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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Solstice I'm racist and mean and bigoted to people who deserve it, of which there are many. I'm also nice and polite and kind to people who deserve it, of which there are fewer each day.

    I couldn't give a fuck less what the collective female hivemind thinks of the way I act on an anonymous internet forum and am not sure why I'm even indulging any of you with attention or replies.

    You realise, that you having a bad view of women before speaking with me and also being suspicious of the story of how I found this places means that you were in fact paranoid and distrusting of me all along and so you're a hypocrite and nothing you say matters? I didn't read your post history because I don't give a fuck about you baby.
  2. Kafka sweaty
  3. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by frala Lol such a mess. Up in here telling all these people how awful they are and acting like it’s not worth it to be nice to people bc you might get your feelings hurt. Like people (Tech for example) on this forum haven’t been nice to you and you haven’t told them to fuck off. The actual fuck.

    While he’s RACIST
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Solstice Backstabbing would involve sharing personally confided information, or pictures, or other things you entrusted someone with. This is just me making observations about your general behavior and the way you seem to treat and talk to people.

    You're just a shitty person, and I think you're well aware of that and it probably hurts seeing other people come to the same conclusion and spell it out so clearly for you. Work on it if you don't like it.

    And like I said, I attempted to respond on Discord but you blocked me immediately like a child, and you wouldn't have opened the PM. If you thought I was just going to slink off quietly into the night after being shit on by someone who I was nothing but nice to then you're wrong.

    I am whatever you say I am if I wasn't then why would I say I am
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Solstice You claim you aren't a judgemental person and flat out used me telling you about my autism to discredit me entirely as a person. I never asked you anything personal or pried for information, I attempted to have very basic and normal adult conversations with you and you just respond with an emoji with no context like a 16 year old. You wouldn't even tell me what you major in because your paranoid ass thought I would track down the school that offers it and stalk you or fuck up your life somehow.

    You're the one who initiated PMs with me and gave me your Discord first and told me several times that I wasn't a bad person to talk to. I did my best to check in with you and give you an outlet when I knew you were going through a tough time because that's the kind of person I am and you seemed nice.

    Now of course I see you're just another run of the mill neurotic bitch who projects all of her insecurities onto others and will never mature or grow.

    Get off yourself, you aren't special or unique or interesting, and were an absolute waste of my time to message at all. Good fucking riddance.

    I'd have said this all to you in private on Discord if you hadn't done the typical 16 year old girl maneuver of sending a nasty message and then blocking me before I could respond, and I know you wouldn't open my PM if I sent one so here we are.

    Fuck you too.

    Maybe I didn’t trust you because of this kind of backstabbing you could have PM’d me die off.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Solstice People might talk to you more if you were a bit less paranoid and judgemental of everyone. It's difficult to have any kind of conversation with you, no offense.

    I found it hard to talk with you because of your autism and didn’t want to share much because I didn’t trust you. There’s your weird vibes.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    You don’t find yourself you invent yourself.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Hey I'm all these things, except pinochle>chess

    And I "was" an addict?

    But idc I got a girl, and desperation for friends really is never good.

    Work on yourself and friends will come.

    Or shoot heroin everyday for 11 years like me and turn insta-cool like myself. I think it's the professional bass players curse.

    I don’t know why you keep saying that I need to work on myself. I’m not trying to find my identity, I don’t need to be single for a year, I am my final form.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    I just did an all-nighter and don’t know if I should get on with the day or just be a zombie
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo The attraction of discord is that every chat has its own server so someone can have admin privileges? I've never used it, I imagine that's the only benefit but idk why that's important if you're just talking about your feelings uwu

    Cute emojis, easy to upload pics and vids, it’s more like chatting, voice and video calls, mobile app.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    It's almost 4am I need to sleep

  12. Kafka sweaty
    I’m not sane
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by DontTellEm So when I ask questions or say I don’t want u to share too much on the site, I’m just looking out for u. I see the the whole suck my dick lol. Nah I want the best for u, frewn. U were kind to me & I appreciate that.

    That’s good to know, thanks. I didn’t see how talking about that guy here could cause any harm though.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. What is it that u will offer ur friend?

  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo What's tour chess rating?

    Average I think
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I could pass a drug test right now.

    Don’t bother
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Xlite Watch it.

    Yeah the world is shit these days, and its only guna get worse before it gets better.

    My friend and i ate about 300ug each and it made sense to me that we should enter this graveyard near my place while it was still dark. My friend was concerned about evil entities but i assured him that there was none in there.
    So we went in. I was walking in front of my friend and almost walked into a tree because it was so dark.
    I looked down at the ground and noticed an object of unknown origin that appeared to be transforming itself. I heard myself say what the fuck? and then tried to crouch to get a closer look. At this exact moment my friend grabbed my shoulder, turned me around, said lets get the fuck outa here!, and dragged me through what appeared to be a wall of interdimensional stuff. It was colourless and transparent but still completely visible.

    I'm not sure if i went through to somewhere and then he dragged me out. Or if i was where i've always been, and then he dragged me somewhere else.

    That reminds me of a dream I had, on a date with Marilyn in the graveyard, I told her not to pick up this card but she did, then these artworks came out of the ground, a circle of them we were trapped in it, then we were in the 50s and went to the pub.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    You forgot raw egg though, people put it in cocktails.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ POACHED eggs are the worst. Lol. They just are. You're cool but you should consider getting into a new type of egg.

    Tell me why you like a poached egg honestly.

    I like dipping toast soldiers into them, it’s what I eat when I’m sick.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Said no
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