2018-07-31 at 4:06 AM UTC
Is $1000 Chump Change?
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
It becomes no longer chump change when you can sit down at a nice restaurant and read the menu from left to right instead of from right to left.
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
With our debt to GDP being greater than 100%, I’m surprised shit has not hit the fan yet. Then again, none of this is all that surprising anymore.
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
Pay off all your debt except your mortgage. Then max out tax-advantaged accounts. Do so in this order: 401(k) up to employer match, then HSA, then Roth IRA, then remainder of 401(k), then taxable brokerage account. If you have a kids, throw a 529 account somewhere in the mix.
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
Own it through index funds.
2018-07-27 at 4:27 PM UTC
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
Lanny never expressed to extend the same rights as the US Constitution.
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
Lanny, is your equipment prepared to handle the load if Facebook were to shut down?
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
For those of you who have never seen distressed jeans (aka who have never gone outside), I have a couple pairs I can sell you. I’ll even given you a discount. Let’s start the bidding at $100!
2018-07-20 at 5:22 PM UTC
About Me
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
We don’t know you. We know what you want us to know about you.
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
I’ve seen jeans hanging in stores just like the pair I was wearing - faded, full of holes, and nice and worn in. They wanted like $150 or so for it though, while mine cost $20-$30 years ago. I guess you get what you pay for?
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
My first job was when I was 16 as a cook at a fast food chain making $5.75 an hour. I think an entry-level restaurant or retail job is good for kids. Gives them good perspective. Just keep working to improve your situation. Never stop learning and never stop trying to better yourself.
African Astronaut
[rumor the placative aphakia]
Coming to niggas in space for family/parenting advice is like going to a whorehouse for sex ed.