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Posts by Enigma

  1. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb All Americans should be forced to live dirt poor for about a year. Today folks will suck down a six pack of cokes a day where as when I was a kid a coke was a treat every once in a while. Today I eat pretty good but not much junk food, at my old ass age I weigh 180 but trying to lose 5-10 for the summer.

    I know you talked about hunting bro, we hunted and fished for fun and food. I've ate plenty of critters like turtles and groundhogs. If hard times come I'll be eating when some will be hungry niggas. lol

    I'm planning on eating people. I have already picked out a couple big ones that I know can't put up much of a fight against hungry me with a pointy rock.
  2. Enigma African Astronaut
    15 years old I shot 3 niggas, got 1 year for each nigga. - Lil Boosie
  3. Enigma African Astronaut
    For the second time I am saying this, the problem fixed itself. The videos that were not displaying weirdly enough only related to my math class.

    I took the exam and got an 85% (34/40) last Friday. So I successfully taught myself the math course well enough to get a 92% and an 85% on the exams and get full credit so now I'm done with it.

    Now I go on other videos and they don't display ads anymore. Glad I didn't take any of the advice in this thread relying only on my laziness and clicking "SKIP VIDEO" one at a time.

    So yeah, IDK why the videos weren't like Trademark Copied Underwriters Limited videos they were just generic math teachers explaining basic concepts. Even my accounting videos (Which are much more proprietary/produced by A College Professor) ain't fucking me with ads. Just the math ones, that's mathed up.
  4. Enigma African Astronaut
    This is very close to my heart and something that I have thought about in passing occasionally. I have never been in a situation that could apply to his personally in anyway so please don't try to insert me into the logical brain game.

    In a hypothetical situation a 15 year old commits homicide. In the United States he would almost certainly be adjudicated delinquent and serve 3 or 6 years in a juvenile correctional institution.

    However what happens if they don't figure out who committed the homicide until he is an adult. Let's say 19. Is he tried as an adult for something he did as a child and given 20, 30, Life? Or do they say hey u were a kid when u did this so we're only gonna give u 3 years FOR FIRST DEGREE MURDER?

    Is he culpable as an adult because he got away with something for four years? Is it the fault of the justice system for not catching a juvenile offender right away? What do your think?

    I've always been curious. Cuz you kill someone at 19, first degree you're looking at anywhere from 17 to death. YOu do it as a 14 year old you're looking at 7 years probably, most likely like 5.

    So what happens when you're an adult and they realize you killed someone when you were younger and now you're an adult? They can't just give you a couple years in adult prison for first degree homicide?

    Discuss. If this gets attention I will post another perplexing situation when I think of it.
  5. Enigma African Astronaut
    Everyone thought I'd be a failure, now look.
  6. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Crispy Yeah they all died, so what! No reason to be ageist towards me just because youre all jealous im not gona die of overdose at a young age. Im learning from all your guys’ mistakes

    you gotta remember for every 1 that died, 2 didn't.
  7. Enigma African Astronaut
    lol ooo ya spread that polish femboy ass!!!
  8. Enigma African Astronaut
    Hi CRispy
  9. Enigma African Astronaut
    I don't drink either!
  10. Enigma African Astronaut
    Powinieneś zaopatrzyć się w niewielką ilość wódki i dołączyć do nas w piątek o 20:00 czasu wschodniego.
  11. Enigma African Astronaut
    ya they load them onto this metal "bed" with holes in it and then it's incinerated with lit gas and then they scoop all the remains into a ziplock bag and give it to your mom
  12. Enigma African Astronaut
    ^You're doing great.
  13. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Warcry i want same age basiclaly 19 at most so 15-19 is fine but no more than her i look way younhegr than that old man so it should be easier for me than it was for him secondly i want rimmimng like that. again where do i find ehr ehre in lodz poland?

    You said that 19 year old you made out with and got pizza with or drinks with was too old for you, you diaper peeling baby fucker!~!~!~!
  14. Enigma African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jerryb Every year 1000s of people are walking out with the same degree. No company is going to hire a 40yo with zero track record over a 20 something eager to work.

    Even low paid service jobs he would have trouble, lots of bodies to fill those positions with people who have a good work record.

    :( I'm getting my associates degree next month and I will be just turning 31.
  15. Enigma African Astronaut
    In the vast realm of cyberspace, there's a friend I hold dear
    Aldra, a beacon of light, always there to lend an ear
    Whenever my computer stumbles, falters, or fails
    He's there to guide me through, like a ship in stormy gales

    With his quick wit and sharp mind, Aldra knows the ins and outs
    Of circuits, codes, and algorithms, there's no shadow of doubt
    He's the tech wizard, the virtual guru, the maestro of bytes
    Fixing glitches and bugs with utmost skill and insight

    But more than just a computer whiz, Aldra is a true friend
    Always patient, always kind, his support knows no end
    Through late-night chats and virtual high-fives, our bond only grows
    In this digital world, his friendship truly shows

    I could search the cyber expanse, from dawn until night
    But I know in my heart, Aldra shines bright though he is non White.
    A friend so loyal, so caring, so true
    I'm grateful for him, and all that he'll do

    So here's to Aldra, my online amiga, my tech-savvy mate
    In this vast digital world, you truly are first-rate
    For all the times you've saved me from computer despair
    I thank you, dear friend, for always being there.
  16. Enigma African Astronaut
  17. Enigma African Astronaut
    Well we're one third through the month and I haven't gotten fucked at all yet.
  18. Enigma African Astronaut
    Dalit Armpeet
  19. Enigma African Astronaut
    And remember eating healthy frees you up to do other unhealthy behavior.

    I drink 1 energy drink, 200mL of espresso and 3 cups of tea a day which keeps me PUMPED AND GOING.

    I used to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol all day but now I just try to eat healthy and not do more bad shit that people tell me I shouldn't.
  20. Enigma African Astronaut
    Once again I realized how many of you eat like shit. So I wanna start doing a healthy options you can make cheaply.

    Folks it's gonna have a lot of basic ingredients and it's gonna have a lot of vegetables.

    I call this the "healthy Taco" with the ingredients listed you will make FOUR times what I have shown in the image

    bag of mixed vegetables .99$
    1 onion .40$
    1 packet of seasoning 1$
    8 Tortillas 2$
    1lb of Hamburger 70/30 3$
    Hot Sauce 1$

    8.40$ folks makes you 4 ridiculous large plates of healthy food

    That's the same price as a big Mac meal or a large family size bag of chips

    a pack of cigarettes is more than that in most states

    and you can feed about a family of 5 with this (2 adults, 3 kids)

    How do people not understand how to do this is beyond me but I am here to help. TOmorrow I"MMA do something else healthy and try to educate you guys on how to save money, eat vegetables and have people say you're a good cook while you're doing it EASILY. I never spend more than 20 minutes on a meal including prep, cooking, cleaning, everything.
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