At sea, came upon another ship, I think my crew were in trouble. They were Asians and went about torturing all my crew. Then I turned back time to save them, I had to take the blame for something and shoot myself in the head. Somehow I was still alive and planning a revolt. Jump to, that ginger guy from highschool, I was doing his skincare, we were both silent, think I was trying to distract him from something. Planting trees, the uniform was too big for me but it didn't matter because I was wearing a custom one as my disguise. That place again, a small secret garden with birds and granite sculptures.
Did Racket message anyone else? I noticed in the poll they didn't show up with all Scron's alts.
People known for being vindictive are less likely to be victimised. Ig I should leave it to the third conversation though...
2024-05-20 at 6:03 PM UTC
Sophie: Where are you?
Can you imagine Mik's reaction when he found out I was leaving our psycho BDSM relationship bcus I was more interested in a pedo. I bet his apathetic mask cracked.
I feel like staying indoors with a pile of books today which is great because I have a lot to catch up on.
I hate the sun, I feel like I have to stay indoors all day when it's out.
I've decided to only date irl from now on and am wondering if I should just let them believe I'm whatever it is I project instead of letting them know me, because I can always just be myself online.
May 19, 2024 - The intensity of the day could work for you in one of two ways, Virgo. You can either be depressed and weighed down by the intense emotionalism that's likely to well up, or you can take this incredible intensity and put it to good use. The choice is yours. Realize that any action you take is going to be highly charged with feelings. Likewise, others will be extra sensitive about any move you make.
I had a normal day I woke up at 2pm, went to the beach, had a picnic in the garden with my cat, SH'd, masturbated, snorted research chemicals, went out to the garden again to study chemistry and take selfies, went to bed to listen to an audiobook and hypnosis. Now idk what to do.
I will be there in three weeks. If you don't come out I will take your friend. I have scheduled this for during my PMS so this will happen.
I just discovered peach flavoured Monster now I'll never get off this stuff.
2024-02-10 at 6:09 PM UTC
The Witcher
Stretch marks occur when you gain weight too quickly.
2024-02-10 at 5:33 PM UTC
The Witcher
It's not even a money issue she always buys my niece things and said that everyone loves their grandchildren more than their children.
2024-02-10 at 5:31 PM UTC
The Witcher
My mum said I ruined her life. She's never once given me money. Only gifts are on my bday and Christmas but I can tell she doesn't want to give me anything. She'll say she's not getting me presents anymore then change her mind. I don't think it's normal for someone not to want to buy their child things. Some people shouldn't have children.
2024-02-10 at 5:01 PM UTC
The Witcher
My family don't want me to have children tbh.
2024-02-10 at 4:55 PM UTC
The Witcher
Why do care so much about your genes existing in the future when you won't be there?