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Posts by Nile

  1. Nile bump
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy Sounds like you have no control over your own life.

    I'm just in a bind right now. I ended up testing positive and was asked to isolate here cuz I happen to be homeless at the moment, a regrettable state of affairs yes but not permanent.

    Working on the small but important stuff right now.
  2. Nile bump
    My day was alright im just chilling at the isolation center. I'll be free tomorrow. Have some people to call and things to move forward.
  3. Nile bump
    Yeah i know, I have my take on it and my own ideas of where the value lies as far as crypto goes, which is privacy and bankless payment systems, convenient transfers. The speculative parts never really was something i ever thought about seriously, having missed one boat i think i'll look where i see undervalued ideas.

    Not blind but with an eye toward certain details, crypto is still new and different ideas are being tried out and the value is in branding, market acceptance and the specific properties of the Tokens themselves
  4. Nile bump
    Seems like an easy gig, go with whats trending, get a decent track record and look to broker purchases for clients who trust you won't fuck up. Get commissions. Utilize knowledge of various markets to form a better picture.

    I think i'll just go with a crypto-gamble and live hard for a while while doing it. To the moon bby.
  5. Nile bump
    tryna gay up THE womens appreciation thread? lame.
  6. Nile bump
    fuck you!
  7. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe No, I kick myself for not getting into crypto years ago.

    I always saw the potential of the technology, i just never held it as a speculative asset. I'm going to look into buying a basket of privacy coins I think. Decred, Piratechain, Monero. If I were to commit and have the value rise say %30 over 6 months it would be worth it and possible i think.
  8. Nile bump
    omg oct do u trade in crypto-assets?
  9. Nile bump
    Bill Krozby said hios daughter died like 2 times lol, he probably didn't even have a dog.
  10. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby She literally made fun of my families dog dying, its like why even post in my thread about that if you're just going to be a cunt, but then expect to not be treated like a fat ho, which she is.

    I just said it was in bad taste, never said I didn't find it funny. but that's fucked up. april just goes off on everyone tho, she's megabitchy about everything, and thats ok i guess.
  11. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Just like all your threads you non entity.

    You're a trashy af scrub, and are dumb as well.

  12. Nile bump
    fuk u §m£ÂgØL.
  13. Nile bump
    Rather bad taste this thread, no?
  14. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby so only white people with a friend can be "minders" lol I have to look that word up, I've never read someone type or say "minders" before. But anyways glad you're doing okay

    No what i mean is these 2 didn't fit the time and place.
  15. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby what does her being white, professional, and with a friend have to do with anything? Just seems like some strange things to toss in to your story thats all

    They seemed like minders and not regular folks out for a stroll. More health establishment than police as well.
  16. Nile bump
    Originally posted by netstat a year ago OP tried to kill himself but was saved by the cops who kicked in his door after his mom called them, too bad they didn't arrive 10 minutes later

    Lol wtf I tried to off myself in churchhill square in edmonton to try and force a reaction from the surveillance team and they just stood back, then later again I had a decent cut in my upper forearm and asked a lady oif she wanted to help with it, a normal person would have been like "get the fuck away from me" or "we should call an ambulance" This bitch was like "i'd love to help you with that but i can't" and i'm pretty sure the help she meant was cut a bit deeper. she looked late 40's, Professional, white and was with a friend.

    Fuck man..... what an insane move that was, what if I was actually crazy? These episodes wouldn't exactly be making a good case for my sanity.
  17. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Solstice Are any of us

    I'm pretty content most of the time, but noticed I have crazy mood swings lol, like I'll be fine then think of the past then just feel overpowering despair and sadness for a while and then snap out of it. Probably just me coming down when I do meth tbh.
  18. Nile bump
    Originally posted by Ebola Cola you got the coof?

    yeah I was tested at the shelter and then moved to a community center turned isolation facility that kinda looks like a refugee camp. Been here 9 days now and should be released tomorrow.
  19. Nile bump
    I recently went to jail for THE FIRST TIME. Have court for petty theft, and a couple charges back home 1 of which is bullshit. Which god-willing I'll never deal with or when I do it will be on my terms, and with a few things going on that look good in the eyes of the court.
  20. Nile bump
    there were a few nice days recently but as i've been isolating i didn't have a time to enjoy them.
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