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Posts That Were Thanked by Nile

  1. the official currency of niggers in space

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Meikai "mild"

    explain bogdanoff

    explain madden

    explain harry reid

    almost like people born in the fucking 30s are vulnerable to everything
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    almost everything is boring and everything else makes me angry
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Nile I read recently that the the 69 arleigh Burke's fielded currently, are outmatched by roughly 12 Russian missile boats armed with hypersonic missiles.

    They rock Tomahawks, that are slow and vulnerable to ECM. And although to at double the tonnage of what ruskis are fielding hull wise they may be not as well equipped.

    Most info came from a MoA post.

    Russians always lie tho and many who dislike the US or what they have become will tout the alleged Russian superiority without paying notice to their track record of lying all the time

    Mind you I'm drunk rite now so uhhh take the Figueres cited with a grain of salt

    they recently did massive co-ordinated salvo tests with the new ZIRCON. at the moment no anti-missile complex in the world can reliably intercept one, let alone a fusillade of like 10-20, so it acts as an area denial system - not even a CSG can go somewhere they're known to be. and they're designed to be modular, so they can be fired from BASTION coastal emplacements, missile frigates, submarines or even potentially container ships (CLUB-K hasn't actually been demonstrated to exist so it might just be a scare tactic). in trying to combat them, you have the dual problems of not knowing where they are as well as having to have an aircraft or missile launch platform that outranges them, in order to safely clear them. you also have to worry about other systems like KINZAHL, which are launched from a fighter platform, so you have a missile that can't be neutralised and can hit your ships from 2000km from anywhere a Mig can go.

    in short, surface ships are an endangered species. in terms of submarines, Russian and US tech seems to be on par but the US has a serious numbers advantage. as a result, submarines are now the most effective part of the US nuclear triad, but there's going to be serious competition when BELGOROD and its POSEIDON drone/missiles are deployed (if they're not already).

    also, in terms of ECM, look at how many Tomahawks Russia/Syria were able to down without even shooting at them a few years back. the majority 'crashed into the ocean' - hard evidence on ECM attacks is impossible to find because all parties have a vested interest in keeping it secret, but judging by the systems involved general concensus seems to be that they were able to interfere with the cruise missiles' GPS pathing, adding 'phantom mountains' or obstacles, forcing them to autocorrect their courses into the ground or ocean.

    I'm hesitant to believe the stories of what happened to the USS Donald Cook (a Mig with an ECM pod was able to totally shut down major systems), but something happened given that a large number of the sailors involved were either discharged or transferred after the incident and the US immediately initiated a program to convert CSGs from standard copper data cabling to optical. there are a lot of rumours that Russia has developed attacks against the AEGIS/AEGIS-ASHORE complexes but are saving them for the event of kinetic war.
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  5. FreeAssange Houston [our argentine adverbial dick]
    Originally posted by Nile First thing he did was put cameras up. Front and back entrance. Somebody still stole a bike he had tied on the front step, which he in a roundabout way was making accusations about. Like I would steal my neighbors bike, or even steal a bike at all.

    I don't really care about the cameras but they obviously make it hard to…. Help him understand.

    throw a super-street black tranny an eight-ball to bang on his door when he's not home and when his wife/gf opens the door have miss thing ask for "mike" or whatever his name is and then say well you better tell mike i want my 25 dollars or ill have my whole muthafuckin house down here he know the deal
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  6. Viral Load
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  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nile Yes. Legit said that.

    Speaks to a foul mindset in my eyes.

    Why be so upset?

    Pretty sure he said that by way of excuse, and great if he doesn't wanna hang out, then he can fuck off. Only condition he has is melodram patheticism.
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  8. AngryOnion Big Wig [the nightly self-effacing broadsheet]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Once they get their freedom passport up and running, they'll ban cash and tie everything to the pass. Banking, medical, social… everything. Use up your social credit points by posting Facebook comments they don't approve of, no more gas for your car. Sorry. Talking on the phone about how much you hate communism, then try to buy a loaf of bread with your pass and get refused for transactions. They have it all planned already. No more borders. Your kids no longer belong to you. Religion and gatherings banned. Material possessions outlawed. No more freedoms. No more rights. A giant global ant farm, all controlled by a small group of demonic tyrants. Your kids' kids won't even know what freedom was like. You'll have to describe it to them. It's all coming. Nothing can stop them. Even God won't stop it.

    And people will beg for it.
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  9. You should walk by him with a sign saying "Hardworking Nurse"
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  10. CandyRein Black Hole
    Enjoying my day off !

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  11. Originally posted by stl1 SOURCE, MORON?

    If the first jab worked, you wouldn't need a second jab. If the second jab worked, you wouldn't need a third jab. Good old common sense and logic doesn't need a source.
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  12. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

    Is that how they gave em the 2G microchip?
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  13. Meikai Heck This Schlong

    explain bogdanoff

    explain madden

    explain harry reid
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  14. Bradley Black Hole
    The kindness that these people showed me and the mexican lady of yester month as well as the kindness of people in my life has really kinda IDK i wanna turn over a new leaf. THe hmong lady wants nothing to do with me cuz im a criminal and told her i have to go to jail for a little bit in two weeks, but her uncle is still my friend and i got laid so that's cool.

    that being said, i really wanna be kinder to others, start studying my buddhist texts and not engage in the consumption of alcohol

    IDK If I'll pull it off folx but I'm gonna give it another shot to sober up for two weeks & then do my 5 weeks in jail. Then IDK I really wanna figure out a way to move to Florida but I start my job tomorrow and am kinda excited.

    I know you fags will make fun of me but 16.50 is quite a bit of money to start off working at a gas station making bakery items, part time 28-30 hours a week.

    I'm tryin folks
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  15. Originally posted by Sudo You type things because you like typing things and no other reason

    I couldn't tell you certain things before, but now I can. Events are going to accelerate very rapidly now.
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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Aldra is going to aid the Chinese in the invasion that will be an onslaught of slaughter for all Aussies.

    you're all alone down there you British Texans, you.

    Treasonous cunt of the Fake J'ews Rev 3:9

    notice how I didn't include 'China invades Australia' in the OP? it's because I'm not retarded
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    try to stab them

    either killing or being killed by a greeenskin would be pretty cool in and of itself, but imagine being remembered (briefly) as the person who signed the entire planet's death warrant
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  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I bet you wear your star of David on your fucking face whenever you go grocery shopping. And when you get your 10th booster shot you'll say one more daddy.
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  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by WellHung rules are for pussies? are u 12?

    Are you a responsible and well adjusted human adult? Lol, loser.

    Let me rephrase that for you: Following other people's rules or rules you are opposed to on principal makes you a pussy.
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  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Nile Totally forgot about the laundry room issue lol.

    Man, I wear he's trying to push us to violence or to incite us, fucking ignorant fucker.

    I don't want or need anymore court issues. But holy shit if putting up with worthless fucks like this cunt is civilised I'd rather be a goddamn savage.

    Are you friends with any girls? You could probably entrap him she doesn't even have to do anything just go with him to a spot outside of the cameras view. Make a scene, if she's a real G she'll agree to some minor bruises and if you promise to buy her an even nicer jacket maybe she'll let you rip it up a bit add some eye drops to make it look like she's been crying and drive her to the police station. Tell them you're concerned for your friend, she was over at your place, came back like this and wouldn't really talk about anything so you convinced her to go to the police cuz look at her she is obviously in distress.

    Now have her file sexual battery charges and request a restraining order that bars him from associating with the people she knows too.

    Bingo bango bongo.

    Sucks if you don't know any ride or die kinda home girls. I know like two at most but they're great.
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