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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Nile it's not.

    the example i used was just a recent thing so it's the first that comes to mind. but basically things like that happen. like dude, finding shit tickets in the woods when thats exactly what i needed that day is weird.

    the demonic? people repeat things to me that are relevant to my thoughts at that moment, or just say odd things in general. not crazy homeless people mind you, people in new cars, well attired. I've been called king, warrior, lucifer by strangers. one guy at some random frozen lake in ontario walked up and said "the first new moon" just odd shit. took video of them on my phone? deleted. I'm sitting by the water in toronto and get mobbed.

    or when i decided to name whatever dark force thats hovering around me, I chose Kaskitiwow Moskwa, thats black bear in Cree, i pass black bear lake 3 minutes later, in english yes but thats a spooky synchronicity. No map, didn't know that area. somewhere in ontario.

    a man made a one eye gesture at me, putting one hand over his eye and looking at me right after i went crazy and then was getting the shit kicked out of me by heroin dealers who i uhhh tried to convince to make good after ripping me off, i over reacted tbh and kinda deserved the beating, i really went over board lol, junkie lives matter too.

    and the number 33 keeps popping up for me, in a frequency too much to be random, in dice throws, in card draws. when i look at clocks.

    basically things like that constantly happen to me.

    Do you have any mental illnesses? Wym a dark force hovering over you?
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Nile i'd rather talk to a medicine man, if i decided to seek out help. besides the weird demonic shit that manifests, i do get signs from the Creator, in small blessings and such. an example i needed Toilet Paper of all things after i moved into that shitty room i rented, walking through a wooded area the same night i came upon a pristine roll outside. in a really out of the way spot.

    The demonic bullshit that occurs tho, much more powerful. But i consider it a sort of sign that this world is a low place, and it's just easier for those forces to influence outcomes on this plane. The trick is to persevere, Do right, Speak True and die proud, cuz they will seek to destroy you for those traits.

    I can’t tell if this is satire
  3. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by troon Personally, I honestly believe the reason black people are so much different than white people is really simple. For thousands of years white people stopped being hunter gatherers and started to farm and build cities. One of the many effects of cities is being able to get along with many people living close together. Black people missed this important part of history, we are dragging them into civilization when only a few hundred years ago they were as wild or ” savages”. But there are certainly black people that have no problem living in civilized countries and make some of the best citizens, but not all black people are cut out to live in 1st world countries.

    That makes 0 sense living in a city doesn’t affect biology. I think people in cities are more isolated from each other but in a tribe there’s community.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Former fwb just tried phoning me. Texted me saying he hopes I’m okay and he loves me. This is the first I’ve heard from him in three weeks. Idk I’m angry and not gonna be there for him, not gonna reply.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Idk I think it’s messing me up talking with Mik again because some part of me wants things to be normal and healthy like they were but I’m also disgusted and he seems like a different person.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    I’ve definitely relapsed, on my second bottle of vodka this weekend and feel anxious when I run out. I haven’t been an alcoholic in three years. Idek what’s wrong or what to do. I did a lot of cleaning today, went for a walk, listened to hypnosis. I shouldn’t be awake right now though, I should at least be studying but instead I’m watching shows and drinking so something’s wrong. I think I have to isolate myself or something.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    I remember she got me two shots and I never thought that they could be spiked, so spooked about that too.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    I’m a bit shook I didn’t notice that girl was mental sooner, didn’t notice irl. Now I have this icky feeling I had to deal with that. She’s saying I owe her money for the ticket I never asked her to buy me. I haven’t blocked her yet because I haven’t thought of what to say yet. Foh isn’t enough.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ Do you think it would be difficult to be a police officer and essentially not allow your badge and potential authority over others to get to your head?

    Like I would like to BELIEVE that if I hypothetically were a cop, I would be a 😎 one. The kids on the streets would refer me to as Uncle Wren because I'd always stop to shoot some hoops with them in their respective driveways as I patrol my beat.

    I like to think I'd watch my area with diligence and respond to all matters with extreme efficiency. I would ignore all obvious trap houses and drug dealings, garnering the respect of those individuals without ever once talking down on them, threatening them, or lording my authority over them. In fact, I would do all this simply by a nod of the head and a quick wave of the PEACE SYMBOL; no words, ever.

    I would respond to all domestics by politely knocking and waiting for the door to be opened by any occupants, never knocking overly loudly or aggressively or demanding anything. Id simply announce myself as officer Wrenald and "I'd just like a quick word and I'll try and get out of your hair and on my way."

    If nobody answered I would assume it's because someone is dead having been bludgeoned to death by a spouse or family member, and I would kick the door in in one fell swoop, gun drawn, and shoot everyone in sight that isn't dead, directly in their stomachs, incapacitating them temporarily while I didn't call for backup and thought about what to do next.

    I would come to the conclusion that I may as well enjoy the moment while it lasts, and so if approach each still living individual and if they were able to, offer them the opportunity to explain the situation from their perspective and help me release I've perhaps made a mistake.

    Shortly after they start talking I would stare into their eyes earnestly listening to their pleas for a few moments then I'd shoot them in the forehead. At no point will I have displayed my badge, or uttered a single word regarding my authority.

    I'd then call for backup with a little embellishment, maybe just as simple as a "it was like this when I got here, I don't know. Just send EVERYONE."

    Then I'd reload my weapon, walk outside. Approach any 'lookey-loos' that might be standing nearby, and also shoot them in their foreheads.

    When backup arrived, I'd quickly beckon as many officers toward me to debrief them of the massacre, this telling them "It was all me. And for no reason either… Ha."

    Then I'd shoot as many as them in the forehead as I could before saving a final bullet and turning the gun on myself.

    And aside from my announcement as officer Wrenald, I never mentioned my authority, never abused it, and never showed a badge.

    I can’t tell if you’re serious. The police are decent here. There was a black kid in America got shot dead by police for the same thing I did but nothing happened to me.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    I wasn’t on anything when I was awake 38 hours but now I’m like too scared of not being able to sleep again, only had one can of monster today and won’t take smart drugs for awhile.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    You’re like children
  12. Kafka sweaty

    I walked along a beach in Wales playing the soundtrack, pretending I was in the movie.

  13. Kafka sweaty
    Dick and coke
  14. Kafka sweaty
    At a country house with two people, there was a baby, we decided to sacrifice it so we could get into fairyland. Walking down the steps into the forest, a medieval village there were the fairies lived, I was looking for books in a tree, a fairy violinist was playing music, the tempo was slower because they were lighter and it took longer for their feet to touch the ground.
  15. Kafka sweaty
    I’m not sure why small worries can affect how I feel when thoughts are only a small part of your brain.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Wariat yes true but its weird how they try to throw their political beliefs on me or say shit like you should try going gay or being with a guy no?

    Yes that isn’t okay.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    There was a drunk girl in my face for an hour talking about her anxiety, so close I had to put my arm in front of my chest. Idk why I listened but my friend said we had to go, then she came after me and kissed me.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Wariat Maybe ur right. just agree to what they say cause I want sex so bad?

    Well it’s polite to be agreeable in public. There was one man, thought he would talk forever, I ended up asking which direction something was and said I was fatigued.
  19. Kafka sweaty
    Maybe you seem like someone who would put up with them, not intimidating enough.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Wariat also next question, why are crazies mostly crazy men so drawn to me everytime i go out like to a bar or something and try talking to me?

    I’ve noticed mental people are inconsiderate, will keep talking to you when it’s inappropriate. Talking to you not with you.
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