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Posts by jerryb

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    Around blacks
    Never relax

    Your trigger finger.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kawkasian Imagine living in 2023 with all its conveniences and getting depression…smfh.

    Some of you folks need to go back to feudal Britain circa 1145 and see how fucking depressed you'd be then as you had your hands chopped off for stealing an apple.

    lol 1st world problems. Of all peoples you would think Americans would see how easy they have it. Probably half their ancestors sent to the colonies for stealing a rag maybe an egg from muh Lord.

    Then you get the some Americans starving, even in my small town at least 3-4 places hand out food and every kid here gets free breakfast and lunch at school. You'd have to be a special retard to starve in the US.
  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox We’re not “wasting” any money. It’s doing exactly what it’s intended to do. When you read that we’ve sent Ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars what that actually means is we’ve bought weapons and equipment and sent it over there. Who actually gets that money? Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman… in other words we take taxpayer dollars and give it to US military contractors, which is ALWAYS the point - taking public money and putting it in private hands.

    There might be some geopolitical positioning going on in the decision-making process, like we’re indirectly draining Russia’s military resources or whatever. But make no mistake that’s just a side effect not the goal.

    I agree on the big business but politicians will start pretending they care during the run up to the elections. It's all just a game, I will not be surprised in the least the media starts showing dead kids the bad Russians have killed and we must support Ukraine to save da kids.

    Also the Republicans will be gung ho investigating the Bidens for corruption until the election and then drop it. Nobody will ever go to prison because both sides have their finger in the pie.

    The US never dropped the cold war which is why we where eager to put NATO into eastern Europe. If people think we waste a lot of money on the military now they ain't seen nothing yet. Cold war will be great for business and I suspect a lot of Russian brass will like it also, lots of money, gaining rank and new toys for the military.

    We will never vote our self out of this mess so I don't even bother with it.
  4. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra

    Ben Wallace is a sick man

    from wishful thinking:


    they're already mobilising everyone from 16-60 (and skewing to 40+ implies extreme losses in the combat units which typically take on younger men) and have even banned women with any kind of medical training from leaving the country, but the machine needs even younger kids to keep crawling along.

    It has become a numbers game and Ukraine just doesn't have the numbers. I suspect EU support to start crumbling and who knows what will happen in the US during the election cycle. Ukraine best start putting out feelers to end this war because US support can turn a 180.

    Americans have short attention spans, the war was highly talked about for about 2 weeks but now I never hear anyone talking about it. Biden will probably catch a lot of shit when people start hearing how much money has been wasted for a country Americans don't give a fuck about.
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Some folks in the cities do OK and a few super wealthy. Villages and rural areas are pretty grim, you hope your garden does good so you don't starve.

    Pretty much everything like doctors, dentist, government officials you need to give them a GIFT unless you got plenty of time to wait.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump I thought only popes, dictators and monarchs died of old age while still in office.

    America literally has such old, evil politicians they're heeling over and dying of old age while still elected.

    What sort of degenerate population elect such creatures that aren't even able to serve their full terms in office due to decrepitude?

    Ha Ha You do realize probably half of the populations ancestors where probably crazy so Britain dropped them here. The other large groups come from places with an average IQ of a retard.

    The world should count themselves lucky we haven't nuked the entire world. And it's not because we like them but most are kinda lazy.
  7. jerryb African Astronaut
    Most places don't have military buildings to hide in. Civilians need to beat feet if they don't want to get bombed, plus if it was my ass on the line then fuck civilians.
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny whats the average income of albania.

    Do I look like the fucking CIA fact book? Look it up.
  9. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster How come these hoes ain't loyal

    Wariat thinks you will find a loyal good woman at da clubs. The ones hanging out every night just want some sucker to buy them drinks or drugs. Sometimes they may offer some ass if they're horny.
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 The great artist Scrawnaldo summed this up in one of his arts very well. OMG EVERYONES A ALTOX FAGGOT REeeeEeeEEEE

    A lot of folks give him shit. I personally like a lot of his art and out of the box thinking.
  11. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox And we only shoot up schools because we’re not pussies like you people

    Americans have like a safety valve and sometimes a shooting. Europeans go along and then one day remember some country did something to your country 500 years ago, then they go to the town close to them and rape and butcher everyone. Sometimes they start shit where millions die.

    I'll take a school shooting once in awhile.
  12. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Eat them off the floor like a man

    Yeah what's the problem. If your floor to nasty then eat it anyway because your a nasty fuck.
  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor He’s still here lol.

    This ⬆️ & kinda helps sum up why Sophie has gone to such great lengths to appear deceased …… talk about avoiding a seriously deranged stage five clinger. 😮
    ** EDT** there’s tons more but these suffice as suffocation

    I’d say there are probably less than 8 regular posters, others drop in from time to time, the rest ….well that’s addressed above.

    Yeah that's about right. 8 regular plus about 100 alts. lol

    Damn I forgot I'm Tara alt. lol
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I was shot by a Raven MP-25 when I was in my early 20s. It didn't work out to well for the other guy. I went to the ER almost 4 hours later. At about 25 feet or so the rib deflected the round without even cracking. Leaving a clean entrance and exit wound which took 7 stitches total to close.

    I don't know why they even make shit like that. Can't cost much more to make something with a little more power.
  15. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse vinny lives in some yellow ass country that has prolly never even seen black people besides the one text book the 1 room school shack has, how he has internet idk, elon musk star link bullshit?

    also hes a pedophile

    hes basically a smarter wariat. thays not sayin much

    Yeah I was just curious how he can hate people he probably never been around. I've never been around any Chinese so kinda neutral about them. On the other hand I forgot about my trip to Yellowstone, those Chinese hordes where some pushy fucks with about zero manners.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fox I didn’t read what the argument with t2k1 was about it’s probably some dumb bullshit lol. But I just hate when people say in an argument “no you have to prove ME wrong”. Like one of you has to prove something otherwise it’s just 2 people jerking each other off back and forth, but without the payoff

    I believe that is the entire point of this place. lol
  17. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny its hard to achieve 2.5 divorces.

    lol That takes a lot of money in the good ole US of A. Asian spas cheaper in the long run.
  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    I'm curious Vinny, you ever been around many black people. I'll be the first to admit a lot need to get their shit together but I've known a lot that where damn fine people. There is a big difference between the cities and rural areas.
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Don't believe your lying eyes

    Well Vinny thinks people in Ukraine living da good life on 300-400 month, that's if they have a job.
  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    Bought some pumpkins today … gonna get the lawn mowed and put out my headstones and new solar lights 🪦 👻

    My daughter all into decorating for Halloween, I live so far out in the boonies I never get any kids. Little shits don't know I buy the good candy because I end up eating it.
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