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Posts by jerryb

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so finally you get to utilize your synthetic engine oil and anti-freeze to the max.

    lol vinny hoarding bits of info for later use.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    BOO Candy! lol forgot to post yesterday.
  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Gtfo out of my thread .. just because it’s a forum doesn’t mean you have to post in here

    It’s 1000s of others or is it that mine is the best

    That’s why y’all can’t stay away .. ohhh okay

    The people who are welcome kno who they are

    And the ones that are not kno exactly why


    Trying to be nice and friendly with ya but no you had to get uppity on me.

    Now I will visit this thread every day just to post useless shit.
  4. jerryb African Astronaut
    This a forum Candy where people interact, not a blog. Vinny thinks every woman a whore out to bleed every man dry, she'd be out of luck with my poor ass. If your woman is so bad you feel the need to DNA your kids I pity you.
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump If not for General Surovikin turning out the lights GG would probably never have come to Ireland. I was making fun of her about her refusal to come today, because she was saying how some of her friends don't want to leave Ukraine. Of course she has it easier than normal Ukrainians coming to the west, but I was really impressed with how easy it has been to come to Ireland, claim asylum at the airport, get paperwork sorted and get on the public dole.

    She's already gotten really lazy and used to life here already, like driving everywhere instead of walking, having a lot of indoor space, having a nice room and house, getting free money from the government, etc.

    Family friend of ours grandmother was in Ukraine, only took them a few days to get all she needed to come to the US.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Hello… thank you for visiting my thread…

    But If you want to chat with Bradley about his dating life..hit his inbox or one of his many threads …

    Thank you have a great day


    Hey Candy, you know Bradley just likes to troll ya. Plus the thread would be boring if only you posted.
  7. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Hey yall got my first date tomorrow :) Really excited she's 5'5, no kids, 25, cleans mansions for a living, drinks coffee, doesn't drink alcohol, believes in god but isn't religious, speaks so so english, and is a legal US resident, long black hair, non white, my boy says she's a gypsy but I think she's gonna end up being a Cubana. eitherway, idgaf, i'm super excited.

    Good luck Bradley and don't fuck up like with the other gal at your school. Stay away from the booze and know I'm wishing you the best.

    And don't listen to some of these losers, having a family one of the best things to happen in my life.
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    I spent over 4 years there in the early 80s and it did have a lot of good looking gals then. BUT Slide22 is not one of a kind, there are loads of people just like him especially in the bay area.

    To bad because it is probably one of the nicest states, ocean one day and mountains the next.
  9. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I don’t believe men will ever care about women if they don’t already. They can’t change and I see them as less evolved/barbaric. I think there’s some who just grew up in places with backwards views and need a broader perspective. I want to see movies with women like me in them, that would help.

    I knew something was wrong when I was a child, at my aunt’s house after dinner they expected the females to do the dishes while the men played poker. At a wedding the groom joked that now he had a dishwasher to match his fridge. I’ve always had a strong aversion to becoming a housewife since I was a child. People don’t gain awareness like that if they aren’t born with it.

    Guess you guys missed this. If women want to see certain characters in movies then maybe they should make said movies instead of bitching about men not making them
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson If milder weather and white folks is what you desire, California is the place for you Bradders.

    I think the white folks ship sailed long ago in CA. They do gots dat nice weather tho.
  11. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley the weather is really really hot in Miami and I think somewhere between wisconsin and florida would be nice and i'd liek to be around at least like some white people

    In that case pick east TN. West TN full of darkies, east TN to hilly for plantations so not many slaves back in the day. Just so you know we get real high humidity during the summer which sucks.
  12. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You have a thing for shoe salesmen?

    Maybe Bradley can get an UK passport because Kafka needs a roomie.
  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley wariat, have you thought about getting an above age girlfriend

    He's retarded, as a guy that raised 3 teens I know they are annoying and a pain in the ass sometimes.
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    I haven't seen any pics of the women here so pretend they all hot. I pretty much like everyone here except the pedos.

    Bradley made me feel welcome and I thank him for it. Jiggaboo I like to imagine a proper Englishman in his workshop building things, lots of inventions made by them in their workshops.
  15. jerryb African Astronaut
    Don't they call them the British Isles or is that an American thing.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frala Guys I’m gonna be starting a go fund me soon. Lanny lied to me about his wealth.

    Just one of those guy tricks to get ya to drop those panties. Nice (broke) guys always finish last.
  17. jerryb African Astronaut
    Hard to find normal teens when you go looking in the rimming and dog fucking section.
  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson /wariat mode "Pics of lanny when he was 8 please"

    Wouldn't that be vinny mode, he sometimes says there's no difference when they're young.

    I haven't seem Wariat say that...........YET.
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting They may have higher paying jobs but the cost of living in comifornia will be higher. Also miguel with his crew of 8 in his truck with no insuramce will do it for pennies on the dollar

    This, why pay 10X price for shit when I can live good here. Example is regging my car, $30 a year, no stupid inspections, no high ass insurance in case a beaner plows into me. No gun permits needed and if I shoot a meff head breaking into my house all the police going to do is make out a report and call the meat wagon. Some things money can't buy especially for working stiffs.
  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by slide22 We say Nigga here, not the hard R

    are you a black man?

    I don't live there, I live here and we say niggeR. We're not passive aggressive fucks like Californians, we call em as we see them and I see niggers.
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