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Posts That Were Thanked by jerryb

  1. Originally posted by Bradley I'll be honest with you, Idk how I picked up some clean 27 year old black girl who came out to ask me for a cigarette when I was kickin it with her sister and my boy, dirty, disheleveled, I haven't shaved in probably three weeks, I put a spritz of cologne on here or there but five days is a long time not to shower,

    lesson in biology:

    a dirty, unshaven White man is equilvalent to a clean shaven black man.

    this is because a black man is only 3/5th of a white man.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Bradley Black Hole
    remember when your dumbass thought you could make art for money lol and tried to and then we found your gay ass 'art' and all laughed?

    I do.

    "HEY STARTREK; you seen any twelve year olds around here? Remember when we saw that girl and she looked 12 but was really 17?" lookin ass pedophile
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  3. Bradley Black Hole
    it's probably your dead father wanting you to join him in death
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  4. eating pigeons is based
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  5. Originally posted by Sweet whereas brown is the colour of cooked food, universally recognized as a good thing.

    cooked and digested food.

    no wonder dalits shits all over their street.

    "its a good thing"

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  6. Originally posted by jerryb This is true and I've know a few but we don't have a good word for white trash like nigger. A regular black is not a nigger.

    no such noncense.

    if you believe in democracy then it goes without saying that you have accepted and embraced fully the idea that the majority is the be all and end all of everything.

    a majority of cock-crodiles and ally-gay-tors eat humans, therefore it is only rational and prudent to assume all cock-krodiles and ally-gay-tors are human eaters.

    ditto if and when the majority of black people are niggers, then its only rational, prudent, and democratic to believe black people as a whole, are niggers.

    with hard Rs.
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  7. Originally posted by Sweet Handguns with regular ammo have no practical advantage at preventing this either in this hypothetical. Other than psychological factors that beanbag rounds actually wouldn't undermine and might actually enhance (perceived force).

    What do you mean by regular ammo? I keep hollow points in mine.
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  8. Since whites represent the vast majority of the population, it would stand to reason that there's way more white shoplifters than black shoplifters. Probably ten times more. And both whities and blackies have to pay for it. I'm sure there's more whites than blacks selling food stamps, too, based on the same population ratio.
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  9. Originally posted by Sweet I didn't read any of these posts or any of this thread, I was just popping in to say

    1. you're all gay and

    2. Kafka you are a genuine mental retard who has adopted unpleasantness as a defence mechanism against the fact that you're lame and boring as fuck, rather than actually developing any interests or skills that would make you a valuable person to talk to.

    she has nice breasts tho, yiur juust jelly you dont get the chance to lay yiur untouchably dirty hands on them.
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  10. Bradley Black Hole
    and then you should kill yourself to be with him forever, Irma.
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  11. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by jerryb About time that runt to start threatening to nuke people again so we will send them some shipments of wheat, rice or whatever those tards eat.

    do not talk about our supreme leader negatively or ull be next
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  12. Originally posted by jerryb Vinny probably wants to dress her as a little girl. Don't know how good you would look in a school girl outfit, of course he may be into some tranny type stuff.

    she already dresses herself like a little girl.

    just need a little breast reduction.
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  13. One time I walked out into my yard and saw a bird fly away like I scared it and slam into my garage

    and then out from the bushes comes my cat covered in feathers, feathers all over the yard and the bird was trying to regain its strength to fly away while the cat said good morning to me and then went and pounced on the fucker. My dad was also there and got the cat to leave it alone long enough to fly away so we don't have a dead bird in our yard

    it looked pretty fucked up though and probably went and laid down and died in the forest somewhere

    I had 4 female cats and the only time I ever saw rodents or anything was when they were being tortured.
    Cats are fucking deadly killing machines and will spend hours stalking the same bird if it hangs around the neighborhood too long, which they did because every fucking old person has a bird feeder
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  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson So I took Kafka's Romanian Potatoes and added that Texas twist too them…in the form of red pepper flakes to make them extra hot…the cap came off as I was shaking them in so they were in fact extra extra hot.

    2lb select baby taters melange
    2 red onions
    3 or 4 cloves of garlic
    parsley and oregano leaves
    red pepper flakes
    A teaspoon or so of paprika
    extra Vinny (virgin) olive oil.

    Fooking delicious…if a little on the extra spicy side…check your lids are not loose niggas.

    im pretty sure those teflon flakes taste tasty.
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  15. Originally posted by jerryb It's a bird, I'd let the cat handle it or if it bothered me I'd just twisted its neck. Our cats will torment a mouse for hours, catch it, let it go and catch it again.

    Haven't had a field mouse problem since getting our 2 cats.

    any cat can bully field mices.

    but only real cat can bully gutter rats.
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  16. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    You did a good thing Kafka, fuck anyone who doesn't think so. Even though it died it had its last moments safe from predators and in as much comfort as possible for a wild bird. He wasn't torn apart or eaten alive. You did all you could and more than 95% of people would have done.
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  17. It seems like the person is describing an encounter with someone who confronted them about complimenting their daughter and offering to get her a monster. The person is arguing that the definition of pedophilia does not apply in this case as the daughter is not a little kid and that there are bigger issues at hand, such as politicians mistreating foreign or Ukrainian girls. They also criticize the hypocrisy of people who support politicians who mistreat women and yet make a big deal out of someone giving a compliment to their daughter. The person also expresses frustration with the dating scene and how the only option seems to be going to a brothel.

    The author's response to the father seems inappropriate and defensive. Instead of acknowledging the father's concerns, the author immediately goes on the defensive and attacks the father's political views.

    The author seems to misunderstand the definition of pedophilia. The father's concern was not about the age of the daughter, but about a stranger making inappropriate comments to his child.

    The author makes assumptions about the father's political views without evidence. This type of assumption can lead to unfair and inaccurate judgments.

    The author suggests that because some politicians in Poland have been involved in sex scandals, it's acceptable for a stranger to make inappropriate comments to a child. This is a flawed argument that doesn't address the real issue.

    The author's language is offensive and derogatory. The use of terms like "Pollackistan" and "mentally challenged" is disrespectful and inappropriate.

    Overall, the story is problematic because it misrepresents the father's concerns, makes unwarranted assumptions about his political views, and defends inappropriate behavior towards a child.
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  18. Kafka inspecting the local flock selecting the most plump bird as her lunch today

    "It was the bloody cat fuys"

    probably killed and ate the cat too
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  19. Originally posted by Donald Trump She wound up in Krakow. She says she was crying a lot. She got there and got a hotel safely and under her own power though.

    I told her to stay a few days. There are cheaper flights tomorrow, I want her to develop independence, bust mostly, I just don't want to see her.

    She's supposed to fly back tomorrow. It's a bad idea, and everyone says it.

    Maybe she's learned a lesson in need to keep on top of that before she slides back.
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  20. Originally posted by Donald Trump Dumped GG in a dramatic way at a bus station in Paris. I'm currently on a bus, heading home alone.

    Every day of this holiday she started a fight about something. Today it was that some black yank girl asked me to take a photo of her in the Louvre.

    She felt like I did too much for the black girl by taking her photo, for instance I crouched a little. In this she was making out that I acting like a spastic for her. She later started crying, and I bought her some ice cream to try to raise her blood sugar, but she just kept whining all evening and wouldn't leave me alone, despite me begging her to. Eventually I waited till she was distracted and got away from her.

    She's currently alone in Paris.

    you left her alone in the land of rapefugees ?

    shes gonna get gang raped by a gang of viril rapefugees and then your gonne be sorry you left her and decided to keep her and then 9 months later shes gonna give birth to middle eastern looking baby.

    or babies if your unlucky.
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