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Posts by What_a_Kreep

  1. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nigger Nintendo 80s is just the theme of the bar, they even have songs from the 50s.

    lol, I wouldn't picture you as someone who is into Karaoke. I've never been to a karoke bar, I've seen karoke night showcased at a regular bar but I wasn't paying attention to that. I was too busy playing KnuckleQuarters.

    You slide quarters on a table really hard and fast towards the your friend who has their knuckles laid on the table. As thw $3.00 a pitcher of pbr flowed that night I felt good about my life decisions.

    Also, I must know: Have you ever sang at this bar before? Are you a re-occurring performer?
  2. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai There are 2 strategies, which result in 4 outcomes based the predictor's decisions and yours. 2 of those outcomes are likely, 2 unlikely. Of the 2 that are likely, one nets $1000000 and one nets $1000. Simply choose the strategy for the outcome that is both likely and nets the most.

    Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

    This may sound odd but do you also go by the name physchoManTits?
  3. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked Am very drunkfight me

  4. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Subliminal DeNile
  5. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nile At work or live in a Walmart?

    *genuine lol*
    At home, it's Saturday yo! And the fan at my desk at work is much nicer than the one on my nightstand.

    Also, I can't tell if that would be a brilliant idea for a homeless person to do this for a night of sleeping indoors or if instant regret would kick in once they realize that the lights don't turn off and you're locked in until morning.
  6. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Spezmose Sounds like white Americans are trying to a sweep or false claim of "I don't hate blacks" with all of their more serious black hate talks.

    Oh you must not know, they have a black friend, so it's cool.
  7. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nile Maaan fuck. Don't even get me started. Mind reading is against the Law.

    These fuckers would Play lol.

    Sucks being seen and chosen.

    Whatever. We all got a part to Play.

    I am equal parts confused, intrigued, and aroused.
  8. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nile Indeed. It attracts attention. Seriously.

    Even using this I see activity rise around me. It's a bit perturbing.

    Better to relinquish, and make do without. But I'll prob get one again. Not yet.

    then what the heck are you speaking to us from ? a fax machine?
  9. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nigger Nintendo Contemplating killing myself

    Well, my first reaction is that you are not serious but posting edgy stuff..but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't say something.

    You should definitely not kill yourself. And Lanny made me Queen B Mod of all Niggas, it was a private ceremony due to COVID, I'm sure you understand. and I forbid you to kill yourself.
  10. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nile Wait wat? That's fucked up. Why would that even come up? Was pickles mom A super bitch?

    we were all so young when this rumor came out, 7th grade is 12/13 years old. At the time I accepted this story as 100% true no questions asked.

    Probably told her friends this very embarrassing thing and they subsequently spread the word faster than you can say trauma.

    What's so crazy is how long it stuck. I mean she wasn't really bullied (maybe in the beginning) but everyone knew the name and knew why. It was more like people saying "hey what up pickles?" while laughing which does not even compare to the true hell I witnessed some of the other kids get.

    I got the impression she was kind of slow too, she wasn't an asshole though. We had some mutual friends and I think we walked the track in PE together a couple of times around Sophomore year. She was in the group of girls that wore FOX tshirts, had fake tans, & blonde hair with black dyed underneath. All her girlfriends were very attractive. She sort of looked like a sickly frog with an eating disorder. I'm not saying that to be mean I'm saying that so you can get an accurate picture of what she looks like.

    I guess I got lucky cuz I peed my pants in class in 2nd grade and I literally never heard about it again. Not even the next day from any other kids. 2nd grade is still pretty young though.
  11. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Nile Ffs
    pop a chill pill with that jim bean.

    Originally posted by Solstice I masturbate with pickles too
    Is it sexist and/or homophobic that if you're a male I'd be more grossed out. Also, why a pickle Ericka? You know before a pickle is pickled it is a cucumber. That might be a more acceptable piece of vegetable to use for penetration you stupid 12 year old.

    FYI: In prison the lesbian couples would get a "BIG PICKLE" from canteen and then put it in a rubber glove and then use it to fuck their girlfriend. Wow, what a world amirite
  12. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    I'm a few whiskeys deep so I think I may need an instruction manual or a man to ELI5 what this request is.

    I was initially confused because if you desire a custom user name, can't you just create a new handle.

    But then I thought maybe it's different than a handle what he's talking about. I.E. Grylls has Cum Looking Faggot under his handle, is this the area that shall be bestowed or am I getting even further off track?

    Ohhh, I get it now I think. Like how you can't come up with nickname yourself IRL, you need a group of friends (or at least one bully) to don you with this title.

    Hmmm...I want to give a good answer brb while I look at some of your previous post so I can bestow you genuinely and accurately.
    okay one quick story before i go:

    Lol this girl ERIKA_REDACTED in like 7th grade supposedly got caught masturbating with a pickle by her mom or someone in her family and I swear to god they called her pickle until Senior Year. lol. Now that I look back, if she was caught by her mom, how did everyone at school find out?

    A)She told a couple of close friends as a crazy story. She had to one up that bitch Kimmy who had just shared she gave Jovi a blowjob during theater production after he offered her a PEPSI from the vending machine.<--that actually happened, the girls weren't friends or anything and the events took place years a part but I thought it worth mentioning.

    B)Her mom told all her friends to embarrass her further. God, i hope that's not true. There's a lot of shit moms in this area so I wouldn't even be that shocked.
  13. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    The sound of a Walmart boxfan blowing my way. The keys are clicking in an ever so quietly and I am debating to either put on music or a documentary to add to the background noise.
  14. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    just stick with adderralif you actually want to retain any information and get an impressive amount of work accomplished.

    Other stims are the worst for learning complex things that take real critical thinking.

    You think I'm gonna remember how to learn a entire new programming method when I can't even find where I put my airpods and how did I open 45 tabs and not actually look at any of them.

    OMG there was this crazy Scientology backed anti-drug campaign "the truth about drugs" and it was just a cornucopia of misinformation. They're tv promo for meth starts out like "I started using meth to stay up and study for college" yeah more like "stay up late to do an obscene amount of masturbation"
  15. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Vodka? Are you picking up the kids from soccer practice afterwords?

    I mean drink whatever I'm just fucking with you.

    I drink Whiskey only now, everything else just seems unnecessary tbh.

    I may have the better taste in liquor but you could probably out drink me.

    I can't talk shit about another type of booze being 'inferior' and less 'manly' when you could probably totally out drink me.

    Also, why do so many people not know what trash angels are? You lay on the trash covered carpet as if it is the snow covered ground and you spread your arms and legs straight out & then up and down. The same you would for a snow angel.

    God, people don't appreciate their trash anymore man.

    EDIT: Due to grammar error if someone else did I'd judge.
  16. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by DrugSmuggler The only “weak minded” around here are you idiots who argue back and forth over crap you’ll never convince anyone is fact….the sad truth is you’re ALL foolin yourself into believing the tripe you post means anything to anyone.

    Forget trump
    The only losers are you fools


    Originally posted by POLECAT So you can’t leave your house in California after 10 PM now because you might give someone Covid.

    But you can legally and intentionally transmit HIV to someone unbeknownst to them anytime.

    California is such a wonderful place

    Does California not have felony prostitution ? If you sell your body while knowingly having HIV it's a felony charge where I live. I knew a girl in prison who had that as her charge. She said she didn't know she had it but she still got the charge. Apparently she was having sex with her pimp, naturally. But he was also having lots of unprotected sex with other men, naturally.

    If you are not referring to prostitution but casual sexual encounters where someone intentionally transmits HIV to an unknowingly victim...I feel like there's not a law in any state that punishes transmitting STDs.

    "You gave me Chlymadedia? Oh you are so going to Jail!" I mean isn't having unprotected sex that leads to transmission of STDS happening in more that just California?
  17. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Donald Trump
    What metaverse? VR fucking sucks and will always suck. It's cool for 10 minutes, then you realise how shitty and inferior it feels. It's great to see some greedy jedi nerd throwing his money away on some stupid pipe dream (which looks exactly like the above - happiest moment in Zuckerberg's abomination of a life).

    I played this VR game that ended up being a huge disappointment. I was expecting to put on the glasses and have complex and futuristic game play. It was just one game, there's a bunch of unimpressive looking bad guys that swarm you and in order to kill them you had do a vigorous slashing motion with the wands you were holding, respawn and repeat. You remember in MORROWIND on the first Xbox when you had to go kill those beetle/crab things to get your points up but for some reason the hit wasn't registering so you'd have to do it over and over again. Like, video games are supposed to be fun not frustrating, I might as well have tried to do Algebra.
  18. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny You should text her and be like "you're an ugly hoe, but you might not be so unattractive if you started posting on again"

    I'm told this strategy is highly effective in making women do what you want.

    Darn it Lanny, you know women. Most men don't know women, but you get it.
  19. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny this is exhibit W why women shouldnt be involved in politics and be given the rights to vote.

    the tally-buns are right and wise.

    Originally posted by Meikai Pictured, the average centrist intellectually soaring above the unclean masses of wingcucks:

    It's true. We are an enlightened breed. Centrism is to politics what atheism is to religion. We are free from the dogmas of party lines, unbeholden to any particular creed beyond rational and pragmatic politics. We are the peacemakers - blessed - and the diplomats who must form and lead actual coalitions.

    "We are also very humble"
  20. What_a_Kreep Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny "tara, stop asking uncle jamal to scratch you there !"

    ^^Said Uncle Jamal loudly as he gropes his niece"

    "No I will not make out with you Tara!"
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