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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    So like I haven’t been talking about him because he knows about this place. I can’t go back and I blocked him because he’d never send an apology, but yeah that’s what I’m thinking about.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    I don’t want to be awake
  3. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by A College Professor i was at a shopping mall type place sitting on a bench with my brother where we had been sitting for quite some time shooting the shit, when a latina came up ( i think she was a janitor ) and sassed me saying that we cant just be hanging out on the bench all day, what do we think this is a gym or something? ( she was implying i go lounge around at the gym instead of working out ) and i was taken aback and i downright snapped at her ( CUSS WARNING ) and i said "fuck you, motherfucker" ( i know right, how classy ) and then i thought about beating her up but i didnt even though it would have been easy because shes a woman and then I left and was feeling a bit of dread like DANG IT, I WAS WEARING A COMPANY WORK SHIRT you know because she could metoo me and call my boss and say im bad but anyway then i wandered all over the place looking for my car it was like a really big place so there was lots of parking areas and it was hella confusing i was taken aback

    That sounds real
  4. Kafka sweaty
    I don’t know where I read this about blind beggars being happy in love because they couldn’t see what the other looked like.

    Not being able to read is my worst nightmare so I’d have to find someone to read to me. I think an imagination is necessary for survival, not only for dealing with blindness but life in general.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Get the naughty librarian style glasses…(even though they didn't work for me)

    I'm not getting glasses, my eyes would probably be worse if I'd worn the ones they gave me. I just kept them in my pocket in case I needed to see something far away.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I guess I wouldn't have a problem dating ugly bitches no more.

    But seriously I have a 9mm so would probably use it (assuming I still had enough sight to accurately shoot myself in the head..a near miss would just result in making me rere…moreso than already).

    I wouldn't do that because emotions can affect your vision as well.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ Did the glasses correct your vision, hence why you said you needed them in the past?

    I definately needed glasses but the ones they gave me seemed like the wrong ones, made me strain my eyes. Then eventually I didn't need them. I do this thing where I focus on one spot at a time, your vision is never clear 100% of the time but yeah I haven't needed glasses in years. A strong bright light is important as well so I think I'll spend the day outside tomorrow.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Worried because my vision is blurry rn, worse in my left eye. In the past I needed glasses and if I held out my hand it would be blurry, couldn't read stuff at the other side of my room, but that went away, I'd have a lot of periods where it'd be clear and I didn't need glasses anymore. It's probably computer eyes.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    Disgusted but not surprised that “Ukrainian girl” is trending on Pornhub
  10. Kafka sweaty
    I had a bad dream about a house. There was a family living there in the 70s and they all wore these weird coats so neighbours would stay away, leather trench coats, they were all chubby and had those weird haircuts you know like blonde with a fringe? They didn't want people to know they'd found these new bugs in the garden.

    Jump to Victorian times, a long driveway to the house and an autistic boy in a horse-drawn carriage. The man driving the carriage is slender and sinister, keeps looking back at him. The boy is disturbed and hides in the bathtub, then he's found tied up in the bathtub and murdered.

    Jump to today and I live there. Start noticing my friends who are paid to play with me are turning into bugs. The army comes to evacuate us, then the house is nuked and I saw this.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Thanks for making it clear I should leave
  12. Kafka sweaty
    You all deserve each other
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley What's dat about?

    I don’t want to give spoilers it’s better not knowing
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Yeah Let's get back OT, what is everyone doing? I'm making a cheese sammich.

    Someone suggest something mind blowing to watch. Something real good like Zeitgeist.

    I'm in the mood.

    Lost Highway
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Wish you’d all stop just going in circles
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by DontTellEm No he doesn’t go to church. Neither do you.

    I'd go to light candles for people so they feel cared for but yeah, I can't listen to any more brainwashing when I'm looking for freedom.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley I've found it somewhat cathartic when I have done it in the past. Like a brand new slate ready to be covered in Cocaine & regret.

    Do you go to church?
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Solstice I always found the concept of confession kind of strange because how could a person have the right to forgive you in the name of God? I feel like if a person is religious they should be comfortable making those amends to their god themselves without needing a middle man.

    It's really you are forgiving yourself.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    One time in Peterborough I was coked up and felt a need to confess my sins for once, so I went to the cathedral. They said they didn't do confessions because it was the church of England but a priest sat and prayed with me.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Actually, I was angry about a few things and felt that I couldn’t vent about them, so I vented about this instead. It’s something I don’t want to happen, a warning, a kindness, aimed at anyone it could apply to in future.
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