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Posts That Were Thanked by jerryb

  1. Originally posted by jerryb Jiggaboo probably grew up with some nasty ass city water and is the reason he doesn't like it. I have great well water, tested as good as the local water bottling place and basically free except for running the well pump.

    Glad it helps ya Jigg and I'm sure your kidneys thank you.

    all it takes is some affirmative action drivers overturning a tankerload full of toxic, hardzardous industrial chemical near where you live to turn your ground water undrinkable.
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I mean, there are a lot of industries that pretty much only exist in the way that they do because they can rely on government contracts and grants; they're simply not profitable or competitive

    in terms of green energy, a single solar panel or wind turbine is never able to generate enough power over its lifetime (which is typically less than 20 years) to manufacture the steel or glass required to make another solar panel or wind turbine, let alone the rare earth metals or more exotic materials required to boost efficiency

    maybe tidal and geothermal are feasible, but outside of those (which only work in certain regions) the best option we have is nuclear
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I just want to live to see my son turn 18 in 16 years. Anything after that is greedy. I haven't had a great life by any stretch of imagination but it could be worse
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  4. When I grow up I want to be like Wariat!
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  5. Haxxor Space Nigga
    She’s played out now…boring and stale. I don’t think anyone cares about who the fuck she is or what she looks like. It’s simply fun to harass her and wait for a scron alt to simp in & play captain save a hoe 🤤😆😂
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  6. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Considering Kafka has no problem doxing people & posting their PI I think it reasonable for anyone to do the same to her.
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  7. Lion Yung Blood
    Originally posted by jerryb I have to agree with Vinny, if you don't need one then it's stupid to own one. All cars are rust buckets just waiting to go to the scrap yard. Only a retard would spend big bucks on some car to impress people, yeah they impress me with how stupid they are spending money on a future rust bucket.

    i jst walk aroun cars r slower than lion
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  8. Originally posted by jerryb Vinny I didn't think Asian countries had many niggers so where you get all this nigger dislike from. I on the other hand am from the south and had many encounters with them and yes a few are good people. Doesn't mean I'm going to start hanging out with them or welcome them into my family.

    i live in a truly multiracial, multicreed, multilingual and multicultural country and if theres anything i can tell you with any absolute certainty in this world,

    is that the proclivity to commit crime; ie; to nogg, increases in direct proportion to the increase of natural melanin.
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  9. Originally posted by Bradley I'll be honest with you, Idk how I picked up some clean 27 year old black girl who came out to ask me for a cigarette when I was kickin it with her sister and my boy, dirty, disheleveled, I haven't shaved in probably three weeks, I put a spritz of cologne on here or there but five days is a long time not to shower,

    lesson in biology:

    a dirty, unshaven White man is equilvalent to a clean shaven black man.

    this is because a black man is only 3/5th of a white man.
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  10. Bradley Black Hole
    remember when your dumbass thought you could make art for money lol and tried to and then we found your gay ass 'art' and all laughed?

    I do.

    "HEY STARTREK; you seen any twelve year olds around here? Remember when we saw that girl and she looked 12 but was really 17?" lookin ass pedophile
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  11. Bradley Black Hole
    it's probably your dead father wanting you to join him in death
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  12. eating pigeons is based
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  13. Originally posted by Sweet whereas brown is the colour of cooked food, universally recognized as a good thing.

    cooked and digested food.

    no wonder dalits shits all over their street.

    "its a good thing"

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  14. Originally posted by jerryb This is true and I've know a few but we don't have a good word for white trash like nigger. A regular black is not a nigger.

    no such noncense.

    if you believe in democracy then it goes without saying that you have accepted and embraced fully the idea that the majority is the be all and end all of everything.

    a majority of cock-crodiles and ally-gay-tors eat humans, therefore it is only rational and prudent to assume all cock-krodiles and ally-gay-tors are human eaters.

    ditto if and when the majority of black people are niggers, then its only rational, prudent, and democratic to believe black people as a whole, are niggers.

    with hard Rs.
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  15. Originally posted by Sweet Handguns with regular ammo have no practical advantage at preventing this either in this hypothetical. Other than psychological factors that beanbag rounds actually wouldn't undermine and might actually enhance (perceived force).

    What do you mean by regular ammo? I keep hollow points in mine.
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  16. Since whites represent the vast majority of the population, it would stand to reason that there's way more white shoplifters than black shoplifters. Probably ten times more. And both whities and blackies have to pay for it. I'm sure there's more whites than blacks selling food stamps, too, based on the same population ratio.
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  17. Originally posted by Sweet I didn't read any of these posts or any of this thread, I was just popping in to say

    1. you're all gay and

    2. Kafka you are a genuine mental retard who has adopted unpleasantness as a defence mechanism against the fact that you're lame and boring as fuck, rather than actually developing any interests or skills that would make you a valuable person to talk to.

    she has nice breasts tho, yiur juust jelly you dont get the chance to lay yiur untouchably dirty hands on them.
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  18. Bradley Black Hole
    and then you should kill yourself to be with him forever, Irma.
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  19. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by jerryb About time that runt to start threatening to nuke people again so we will send them some shipments of wheat, rice or whatever those tards eat.

    do not talk about our supreme leader negatively or ull be next
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  20. Originally posted by jerryb Vinny probably wants to dress her as a little girl. Don't know how good you would look in a school girl outfit, of course he may be into some tranny type stuff.

    she already dresses herself like a little girl.

    just need a little breast reduction.
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