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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Gonna flip a coin if I should go back to him
  2. Kafka sweaty
    So random
  3. Kafka sweaty
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Meikai i dunno. the japanese have the tamaya/butsudan. keeping a household shrine for your dead family is arguably quite normal for humans (generally), it's just maybe a bit out of touch with western socioreligious practices. nothing about what OP said comes across as particularly bad or unhealthy except that she feels it's become obsessive. the actions themselves seem fine tho - just the… fervor… might be unhealthy. 🤷

    when my parents die i might keep a small shrine to them, to remember them by. been thinking about it more lately. i dunno.

    edit: the hair dyeing thing is probably the most weird thing you've done, OP. weird coping mechanism, but it's not that weird really. our parents dying probably *should* fuck us up and make us do weird shit to cope. the fact that you've gotten a bit weird is, ironically, normal?

    Tbh my hair was dyed black for most of my teens and hairdressers say how it’s like my natural colour, it suits me, so there’s that as well but yes it is weird that I want to look more like him.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson My mother (when she had a brain) fancied herself as a Medium.


    My grandparents house was very old and creepy, when I was a kid it was scaring walking around it. My mom told us about her childhood in the house where they saw ghosts and oddities all the time.

    A couple of incidents she related:

    Her bedroom was a hive of activity of a poltergeist nature…the family would be downstairs and they'd be hearing the furniture moving around up in her room, upon inspecting the bed, drawers, wardrobe etc would be moved/on it's side/thrown around the room…this was apparently a regular thing.

    Another one she claimed was six ghostly pallbearers in old 18th/19th century clothing would enter through one wall, walk across the room and exit through the other wall position as if carrying a coffin but not ghostly coffin was present.

    When my grandparents moved out of that house and moved in with us (because they were too old and fucked up to look after themselves) my mom and her friends held a seance in the empty house…naturally me and my brother showed up with chains and making "woooo!" noises through the letterbox but they soon chased us off.

    Anyway they put a cassette recorder in one of the "active" rooms and left it there for a couple of hours..while they did their "thing" in another room..not much happened apparently but when they listened to the tape a piano could be heard playing and children singing.

    …as a side note to this when I was a young fella me lad my mom said "I had the gift" because I take after my moms side. About age 7 we moved into an equally creepy house and I got the scary room as my bedroom. for about a year or more I would suffer terrible nightmares and wake up screaming in the night and when my mom asked me what I saw/dreamed I'd tell her there was a boy hanging from a hook on the back of my bedroom door who would talk shit to me.

    I didn't think anything of that for years until many years later when I was in my 40s (and again while she still had a brain) I said "do you remember those bad dreams I used to get as a kid"…she replied (first time me hearing it!)

    "I know…me and your dad was really scared at the time, the previous owner of the house was an old woman and she used to do illegal abortions in your bedroom so we were thinking you were connecting with some of the dead spirits"

    Wow thanks mom and dad, give me the gateway to hell room and then wonder why I wet the bed.

    ETA: the grand parents house is also where an incident with me "allegedly" occurred..when I was a baby I was in my pram in the back room and a globe of ball lightening came through the window (melting a hole), went to my pram and rotated around the handle several times and then shot across the room into a wall outlet and exploded.

    You have the best stories. I think a ghost could be different things so my thoughts differ:
    External entity existing after death - Unlikely because energy dissipates and I don’t see how someone who didn’t have the strength to hold onto life can have the energy to live after death.
    Entity which was initially manifested internally by a person - Maybe someone’s intense thoughts of a person came to life. Not sure. Could also be hallucinations here.
    Visions - This is what I’m most interested in, that ghosts are really visions of people going about their business in the past, maybe someone has seen the past because of a glitch in reality, but it has to be in the place the past events took place, not witnessed through a crystal ball.
    Poltergeist - I have wondered if it’s really people from the future vandalising the building when things get knocked around.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ Because it was brought up and I'm just engaging in the conversation, I suppose. Idk

    I didn’t see, thought it was random.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson it's hard to tell which ones are telling the truth.

    My friend told me that before she did drugs, in her old house she was sitting in her room when books came flying off her shelf. It does seem strange that so many people have testified to seeing them but it could be just to keep the magic alive. I showed my nephew a photo of a unicorn skull and told him it was real.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ I don't think there are any.

    Like it's just something we think we know, especially after the fact.

    When someone kills themself then we look back and say ohhh, ok, I see now. Now it makes sense. And we just make up reasons to help us cope and understand, pretending to be surprised.

    I think at this point there should be no more surprise. We all have our unique brains and we didn't choose them, and when one of our brains says "you know what, fuck this, I'm out" we should just accept it instead of trying to make it weird.

    Like wooow I can't believe so and so killed themself I wouldn't have ever expected it! We should just accept that it happens to everyone across the board sometimes and for a wide variety of reasons. It doesn't even need to be justified.

    Why is this on your mind? Be honest.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    I think being suddenly happy is a sign. People can become calm suddenly when they’ve made up their mind to do it, because of the relief.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ I wonder how many suicidal people don't give out warning signs. Like a super happy person suddenly dies and you could look back and say, oh I get it, they were pretending to be happy. That makes sense. And that was a warning. Basically if someone is happy, they're probably also suicidal and just pretending. How do you know if a person is genuine happy or pretend happy ?

    Maybe the ones who don’t know anyone. What do you think are warning signs?
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ You were pre determined to say that, anyway. Is anyone worth talking to? It doesn't matter.

    Depends on what you’re looking for.
  12. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ Captain falcon is fun to talk to about that. Sometimes

    Agency and all that

    He’s not worth talking with
  13. Kafka sweaty
    I can feel guilt but don’t because it wouldn’t help anyone, only destroy me, and if people want you to feel guilty then fuck them. I also don’t believe in free will so people can’t be to blame for anything, which makes everyone perfect and loveable, but I don’t have the patience to be understanding toward everyone and don’t want to love people who mistreat me.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Hell, like guilt, or anxiety, or fear, or pain?

    I've had lots of all four in my life, I learned to overcome them all. I admit pain is the worst, it keeps coming, even when you reject it.

    I think anger is hell and was thinking of that specifically. I’m not sure what fear is really, pain can be managed with just your mind unless you’re talking about emotional pain, I have no clue. Hunger can’t really hurt your soul so that seems superficial. What pain are you talking about?
  15. Kafka sweaty
    I’m wondering if hell is just a contagious mind virus that can be cured.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Like he can’t be completely dead if I have his traits and now I’m focused on those.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Ig it’s the having an obsession with a village which is bothering me because it’s ever-changing, that’s too much to take in. I think it’s affecting my identity as well wondering what he would do and that’s giving me a headache.

    Do you believe in ghosts?
  18. Kafka sweaty
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Dick and if I should get plastered
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Lol. U should think about sharing less w the whole site.

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