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Posts by Enigma

  1. Enigma African Astronaut
    OP takes bad photos.
  2. Enigma African Astronaut
  3. Enigma African Astronaut

    Originally posted by CandyRein szczerze mówiąc, nie pamiętam twoich pocałunków.. ❣️

    Chcę spróbować twojego ciemnego kotka
  4. Enigma African Astronaut
  5. Enigma African Astronaut
  6. Enigma African Astronaut
    at least I don't get butt ass naked and show children a childish hat I have on video
  7. Enigma African Astronaut
    ya i'm way better than u in every way
  8. Enigma African Astronaut
    There is so much money riding on these fights, these games, these races. I wonder if this shit is set up. Obviously we all know about whent he mob rigged the baseball world series in the early 20th century. Do you think professional sports, specifically basketball finals, horse races, nascar like Daytona 500, or super bowls? YOu think that shits set up.

    I think the little games like the regular season, first 90% of the race, you know the beginning of the event. I think that shit is allowed to play out however it may, but then once the ending is insight I think they get a phone call from a head jedi person who says "You know this xyz event needs to go like this." and then everyone needs to know that balls need to be dropped, turns need to be slowed, shots need to be missed, etc.

    What you think?
  9. Enigma African Astronaut
    I hope when you at least try and be interesting people find you interesting and think you're not trying.
  10. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb First mmq and now Meikai lol. Two of the calmest people here, I may have missed it but I've never seen Meikai be nasty to anyone.

    HTS is super nasty with me below the belt.
  11. Enigma African Astronaut
    I'm abOriginal!!~!~!~!~!~
  12. Enigma African Astronaut
    You make me feel like Martin Luther King when I think about u.
  13. Enigma African Astronaut
    Nah I don't rage delete I was just having fun that day. I'll never leave u CandyRein and if I ever do, the CandyMan will come back for you under a different name and disguise. I promise. You're my boo4lyfe
  14. Enigma African Astronaut
    Help I need your help to come to the chat and save me
  15. Enigma African Astronaut
    I'm multicultural yall
  16. Enigma African Astronaut

    He did some story telling, singing, dancing. At one point I got to learn how to play the Balaton from the guy. It's like a black people xylophone. I wrote an extra credit analysis paper during the presentation.

    The guy liked me so we took a selfie together.

    I asked him "you like white girl pussy in US?" Lol but he said "have no have, haha, I like"

    So yeah candy I met ur dad on my final day of this humanities class.

    Exam is in an hour.
  17. Enigma African Astronaut

    I hope… - BradleyB93

    I hope you finally meet the one for you, but then she leaves you because you're infertile.

    I hope you take a shower because your skin itches but when you dry off its worse.

    I hope you have to apply for government benefits and they lose your application.

    I hope your family reconnect with you and then disconnect after they get to know you.

    I hope the doctor tells you you only have a few months to live but he forgot to tell your a couple months ago.

    Part 2

    I hope your weed is really fire, but the guy put fentanyl in it for some reason.

    I hope the fentanyl doesn't kill you but makes you brain dead from not breathing enough.

    I hope your mom says she wants your organs donated but no one wants them.

    I hope your kids grow up and tell people they don't want to be anything like you.

    I hope your mom stops telling people she has a son so they won't ask questions about you.

    I hope you go to Heaven but no one wants to talk to you there either.

    I hope you're as unhappy in the next life as you were in this life.

    I hope you seek forgiveness but no one wants to forgive you.

    I hope you get a minor ulcer but it gets infected and you don't have insurance.

    I hope you lose your wallet and they don't steal your money they steal your identity.

    I hope at 3am unknown numbers call you and you hope it's someone you miss but it turns out to be a drunk guy misdialing.

    I hope when you get new shoes they never break in and get comfortable.

    I hope you get mesothelioma but you never handled insulation.

    I hope you don't smoke and get lung cancer anyway.

    I hope your pants are always tight but you're not gaining weight.\

    I hope food doesn't taste good even when you're sitting at a restaurant by yourself.

    Part 3-

    I hope when you have your lonely Chinese food dinner you put on a little soy sauce and the cap comes off ruining your food.

    I hope you get a hereditary illness that no one in your family ever had before.

    I hope when you go to pay for your cart full of groceries all your cards decline so you wasted that hour picking out food.

    I hope when it rains the inside of your car is wet and you can't figure out why.

    I hope when you fart blood comes out but the doctor says you're fine.

    I hope when you yawn a small bug goes into your mouth but then you can't find it with your tongue.

    I hope your socks smell bad when they come out of the dryer even though you used two dryer sheets.

    I hope your ex girlfriend calls you when she's drunk and you have a heart to heart conversation but when you call her in the morning she doesn't answer.

    I hope the prostitute you fornicate next tells you she loves you and you believe her.

    I hope Solstice is your only friend and he understands you like no one else does but you dont' understand him at all.

    I hope you get a bunch of bananas but after two days they start turning brown so you gotta eat like 7 bananas in two days.
  18. Enigma African Astronaut
    I hope you finally meet the one for you, but then she leaves you because you're infertile.

    I hope you take a shower because your skin itches but when you dry off its worse.

    I hope you have to apply for government benefits and they lose your application.

    I hope your family reconnect with you and then disconnect after they get to know you.

    I hope the doctor tells you you only have a few months to live but he forgot to tell your a couple months ago.
  19. Enigma African Astronaut
    Stop gaying up my thread.
  20. Enigma African Astronaut
    Also I have some plans for hopefully later this summer. One of them is eating iguana. There's an iguana problem in Miami and because there's no trash in our canals, these fuckers eat really well, gonna eat some of the medium size ones. Seems pretty straight forward, you skin them like anything else. That'll be another thread in Oral Indulgences later today.
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