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Posts by in da crawlspace - number sleven

  1. If I'm not doing too well , or can't find some pride in my circumstances - that's when I don't reach out to old friends, or really give anyone who tries to contact me the time of day. IF I DID: After we hash out what they have going on , they're probably gonna turn the tables and extend that courtesy to me which I have found really sucks arse when all you have to say is SAME OLD SAME OLD, IM SUCKING

    When I get on the upswing I'll feel like keeping that ball rolling, and doing the things I know that I should: like getting/keeping in touch with others.

    I feel like from the outside that has to look really selfish, "he only calls when he has good news about himself". Honestly man none of it really makes any sense
  2. Originally posted by Stop going to the YMCA, ACP

    I wish 24 had unisex bathrooms

    okay i will if you let me shower at your hosue
  3. It's Jonah Hill interviewing his therapist, reminds me of Soft White Underbelly YT vid style. It's the most ( and maybe only ) moving thing I've ever seen on netflix, and I don't think the NETFLIX gonts ever suggested it to me - someone else told me about it and I looked it up on there. Just goes to show you that muh algorithms don't know us as well as they like to think but hey what do I know I'm just a blue collar who ran over the solar panels.
  4. luuuuANNNNNNNNE!!!!

  5. Originally posted by Bradley why do you need a fence are you gonna get a dog or have a kid with her

    BRAD.. Brad.. watch the video again, the truth is inside
  7. Originally posted by Meikai begining to think farala is not real

    if you aren't married within 12 months its all ogre

    you should both know you wanna marry by the 3rd date.

    met in june, proposed at christmas, married the following june. that is the only healthy relationship model. you are not real.


  8. Id like to see stories on several paywalled sites like Washington Post ( because they are balanced ) , New York Times, Bloomberg , eecksetera and so on.

    A lot of them have cheap introductory price subscriptions but I don't wanna have to put a bunch of cancellations on my calendar to try and out-jedi the jedis. I think its worth about 20 a month to me, to be able to read most of the big papers, any all-in-one subscription like that?

    Also I think universities have some systems or subscriptions so their students can read da paper, brad does your school haver that and whats your password to school
  9. they shoulda just gave lil sporty the noodles
  10. Originally posted by frala Yeah an engagement typically does come before marriage. Good job lol.

    I’d love to see it.

    So have you discussed who, on NIS, is invited yet?

    POLECAT?? me and the Beige Warlock? fuys?
  11. Originally posted by Bradley A key regarding what the colors mean would be helpful, you illiterate no graph reading dumbfuck.

    Also great post, fuck people trying to take away my freedoms! If my seven year old wants to disfigure his hand by lighting an M80 with a lit cigarette, he should be able to!

    hey lower your tone, tite-sack
  12. reminds me back of the job running over the soler panels with the muscle scar
  13. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy

    so did you ever stop cussing the f and p words, and test your repair?
  14. give a man a bee and heel have honey for a day
  15. literally took a sip of soap water i put in a water bottle , on the highway and reaching around for my water and grabbed the wrong one . soap water taste horrible and doesnt wash out easy. literally rinse mouth out and its like a sink full of dishes with suds going everywhere.
  16. Originally posted by Sevn So latest update on my weird sex life. Met some female dominatrix with a female sub. They come over to my house and the sub blows me or I fuck her, whatever the Dom tells me to do. It's absolutely insane. Tonight her punishment was for me to fuck her and cum on her face so she had to walk back to the car covered in my jizz.

    smeel on my lappy was activated
  17. Originally posted by slide22 the bleeding gums can cause AIDS or HepC

    I hope you think it was worth it. next time buy her a lemon aide before letting her suck you off. make her drink half of it and tell her if you blow in her mouth that the lemonaide should kill the bacteria from your load.

    this way you should be safe from HIV and she can take a mouth load and wash it down clean.

    but realize your mom could of been a victim of such shananagans

    laughed like muttley to this good job man thanks
  18. Originally posted by A College Professor Were doing a big chug to see who chugs the best tonight. Winner will get ther own banner on the site at least until next month when we compete again.

    Lemme know if your gonna attend ( the people who are ultra secretive and just wanna smell their fingers without camming up will not be allowed at the chug ) ( you know who you are )


    1st, TonyMacaroni, 5.65seconds, CORONA EXTRA ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by GLOBSHILL "that was a lot"
    2nd, Odin, 6.46seconds, YeingLing ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by bigluigi "that burp taste like chex mix"
    third, TonyMacaroni, 6.83seconds, CORONA EXTRA ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by GLOBSHILL "im 29 but when i was younger i was able to go a little faster"

    4, Odin, 7.44seconds, Yeungling ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by BigLuigi "shes about to get deported"
    5, VEX, 7.95seconds, MALIBU COCKTAIL Pina~~~ Colada ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by Odin "i dont have anymore thats my last one"
    6th, BIG LUIGI, 8.69seconds, BUDWEISER ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by TonyMarconi "the master is unshaken"
    7th, JimmyNoShoesAgain, 11.27 seconds, COORS LIGHT, 10:25PM PST, 'I just want to cheers my opponent' , bigluigi
    8rd, bigluigi, 13.0seconds, MODELO ESPECIAL, 6:36PM PST, 'YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME?' , obliviousostrich
    9th, Odin, 15.73 seconds, SHINER BOCK ( bottle ), 11:11PM PST, 'That burp felt good as fuck. At least I beat gwarski' , bigluigi
    10th, Gwarski, 21.71 seconds, WHITE CLAW ♀, 10:35PM PST, 'Why don't we just do this without that other website next time?' , bigluigi
    11th, doublecheezburgers, 1min 18 seconds, SKOAL (BRAZILIAN BEER )FROM THE BOTTLE 360ml (12+ oz ), recorded by BIGLUG

    1, bigluigi, 13.0seconds, MODELO ESPECIAL, 6:36PM PST, 'YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME?' , obliviousostrich
    2, JimmyNoShoesAgain, 11.27 seconds, COORS LIGHT, 10:2PM PST, 'I just want to cheers my opponent' , bigluigi
    3, Gwarski, 21.71 seconds, WHITE CLAW ♀, 10:35PM PST, 'Why don't we just do this without that other website next time?' , bigluigi
    4, Odin, 15.73 seconds, SHINER BOCK ( bottle ), 11:11PM PST, 'That burp felt good as fuck. At least I beat gwarski' , bigluigi
    5, TonyMacaroni, 6.83seconds, CORONA EXTRA ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by GLOBSHILL "im 29 but when i was younger i was able to go a little faster"
    6, TonyMacaroni, 5.65seconds, CORONA EXTRA ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by GLOBSHILL "that was a lot"
    7, BIG LUIGI, 8.69seconds, BUDWEISER ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by TonyMarconi "the master is unshaken"
    8, Odin, 7.44seconds, Yeungling ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by BigLuigi "shes about to get deported"
    9, VEX, 7.95seconds, MALIBU COCKTAIL Pina~~~ Colada ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by Odin "i dont have anymore thats my last one"
    10, Odin, 6.46seconds, YeingLing ( BY WAY OF A PAPER CUP ) , recorded by bigluigi "that burp taste like chex mix"
    11th, doublecheezburgers, 1min 18 seconds, SKOAL (BRAZILIAN BEER )FROM THE BOTTLE 360ml (12+ oz ), recorded by BIGLUG



    Rembrandt, 10.01 seconds, 16 OUNCE ( OKAY, THIS IS EPIC ), NON-ALCOHOLic PEACH MANGO BODY-ARMOR: LIGHT, 10:28PM PST, 'Do you want to see my painting' , bigluigi

    rembrand literally probably chugged the most the fastest even though its not regulation, so he doesnt win
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