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Posts by What_a_Kreep

  1. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    So, I figure most of us are within the same age group (not that it really matters just makes it a little more relatable). What are some nostalgic things from your younger days? Not just tv shows and music but maybe actual places or activities as well. I'll start off with just a few. I watched a lot of TV but didn't get cable till I was older so I watched the same four channels basically, WB, FOX, UPN, and ABC. UPN? Remember that? Before BET. Riding the school bus and not getting home till 4PM cuz I was the 2nd to last stop. "One Saturday Morning" which was early Saturday morning cartoons on ABC. I remember a show about Science. Science court? I watched a thing called TGIF every Friday night as a kid also, a series of about 4 family comedies that I thought were so funny at the time but sort of cheezy and lame humor when I look back now.

    RC cola for me as well. I liked soda so much, I would have a couple a day. My parents hid it from me in their closet and I remember sneaking in and getting some. (lol, early signs of addiction?).

    Playing fugitive and hide and seek outside in the dark. Rollerblades. Rollerblades were significantly cooler than skates. Buying pokemon cards in the lil packs at Walmart. I wish I would have kept mine. I found a few not too long ago, holographic and one even in Japanese. I remember thinking I was gonna be so rich one day. Giga pets and tamagatchis. Used to love those so much, I got an app recently that was the same thing and I was "God, how did I ever find this entertaining". Burning CD's. (Using Kazzaa to download music). My first cell phone I got when I was 13 that had no caller ID and you had to pull an antenna up.

    Getting lunch detention. I remember thinking I was so cool because I listened to "punk" rock. (all kinds from The Casualties and Rancid to more poppy stuff like Blink 182). I also dressed ridiculous in 7th and 8th grade. Plaid pants and lots of black. Doc martins and fishnets etc. Music taste not so embarrassing but looking back at my "Hot Topic" phase I guess one would call it, I'd be lying if I didn't face palm. But whatever, I doubt many 12-14 year olds have the greatest fashion sense.

    Idk, just in a nostalgic kind of mood. lol, my first car. Red pontiac grand am. What a piece of shit lol. Using MSN messenger but not really having any friends so pretending to be offline every time I logged in. Making a myspace for the first time at my friends house and saying "Hey look I already have a friend" (It was Tom).

    Anyone else feeling nostalgic? Maybe just a story from your younger days?
  2. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    holy nostalgia! I just youtubed undergrads and I remember this show now. Wow. Wasn't it on MTV before MTV became god awful? I remember another show MTV used have that was a cartoon that I always liked, it had these two spies in it and it was pretty funny. Kind of like Archer. We should all start a nostalgia thread.
  3. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    One flew over the coocoo's nest with Jack Nicklson I believe? I remember watching the movie in high school psychology class. I think it was a book first but I never read it. And undergrads? I never heard of it Roshambo, I just googled it though and I am a fan of adult of animation such as Archer and South Park.
  4. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    At first I didn't think he had a chance but he trumped (no pun intended) the Nevada Caucus. I think Iowa too. He was just in my city a few days ago and thousands went to go see him. I don't care for him too much but idk what it is I still think he'd be better than Hilary. She just seems evil to me. Like she has some hidden agenda. And she is NO feminist in my eyes. I don't think she gives a shit about equality for women or anything to do with women issues. It's really too bad we can't come up with a better Republican than what is the line up this election. I would like to see Sanders win but realistically I don't know if he has a chance.
  5. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I also plan to make some fried chicken while i drink beer and watch my favorite tv shows on my ipad. Just try to think of things u used to enjoy before you did drugs.
  6. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I'm sorry roshambo, I know it's tough coming down like that. Since you lost your weed connect my suggestion is alcohol. I'm coming down of a 5/6 day adderall binge today. The best thing for me is snack food i love, beer, and relaxation along with good sleep. Take a bath with epsolm salts, watch tv or read a book. Hope you do alright man, withrawls/coming down sux.
  7. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    So I wrote a really long post, and then my browser crashed and erased it. So now this is all you get. The short answer is that there's no way Sanders will win and most people could tell that from the beginning. The short reason why is because he doesn't have enough money, and his major source of revenue (The Democratic Party) will run candidates who will reliably serve their interests over good candidates who might actually win. Case in point, they managed to run John Kerry against Bush in 2004, which would have been an easy win considering his approval rating at the time if they would have picked someone better. Kerry had an inconsistent voting history as a senator, was a horrible speaker, not nearly photogenic enough, and not media savvy enough. Hillary is similar. She can't live down the email scandal, she isn't photogenic, she's clearly a overachieving egomaniac who can barely contain her glee at all of this newfound positive attention without constantly giving foot-in-mouth sound bytes like an overstimulated child (which is cringey to watch), she's enslaved to corporate interests, she lives in the shadow of her husband, and she'll never live down the email scandal. Also, anybody who says that The Affordable HealthCare Act "is one of the best achievements by The Democratic Party in history" should just fucking kill themselves.

    That's why the party was blocking Sanders' access to data that put him at an advantage to beat Hillary earlier this year. Sure, he did all this dick-waving about running as an independent candidate, but he knew he couldn't.

    I've been saying it since this started. Trump is going to win if he doesn't lose interest in the race or have some kind of faux pas. I'm not exactly thrilled about it, but these elections are always very predictable and anyone who understands sociology can see the winner typically about a year and a half in advance. Trump will exacerbate racial tensions in the United States beyond what they already are, will improve the economy, and will give us a better relationship with Russia but a worse relationship with China and Mexico.

    Are you voting for Trump? I personally if I could vote would vote for Sanders. Even though I tend to lean more towards Republicans. I didn't take too good of a look at the other Republican candidates this year on the account of not being able to vote but Jeb Bush stuck out to me as a good candidate, despite what certain people may think of his brother. Rubio was interesting to me, but I something about him that I just don't think he would be the right man for the job. God I can't stand Hilary Clinton.

    But, who are you voting for EZ?
  8. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Depends on the drug. Must be watersoluble. Serotonergics often cause nausea which can be prevented by plugging because it bypasses the stomach. I've done all kinds of drugs anally and it's pretty nice.

    Upload some pictures of your asshole so I can give you further instructions.

    So, I did it with 30mg of ms contin. Worked very well. Pretty much the only way to take it cuz thye're ER and at first tried to shoot it. It was all gel like and no good for the veins. I still tried it but only once. After that is when I plugged 30mg. Also, I was shooting adderall instant release (enhancemented well) Used to not do anything but tried it again and for some reason this time was different. It worked great. I loved it. But after day 3 or so of addy binge it wasn't doing anything again, total waste actually and my arm was hurting from not being able to hit. So, I plugged 60mg of adderall and holy shit. I was spun. So, I have found that this ROA is my new 2nd favorite way. Especially for morphine...which I hope I can get some more of soon.
  9. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    So, I remember this thread used to be a sticky on RDFRN and I really enjoyed it. Post what you are having or plan to have for dinner. Pics would be awesome but not a necessity. So, I guess I'll start it off. I picked a boring night to start this thread but I been thinking about it for about a week now and I just thought fuck it.
    So, because of the recent adderall binge all weekend I can't handle too much. My bf and I made some mashed up potatoes (my first time, i usually by instant mashed) and I had leftover baked chicken I made for lunch.

    Chicken baked in olive oil, black pepper, seasoning salt, cayenne pepper, and paprika. Basted it then after 20 min. of cooking rebasted it. Let the 2 chicken thighs cook about 40 min at 350....I let i overcook D: it wasn't too bad though. And then some steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots.

  10. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    isn't a cuck someone who lets u fuck their wife?
  11. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    HP Lovecraft? nice, I really like his work. great american author. There's a really interesting documentary on him on for free to watch.
  12. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I have 2 nieces and four nephews. Needless to say I have babysat on numerous occasions.
  13. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Actor, you always seem to bring up very interesting and unique questions. That said, I don't think I could accomplish this task. Lol. What if someone actually did it but then it broke inside them. I wonder if you could feel the eggshells.
  14. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I've decided to quit gabapentin. It's been about three days without it and I feel fine. Maybe one day I'll feel the need for it again but as of now I'm good without it. It caused me to be extremely hostile as well, found out later that hostility is a common side effect.

    On a different note, does anyone have experience plugging drugs? Of course IV is the ROA of choice but sometimes it's not possible. I've heard mixed things. Like, it's better than oral, same as oral, not worth the trouble, amazing, didn't work at all. Anyone have experiences here they'd be willing to share?
  15. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I have tiny hands
  16. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    My friend says you're a dumbass kek and that's a vertical forgrip. He said you don't know shit.

    It's so funny that you were ripping on me for that and then it turns out that you just don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you could edit the pic you made so it's actually correct. I mean, you were saying how that was the main issue and then it turns out it was you just not knowing what part of the gun it was. I can't get over how funny that is.
  17. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Im implying that you look like an idiot in that picture to anyone who actually knows a thing or two about guns.

    Uhm, I texted him and he said I was holding the forgrip. Uhm, are you saying that while holding that gun I was not supposed to be holding the forgrip?
  18. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Uhm, I texted him and he said I was holding the forgrip. Uhm, are you saying that while holding that gun I was not supposed to be holding the forgrip?
  19. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Ok well, I just asked my friends where to hold it and that's where they said. Yes, we are in a house, that's where the guns were. I mean, I think that you're really over reacting. I don't know a lot about guns, I've made that clear. Yes, I do think guns are cool. My friend asked, "you wanna hold it?" I said sure, I mean why not? He told me how to hold it then snapped the picture. Are you implying that I should have said "no" ? My friend is very smart with gun safety as far as it being not loaded safety on don't point it at anyone etc. And later that week we went out shooting and used all those guns that were on the bed and we were safe and we were responsible. He's been around guns his whole life and introduced that to me.

    EDIT: he told me to hold it there because that's where you're supposed to. It's a vertical foregrip.
  20. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Had to take one this semester so I chose psychology since it's the least gay and I figured I might meet a girl who'd be willing to introduce me to her younger sister. Anyway, it's been awkward as hell. Every day I walk in wearing my sunglasses and trench coat, carrying my Thinkpad W520 under my arm. As I sit down at the back of the class and slam my 6lb beast on the desk, I see the macfags tremble with fear and start muttering about how I triggered their PTSD. Girls point and giggle but I just stare autistically at the whiteboard and play around with python scripts until the lecture is over, then leave quietly.

    The class itself is dumb and I haven't learned anything that I couldn't have just read on wikipedia, which is in fact a credible source, university has taught me this

    What were the other choices? Did it have to be a social science? As far as social sciences I think the favorite class I have ever taken is political science. If you are more technology based, how come you didn't choose a class that wasn't your major but somewhere in the same realm? I'm a journalism major but I needed some extra classes to fill my schedule so I could get my student loans so I took a computer science class.

    Unless I'm way off base and you only have a small choice of what you have to take. Like in highschool. I just assumed you were talking about college which usually gives you a lot more options.
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