2024-06-29 at 1:41 PM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
There's something wrong with them for telling an autistic girl not to take any of those red flags seriously when following their advice could result in my death. And they know I have the mind of a child.
Not happy someone who doesn't care about boundaries knows which area I live. Also like going back to sleep but I shouldn't.
2024-06-29 at 11:14 AM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
Threatening to bring Bradley to where I live to find me isn't nice and idc about excuses that he was drunk, I'm taking that seriously because he thought about it.
2024-06-29 at 11:09 AM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
I've seen enough red flags and just want it to be clear to you that you'll never see me again and I don't want you to message me.
2024-06-29 at 10:34 AM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
I'm just sorry for saying about the mental health assessment but feel it was necessary so people know why I'm too spooked to go outside.
2024-06-29 at 2:01 AM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
I can't accept that someone loves me if they wouldn't go as far as my dad would or I would.
2024-06-29 at 12:21 AM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
I'm not joining the Telegram because I care about my mental health but I will if someone buys me a Botox gift card.
2024-06-28 at 11:21 PM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
I'm also concerned because the smut book's plot is about stalking so am worried he thinks I want to be stalked. I bought this book for different trigger warnings.
2024-06-28 at 11:11 PM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
Anyway Donald you're never going to see me again. Stay out of my inbox.
2024-06-28 at 11:11 PM UTC
Donald needs to take a hint
Oh yeah there was also his post asking if anyone wanted to fake knife fight him here. I suspect that was aimed at me because I've posted here a desire to stab people. Then the changing his story about the videos of me, changing from there being several, just one, one of my face, none of my face, that he deleted them etc.