2022-12-25 at 2:34 AM UTC
The crowd seems calm but idk if that's because you can't hear anything.
I went on a date with this guy to the uni film theatre and dunno why I never went back there.
And if we grow up thinking peace is normal maybe it will continue.
Maybe they're right not teaching us about the troubles. Children/teens aren't ready for it.
I'm drunk someone stop me from messaging my old history teacher. It isn't directly, I just know she's an admin of a FB page.
Idk if I should find out. My dad said I was in shock when he told me. Idk if I was because I handle crazy shit well, but that could be because I'm already traumatised or just psycho.
They tried to shield us from it so there's people in their 30s who know fuck all about what went on and it only ended in the 90s.
I actually know fuck all about the troubles in Northern Ireland. We weren't taught about it in primary or secondary school and I did A Level history. I'm not sure why I've avoided learning about it myself, maybe because I don't want to know the horrors my parents had to go through. I don't understand some things like how I just know how things are, they seem mad to people outside N.I but make sense to me. I remember reading a book, The Divided/Celtic heart by Eileen Shirman. It was set in the 50s but the atmosphere was so on point and the exact same today. It hasn't changed. Anyway I've decided I want to know now. Why my uncle tried to kill my dad's sister with a car bomb, why my dad was packing a gun for 30 years and had to move to England, why my Nana said if the troubles restarted again she was leaving N.I. In a hotel last year my uncle commented that he remembered seeing the restaurant get blown up.
I wish I had a sugar daddy. I can buy things for myself but I just feel unloved when no one buys me things. Especially as a female it feels sad buying myself jediellery. Idk if this is normal or if it's because my dad spoiled me.
Thinking about Mik, last Christmas Day we played chess. I'm gonna miss him tomorrow.
Now that I think about it I'm prob not holding the chopticks right, but it works for me
I got delayed motor function and my fingers are deformed from the way I hold pens but chopsticks are fine for me. Just try harder.
2022-12-25 at 12:10 AM UTC
See it, say it, sorted.
I got disgusting news that my old friend is naming his Hamster Octavian, and when he showed me a tour of his flat the vintage Japanese curtain panels I gave him of people frying fish over a stove was on the floor. -_-
2022-12-25 at 12:04 AM UTC
See it, say it, sorted.
Honest I dislike getting requests from edgy gen Zs, I'm just a trainwreck and don't wanna influence them.