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Posts by jerryb

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then your definition of what makes one "british" is meaningless since you have no means of determining any white persons ancesstry.

    I have eyes mister vinny and they have DNA test these days. Hell they found people related to that cheddar man they found. If I move to China and have kids will they be China men? Doubt most real people in China would think so.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Folks, we got 30 days left! We need one more offering to the Temple, I nominate the following users:

    Quick Mix Ready/Paul Wozny/Slide22 (of course)
    But in case the temple doesn't want convicted same sex child molestors from wisconsin, I also nominate: Kafka
    Incase the spirit of the screaming electron doesn't want a dumb bitch: I offer Ghost/Scron
    Should there be a rejection of a dirty ratfaced homosexual, the last potential offering will be SpectraL who at age 64 has more than overstayed his welcome here on earth.

    That is all.

    64 is the new 40. You ain't getting rid of us old farts that easy.

    Plus you didn't scare SpectraL.
  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley you're just a mixed up man aren't you jerbearb

    Yeah Bradley I think I'm getting that oldtimers, I forget names a lot lately. I enjoy reading and shooting the shit here so try to keep my brain active.
  4. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley My amazon firestick came today, i really like it.

    Pretty sure you can jailbreak those and put some good stuff on it. I don't have one so you would need to do some internet research.

    Another little thing I happen on was Tubitv, kinda like Netflix but free with adds. If you watch with a browser Ublock Origin addblocker will block the adds.

    Tubi has some decent stuff, I don't have any TV service and use it mainly for the granddaughter when she's here.
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Haxxor I think cig’s was asking for evidence the sites going down on New Year’s Eve

    OK I got mixed up.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    OK you don't take anything and I'll take shit that will save my life.
  7. jerryb African Astronaut
    Not all drugs are bad, people would die young from something as simple as an infected tooth without drugs. Yes you should read about stuff you have no clue what it is.
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting Ok so any evidence still or no

    I was just going on what he said, he said he worked part time at Amazon.
  9. jerryb African Astronaut
    First time I dealt with it, helps if you have a close family. Most people just stick em in a nursing home and forget about it.
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    In the beginning they realize they don't know someone and it bothers them but at the end they probably don't know much of whats going on.

    Yeah it's hard to watch for the family but she had at least 81 pretty good years out of 83. I miss my mom but glad her suffering is over.
  11. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Wozny doesn't know how to reverse image search and let's keep it that way oops I just told him about it

    Doesn't matter, he'll go off on some completely different topic and forget what you said.
  12. jerryb African Astronaut
    Still not decided where Celts are from, some say central Europe. Scots and Irish aren't very swarthy. Europe has been invade many times from the east by different tribes over 1000s of years. That's what makes each country unique.
  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    Just different than most forums, I like the the jumping to a complete different topic.
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    She thought I was some cousin of hers. I'm sure there are worse ways to go like being tortured for months.
  15. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT watching a clusterfuck of a construction site go on right in front of my eyes..

    as for my paint job its kinda fucked up but its not my fault. I'll still get paid like a boss.
    they fucked up my stain job cus the ripped the fuck out of the bead boards i had stained before they put it up and then some jack leg thought it would help to sand the bad spots but it just fucked up my work then I had to paint railings but the carpenter was a druggy and got pissy while workin on em and he beat the shit out of the nice wood and after its painted it just screams look at me i'm some fucked up shit. anyways I made 5 g's in the last week.
    I'll make 5 more next week

    I knew an old guy that built houses, he was highly recommended around here. He told me he only needed 3 guys on his crew but had to hire 5 because 2 usually didn't show up. All where druggies.

    Nice on the 5 Gs tho.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Yeah it's a fucked up way to go, she lived with my sister the last few months. I was in charge of her finances which wasn't much but I gave it all to her.

    The hard part for me was she didn't know who I was but went along with who she thought I was.
  17. jerryb African Astronaut
    Nothing against black people but Brits are a white person, their ancestors been there since the end of the ice age.

    The new world is different, I consider blacks American since some of their ancestors been here longer than mine.

    Kinda like Russians, they have 2 different words for Russian. One means a Russian citizen which can be anyone and one word for Russian ethnicity.
  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    Nah I like the way things go here. It's like talking face to face with people. You may start off with one topic and change to something completely different.
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Maybe Poland is a little easier. In Russia if they see you hanging around the neighborhood they going to ask you what your doing and who you know. You best know someone in the local crew or you may get a beat down. Lucky I knew people that live there and grew up with the guys in the crew.
  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ How was it interacting with her with her dementia? Did she know your name? Was it a thing that took place over years or did it just happen all fast and hard?

    I would say it starts a couple years forgetting names and stuff. For awhile she thought I was someone else and tried to run away and go home. The last six months she didn't know much and pretty much done crazy stuff like putting shit on the walls until she became basically bed bound.

    Not something I would wish on anyone, a heart attack would be a better way to go. If I get dementia I hope my wife gives me something to OD on.
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