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Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks

  1. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    lol this was their response guys:

    „ You have the best missile delivery system ?


    Probably a couple of drunks in some field who lost the operating manual and forgot to charge their cellphones

    Your missiles are rusty junk - nobody is scared of that scrap metal”
  2. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    more from them:

    „ RuSSia behaves exactly like terrorists and mafia - one person was injured when a letter bomb exploded in a Ukrainian embassy in Madrid in November:

    "There have been 17 cases of embassies receiving either letter bombs, false bomb letters, or letters containing animals parts, like the eyes of cows and pigs"”
  3. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    this is i guess a response to you number 13 saying americans are more dispicable:

    „ The Russians have been deliberately targeting civilians since the war started. The last few months saw them hit civilian infrastructure 99% of the time. Unless you find a source stating that the Americans have sustained a similar terror campaign over many months in Iraq, we will have to consider this as one of your many, many stupid attempts of deflection.”
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    stop posting retarded things
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat The Kremlin on today described as "anti-Russian hysteria" the decision of Poland's Parliament to recognize Russia as a country sponsoring terrorism, a decision taken in the midst of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    you can't take claims of terrorism seriously, by anyone, because the term has become so nebulous and subjective it means nothing

    that and all major states participate in 'hybrid' or 'asymmetrical' warfare, essentially sponsoring groups that weaken their enemies

    Originally posted by Wariat also according to polish forums:

    „ Russia has been funding terrorists - the Luhansk and Donetsk Dad's Army for a start (though laughter rather than terror is the normal response to seeing these flabby drunks)

    And Russia has also been funding terrorism in the 3rd world (though I now hear Russian mercenaries are returning to Omsk and telling their neighbors about the awesome quality of life and material wealth of Burkina Faso)

    And finally Nazi Murderer Putin managed to find a few ex KGB sober enough to get on a plane to London and commit murders. I wouldn't mind if it was just a row between Russian thieves, but unfortunately innocent civilians were killed”

    countries like Burkina Faso and CAR have been welcoming Russian state security and PMCs because of the abhorrent job the colonial powers like France have been doing for the last few decades.

    Originally posted by Wariat lol this was their response guys:

    „ You have the best missile delivery system ?


    Probably a couple of drunks in some field who lost the operating manual and forgot to charge their cellphones

    Your missiles are rusty junk - nobody is scared of that scrap metal”

    ok buddy

    Originally posted by Wariat more from them:

    „ RuSSia behaves exactly like terrorists and mafia - one person was injured when a letter bomb exploded in a Ukrainian embassy in Madrid in November:

    "There have been 17 cases of embassies receiving either letter bombs, false bomb letters, or letters containing animals parts, like the eyes of cows and pigs"”

    you think the Russian state has anything to do with that? rather than people sick of the behaviour of Ukrainian 'refugees'?

    Originally posted by Wariat this is i guess a response to you number 13 saying americans are more dispicable:

    „ The Russians have been deliberately targeting civilians since the war started. The last few months saw them hit civilian infrastructure 99% of the time. Unless you find a source stating that the Americans have sustained a similar terror campaign over many months in Iraq, we will have to consider this as one of your many, many stupid attempts of deflection.”

    not even worth addressing
  6. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    its a worthy discussion no?
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  8. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist

    „ I found this... but it's nothing related to Poles in Ukraine. It's aobut cheaper burials.....,W-Olsztynie-powstanie-amerykanski-cmentarz.html

    the Polish source given, "Niezależny Dziennik Polityczna", is a russian shill channel on telegram

    typical russian disinformation... take something that happened in the real world and attach a lie to it from a russki propaganda outlet...

    Follow pro-russian news sources uncritically.... and you become stupider and stupider.”
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra not even worth addressing
  10. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
    LOMOVKA today published this:

    Poland is very fond of Ukraine. And not so much of Ukrainians . This is evidenced by the data of a sociological survey conducted recently among Poles. How can it be reconciled? It's like in the joke:

    - Givi, do you love tomatoes?
    - I love to eat them, but not that way.

    The Poles are akin to the Bandera people. They are united, above all, by a similar worldview: Poles also firmly believe that everyone owes them everything. The list of debtors is constantly growing, and includes everyone who has at least once encountered this proud and destitute people in the course of its history. Because of this, Poland is affectionately called the "hyena of Europe".

    The Polish list of debtors also includes Ukraine. The western part of it. Which used to be Polish, but then it was taken away from Poles in a sneaky way (everything is always sneaky for debtors of Poles). But the Polish nation never forgets and is always ready to lay its claim to what has been lost.

    Here, for example, is Andrzej Duda's statement from 2015:

    "I call on all citizens of the Polish Republic to be ready to fight for the return of the former Polish lands, where our compatriots continue to be persecuted and humiliated by the already new Ukrainian leadership. If contemporary Ukraine condemns the actions of the USSR, and it does, then this state must voluntarily return the lands of Poland that belonged to it before 1939. We are already doing some work on the return of Polesia, Galicia and Volhynia, and we need the support of the entire population of the Polish republic."

    After the start of the SMO in Ukraine, Poland took the side of the Banderites decisively and irrevocably. There is nothing surprising in it - against Russia Poles are ready to unite even with the devil. For the sake of this Poland even pretended to forget about "Volyn massacre", during which Ukronazis slaughtered about 60,000 Poles.

    Most experts, however, warned from the very beginning of the SMO: Poland's friendship with Ukraine is far from disinterested. Taking advantage of Kiev's weakness, Warsaw will certainly try to take back the territories it considers its own. And this will be done under the noble pretext of protecting Ukraine from the insidious Russia.

    And the plan, as we can see, is beginning to take shape. First of all, the Poles have already achieved special rights in Ukraine: they are able to serve in the government and receive all the social guarantees that are due to the native population. Moreover, Polish businessmen can legally buy Ukrainian factories and entire companies.

    Next, according to the plan, it is necessary to introduce a military contingent to the territory of Western Ukraine under the guise of protection from "Russian aggression". To do this, the AFU must suffer a crushing defeat at the front. Considering the ferocity with which Zelensky's gang is throwing soldiers to the slaughter, that won't be long in coming. And the Poles, to all appearances, also understand that: the draft resolution of the Polish government about the increase of the number of the active army in 2023 by 17 thousand 128 people and about the military training in which 250 thousand soldiers will be involved was published on 6 December. And yesterday the information appeared in the mass media that the Polish politician Jaroslaw Kaczynski even announced the date of "liberation campaign" to Ukraine - May 4, 2023.

    Is this plan realistic? Time will tell. Is it reasonable? Poland's policy has never been distinguished by adequacy, especially if Russia is involved. But still, in human terms, you can pity the Poles: to get the eternal problem in the form of several million Banderites - even the enemy would not wish that. But if the enemy himself, voluntarily, seeks this hemorrhoid "bonus" - of course, it is not necessary to interfere.
  11. ask your polish guy to post here so that we may laugh at him,
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Number13 African Astronaut [dispute my snotty-nosed seagull]
    Originally posted by Wariat lol this was their response guys:

    „ You have the best missile delivery system ?


    Probably a couple of drunks in some field who lost the operating manual and forgot to charge their cellphones

    Your missiles are rusty junk - nobody is scared of that scrap metal”

    Cool to see that rusty junk missiles still work.
    Imagine your AD being so shit it can't even take down old tech like that, thanks for agreeing The Ukraine are shit.

    Acting as if it's not well known that the Russians lead on HypS tech, like the US are only barely starting to catch up.

    Originally posted by Wariat this is i guess a response to you number 13 saying americans are more dispicable:

    „ The Russians have been deliberately targeting civilians since the war started. The last few months saw them hit civilian infrastructure 99% of the time. Unless you find a source stating that the Americans have sustained a similar terror campaign over many months in Iraq, we will have to consider this as one of your many, many stupid attempts of deflection.”

    The Russians have deliberately and explicitly NOT been targeting civilians, dumb pole's own logic agrees, they had the capability to attack dual use from the start and didn't.

    Assange is weeping at these tards
  13. Bradley Black Hole
    Vladimir Putin says "ZELENSKY CAN'T BE THE BATMAN, WHEN HE OUT HERE ROBBIN" stunning world leaders with his knowledge of NBA Youngboy remixes.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    power shut down across most of Ukraine yesterday, they're claiming 70-80% interception rate though. lol.

    I think I've unironically seen video of more Ukrainian SAMs intercepting apartment buildings than inbound missiles
  15. Bradley Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bradley Vladimir Putin says "ZELENSKY CAN'T BE THE BATMAN, WHEN HE OUT HERE ROBBIN" stunning world leaders with his knowledge of NBA Youngboy remixes.

  16. Bradley Black Hole
    did u really say russia turned off power to 80% of ukraine 5 days before winter starts? That's kinda mean
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Bradley did u really say russia turned off power to 80% of ukraine 5 days before winter starts? That's kinda mean

    you have to make sacrifices if you want to end global warming
  18. Donald Trump Black Hole
    If not for General Surovikin turning out the lights GG would probably never have come to Ireland. I was making fun of her about her refusal to come today, because she was saying how some of her friends don't want to leave Ukraine. Of course she has it easier than normal Ukrainians coming to the west, but I was really impressed with how easy it has been to come to Ireland, claim asylum at the airport, get paperwork sorted and get on the public dole.

    She's already gotten really lazy and used to life here already, like driving everywhere instead of walking, having a lot of indoor space, having a nice room and house, getting free money from the government, etc.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. Bradley Black Hole
    Can you upload pics of you two together? Do you plan on marrying her? Has she met your mom yet?
  20. Originally posted by Bradley Can you upload pics of you two together? Do you plan on marrying her? Has she met your mom yet?

    when you see star trek stops coming here you'd know that they have signed the contract.

    the only question is how far can star trek be dominated before he breaks and fight back, if ever.
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