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It's coming. Glider Nukes.

  1. #1
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    America is bogged down with PC and a shitstorm of the wrong people in power.

    I am not in the mind set to strike out against our Military for some fgt cry baby response.
    Our Military and hardware is going to be out numbered. we don't have that drive we had in 1941. sacrifice your metal for the war effort. cut back on rations and food. buy only basics.

    good fucking luck in the 21s century of "Fucking die already boomer"

    internal meltdown. social disorder at an all-time high with organized flash-mob aps being used for robbing places is not slowing down. what was designed for artistic expression and to bring happiness to some people's faces is now being used to reign terror on business owners with their staff and security gettings sprayed in the face with a bear version of pepper spray.

    the war ends only to end back up even worse than where it started. what was it all for? 20 years of what?

    jack holes fucking around with bio warfare got lose or on purpose? or just a natural mutation of zoonotics" fucking Horseshit.

    then the Zombie craze is starting up again. this is the zombie virus. mentally preparing you through predictive programming.

    Clintons took money from the Chinese while Bill closed down nearly every fucking military base in the bay area. the small one in San Francisco, Then the Presidio, Alameda NAS, Moffit Field, Oakland Army Depot, Concord Weapon Station, Mare Island, Treasure Island, and a few others. only Travis and a few smaller depots exist.

    I dont think San Diego and Seattle have enough Navy ships to stop that big gaping hole in the defense area or lack off is going to save SF being Ground Zero for a full-on Chinese or Mix Russian Chinese Invasion.

    not saying its going to happen tomorrow but maybe a fucking year from now. while America just goes full-blown retarded and lawless.

    this booster shot is giving me the wet farts all day.
  2. #2
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready we don't have that drive we had in 1941. sacrifice your metal for the war effort. cut back on rations and food. buy only basics.

    good fucking luck in the 21s century of "Fucking die already boomer"

    t. boomer born in the 1950s/1960s who not only never sacrificed anything for any war effort, but lived in arguably one of the most prosperous periods (for the average american) of US history

    and you wrinkly pieces of shit wonder why we want you to fucking die already
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #3
    Meikai Heck This Schlong
    like, the greatest generation? perhaps worthy of our undying veneration. their greatest sin was arguably giving birth to boomers. fuck off. boomers gave birth to everything they complain about. society is shit now? guess whose fucking job it was to safeguard society, retard. you dumb bastards let everything fall to shit in your endless pursuit of self-glorification and instant gratification, and you have the absolute gall to complain about how selfish and shitty society has become. jesus.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. #4
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Meikai t. boomer born in the 1950s/1960s who not only never sacrificed anything for any war effort, but lived in arguably one of the most prosperous periods (for the average american) of US history

    and you wrinkly pieces of shit wonder why we want you to fucking die already

    lived in the period where the US got to make all the international rules being the only industrialized country left standing

    used that power to move the entire manufacturing base overseas and turn the war industry into a massive grift machine that does little more than funnel tax money to private contractors for pipe dreams
  5. #5
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    'guys why are we getting outcompeted by countries that take military production seriously'
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. #6
    Donald Trump Black Hole
    Nothing makes people stupider than winning.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  7. #7
    Nile bump
    Originally posted by Meikai like, the greatest generation? perhaps worthy of our undying veneration. their greatest sin was arguably giving birth to boomers. fuck off. boomers gave birth to everything they complain about. society is shit now? guess whose fucking job it was to safeguard society, retard. you dumb bastards let everything fall to shit in your endless pursuit of self-glorification and instant gratification, and you have the absolute gall to complain about how selfish and shitty society has become. jesus.

    They literally had Truman give them the business and then proceeded to do exactly what he warned them about like the jedis took his speech as a fucking handbook.
  8. #8
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Originally posted by Meikai t. boomer born in the 1950s/1960s who not only never sacrificed anything for any war effort, but lived in arguably one of the most prosperous periods (for the average american) of US history

    and you wrinkly pieces of shit wonder why we want you to fucking die already

    Boomers 1941 to 1965

    the older ones from say 1941 to maybe 1955 where the real dirtbags. the second boomers (boomer 2) where just enjoying good music and decent sex before AIDS became a thing in their teens. the Xgen 1965 (July) to 1978 had AIDS to deal with and afraid the condom broke. Reaganomic years of no work. over priced electronics and cars. but rent was somewhat doable. rent wasn't too expensive.

    Millenni'als 1978 to 1996 had it really good with education in computers (if they paid attention) and some of the earliest ones straight out of highschool, 100k a year, 200k in stock options with 401k. I mean literally drafted into startups straight out of highschool. fuck College off with no college debts.

    tell me about how the Boomers ruined your life
  9. #9
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    Im sick of you Mil fags crying. No Down Payment loans with less than perfect credit (RIGHT NOW NO LIE) and 3 percent interest rates.

    cry some more yOu panzy bitches. and still you make zero effort to own something
  10. #10
    Nile bump
    I read recently that the the 69 arleigh Burke's fielded currently, are outmatched by roughly 12 Russian missile boats armed with hypersonic missiles.

    They rock Tomahawks, that are slow and vulnerable to ECM. And although to at double the tonnage of what ruskis are fielding hull wise they may be not as well equipped.

    Most info came from a MoA post.

    Russians always lie tho and many who dislike the US or what they have become will tout the alleged Russian superiority without paying notice to their track record of lying all the time

    Mind you I'm drunk rite now so uhhh take the Figueres cited with a grain of salt
  11. #11
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Nile I read recently that the the 69 arleigh Burke's fielded currently, are outmatched by roughly 12 Russian missile boats armed with hypersonic missiles.

    They rock Tomahawks, that are slow and vulnerable to ECM. And although to at double the tonnage of what ruskis are fielding hull wise they may be not as well equipped.

    Most info came from a MoA post.

    Russians always lie tho and many who dislike the US or what they have become will tout the alleged Russian superiority without paying notice to their track record of lying all the time

    Mind you I'm drunk rite now so uhhh take the Figueres cited with a grain of salt

    they recently did massive co-ordinated salvo tests with the new ZIRCON. at the moment no anti-missile complex in the world can reliably intercept one, let alone a fusillade of like 10-20, so it acts as an area denial system - not even a CSG can go somewhere they're known to be. and they're designed to be modular, so they can be fired from BASTION coastal emplacements, missile frigates, submarines or even potentially container ships (CLUB-K hasn't actually been demonstrated to exist so it might just be a scare tactic). in trying to combat them, you have the dual problems of not knowing where they are as well as having to have an aircraft or missile launch platform that outranges them, in order to safely clear them. you also have to worry about other systems like KINZAHL, which are launched from a fighter platform, so you have a missile that can't be neutralised and can hit your ships from 2000km from anywhere a Mig can go.

    in short, surface ships are an endangered species. in terms of submarines, Russian and US tech seems to be on par but the US has a serious numbers advantage. as a result, submarines are now the most effective part of the US nuclear triad, but there's going to be serious competition when BELGOROD and its POSEIDON drone/missiles are deployed (if they're not already).

    also, in terms of ECM, look at how many Tomahawks Russia/Syria were able to down without even shooting at them a few years back. the majority 'crashed into the ocean' - hard evidence on ECM attacks is impossible to find because all parties have a vested interest in keeping it secret, but judging by the systems involved general concensus seems to be that they were able to interfere with the cruise missiles' GPS pathing, adding 'phantom mountains' or obstacles, forcing them to autocorrect their courses into the ground or ocean.

    I'm hesitant to believe the stories of what happened to the USS Donald Cook (a Mig with an ECM pod was able to totally shut down major systems), but something happened given that a large number of the sailors involved were either discharged or transferred after the incident and the US immediately initiated a program to convert CSGs from standard copper data cabling to optical. there are a lot of rumours that Russia has developed attacks against the AEGIS/AEGIS-ASHORE complexes but are saving them for the event of kinetic war.
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  12. #12
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    oh yeah, turns out the S-550 SAM complex hasn't just entered into serial production, it's been actively deployed
  13. #13
    Nile bump
    The hands Russians play/reveal are only tip of the iceberg or is that what they would have you believe!

    What is known? They'll play the hand they're dealt.

    Do our elites wanna see them?
  14. #14
    aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    up until test fires the western media largely said it was a bluff and no such weapons existed.

    I wonder how much of the military thought the same
  15. #15
    Nile bump

    I would ask how much o media is military? And thinks we might be worse but don't by care about the bodies cuz we got propaganda and..... More Bodies?

    That's 88. Btw.
  16. #16
    Bradley Florida Man
    Elon Musk will declare himself the king of space and America then fight China before hurtling himself to Space Xs moon bases

    Nostradumbass told me everything.
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