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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sophie My native language is Dutch, so Gaelic is very foreign to me. Even though i am naturally talented when it comes to language. I speak a couple of them, although when it comes to Gaelic that might be an impediment. Or it would just seem that way because i have never made a serious effort to learn it. It'd be cool to know though.

    Which languages do you speak?
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Rn the second language in Ireland is Polish.
  3. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sophie I've heard it before by another Irish band of which i have forgotten the name unfortunately.

    Anyway, i think it's pretty cool The Irish kept their own language.

    It’s dying tbh, even in Gaeltacht areas they speak English and there’s different types of it being taught in schools so parents can’t understand their children. I used to be near fluent but have forgotten most of it since I’ve had no one to talk with in it.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Conversion = brainwashing
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley I don't, they keep a bitch in they place and uphold a 1500 year religion that advocates expansion.

    Can't hate that if that's what their book "TaLkiNg oN dA pHonE wIt AlLaH" says.

    It's our fault for not making another crusade or at the very least putting up a front. Trump tried it, makes me wonder why it didn't go through.

    This is why I blocked you.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    I think I need to make some change tbh because my daily planner has every hour and I don’t like seeing that I’ve been doing some of the same things for years and it’s boring. I used to go to ballet irl but don’t feel up for it anymore. I’m thinking I’ll go to the library more often or build a garden shed/coffee shop so I have somewhere to go at night.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    I have either indoor days or outdoor days I can’t do both. An indoor day would be remote learning, spamming people on discord, a quick walk to the shop for food/monster, house chores, ballet with ENB at home, 7-10pm watch a movie with someone online/talk with people, bedtime listen to an audiobook or hypnotherapy.

    During lockdown a normal day would be going for a hike or to the beach, studying, reading, picnic in the back garden in the evenings and some creative stuff like making my own jigsaw puzzles. You can just print off pictures and glue them to cardboard like that from a cereal box.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Been wondering if killing people is just the universe giving itself a haircut.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    I’ve been wondering what it means that music can move us, if we are just kinetic energy vibrating/moving. I’m confused about what an observer is and what all depends on it.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Don’t hit on people in the food pantry? Don’t talk a lot?
  11. Kafka sweaty
    I think mine would be someone who could be in two places at once.

    I used to have these dreams I was an enchanter and could go to these parallel worlds through underground tunnels. A witch was after my soul/codes and I ended up selling it to her, she said I would be alive but no longer an enchanter. Sometimes I like to think it was real and this is just one of the parallel worlds.
  12. Kafka sweaty
    Green tea doesn’t taste nice only drink it when I’m having a panic attack in public. Straight to cafe Nero.
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Solstice Nah, I honestly don't get much sleep-related fatigue, mine has always been caused by depression. When I'm depressed enough I can sleep like 12+ hours in a day and end up feeling like I only got a few hours.

    Kafka, have you ever tried krattom? It's really cheap, and helps a lot of people with energy and fatigue problems. Definitely not everyone's thing, but it works well for me.

    No but I’ll look it up thanks.
  14. Kafka sweaty
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Tyrant I don't get it.

    Duck was watching from the edge of the room, with Kingfisher who was idly writing in a notebook with a bored expression upon her face.

    Which part? She said without moving her eyes or attention.

    Tunas being mammals. I don't follow. Of course they're not.

    Of course, she said. She began to doodle on the bottom right corner of her notebook. But you kind of just say that don't you?

    Again, I don't follow. Duck leaned back in his seat. I know what a mammal is. I know what a Tuna is. I know the two are not the same.

    Have you thought that you might just be strongly convinced of it?

    Well the best we can ever do is be very convinced that something is true, yeah? Duck scratched his chin. But I'm very, very convinced that a mammal is one type of thing and a Tuna, a fish, is another.

    Right. She had begun to sketch a small image of a sort of peaked domed shape. What would it take for you to be convinced otherwise?

    Something would have to be very wrong with our knowledge of tune, I suppose. He scooted his chair away, then angled it towards her.

    Let's say it's not: Tuna work the way we think they do. She had begun to repeat the shape beside itself at a slightly offset angle. What would it take for you to be convinced that a Tuna and a mammal might be the same thing in some way?

    I don't know, he said with a resigned tone. I don't even know if that's possible but clearly… He gestured vaguely at the room and then laughed.

    Read the transcript, said Kingfisher. The shapes had been repeated into a circle, forming the petals of a flower.

    I was there for the debriefing, I heard it all, Duck said.

    Read the transcript. She had begun to draw the top of the shape between the gaps of the first layer. Think about it a couple times, read it all.

    And what am I supposed to find at the end? What's the revelation? Duck looked away as he began losing interest in the fruitless conversation.

    Kingfisher had filled in more petals. She gave the flower a winding stem and leaves.

    Well, Duck… She began to shade it with parallel lines, implying a light from below. You know when people sometimes say "you had to be there"?

    Yeah? He checked his wristwatch and began to gather up his briefcase.

    Well you were there. She put down her pen and closed her notebook. The gun wasn't discharged and Tuna aren't mammals. Right?

    Yeah, he said glancing back at her as he stood up to leave. The gun not being discharged, Tuna being mammals… he was convinced not to destroy the Germinal. I get that part. But a Tuna being a mammal…

    How have you experienced the opposite in your life, generally? She said, with her elbow on the back of her chair. You know, a Tuna not being a mammal.

    I don't generally experience Tuna very much in my life, he said and then with a smile: they don't really taste like a mammal.

    What does "a mammal" taste like? She asked.

    Like chicken, he chuckled.

    It’s good. What are you writing about what genre is it?
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I'm not familiar with that one…is that an extra sad face or something else?

    It’s just a sad face with the letter c so it’s not changed into an emoji
  17. Kafka sweaty

  18. Kafka sweaty
    Is he really eating shit wtf
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I abhor the idea of "turning to" a drug like I have been clean off various shit for years but don't consider that a virtue and would be willing to take anything at any time

    Hard drugs to me are a tool like a hammer, I don't think it's a good idea to take any kind of strong drugs or medicines for long periods of time unless you require it to live

    maybe you can get modafinil I am trying to find some myself and am starting an investment group to procure an industrial lab to make it cheaply available to anyone in north america but that's a bit down the road

    It’s this stuff
  20. Kafka sweaty
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