst poster once. Explain that.