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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Let me just take this opportunity to spontaneously express how much I love our federal government and my undying respect in their diligent efforts in keeping us all save. Thank you FBI, CIA, and other betabet agencies.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    No, I'm dismissing it because the concepts, and right now I'll focus on the former, are moronic and the former of little importance.

    To begin with, I'll illustrate a problem with the concept of alienation of labor. As economies develop they generally shift considerably to service jobs, and it should be mentioned that the glorification of manufacturing is unjustified and untenable. Let's use someone who gives massages as an example: How exactly would this person "own the product of their labor"? Alright, now bring to mind the myriad of other service related jobs, jobs where people aren't manufacturing anything. See the problem? You could bring up rents, working for others under a hierarchical system, but that does not change this.

    Second, workers cannot own the full product of their labor. It is impossible because their labor isn't the only factor involved in production! I would highly recommend this introductory critique of Marxist economics by this author, he's very leftist, and incredibly knowledgeable and intelligent; I first came across him due to his prolific writing criticizing Austrian economics (Like Bryan Caplan and David Friedman, I am not an Austrian.):

    There's the human capital involved of the "labor holding class" (You seem to base your biased perceptions on the worst personal anecdotes you've experienced; the founders of empiricism would paddle you raw!), risk involved (most businesses fail, along with economic shifts), diminishing marginal utility and inflation involved in workers being paid regardless of the success of the company or whether they have earned enough income to cover any initial debt, as opposed to having earned the income themselves of acquired the capital by other means and having taken on any debt or risk directly, cost of any factors of production used, the value of having a market to sell your labor as opposed having to create a business yourself, the enormous and multifaceted problems of attempting an economy without capital holding, or likely your moronic idea of state doing so (Absolutely no respect for state Marxists, you are imbeciles) etc.

    Here is a good talk relevant to my next point, on Chinese worker who produce luxury handbags:
    As she says, they don't want the product of their labor because it isn't preferable to them. How exactly do you envision a society where workers aren't "alienated from the product of their labor", numerous other issues aside? Everyone owns what they produce and has to trade or sell it? Would money exist? Why wouldn't they prefer to be paid for it in currency instead, which is far more versatile and efficient? You mentioned yeoman farmers, which is amusing because farmers have one of the highest suicide rates in most countries and they're about as close to the idyllic image of "owning the product of your labor", not being "alienated" from it, as you can get:
    Not to mention that this system would be so inefficient and incapable of sustaining an enormously complex modern society that you would destroy much of the current standard of living and everyone would be worse off, just from this one act.

    You're still in your early 20s so hopefully you'll grow out of this crap/phase. Try picking up a good critique of Marxism/Marxist economics or reading a book on economics that wasn't written by some polemical pinko.

    So a lot of these issues go away when I point out I'm talking about a certain class of technology worker here rather than full economies. As for owning the product of one's labor in the context of rendering services, the point is not that the worker has their little bundle of labor materialized and owned at the end of the work process, alienation happens when surplus value is extracted from the worker by the supplier of capital. If a worker receives the full value of their labor in rendering a service they're not being alienated from their labor, the work product of rendering a service is the value paid for it.

    So you're going to try to say something like "the organizational effort/risk endurance of the capital holding class represents their contribution to the work product so surplus value isn't" which is going to reduce the disagreement to foundational differences. I'm willing to accept that the duties generally carried out by the capital holding class today have value, project management is kind of a joke but ostensibly it fills some sort of need. That's well and fine. The issue is that this organizational work at best ought not be privileged, it consumes at most 3 times the typical laborer's effort (that is 24 hours of work in a day which is an obvious impossibility but it's a upper bound) and yet we can find examples where more than 3 times the material compensation is paid to that class. The value of the full operation is X and if value provided to laborers is not proportional to their investment of labor in the undertaking then then they're being alienated from the value their labor produces.
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I'm not
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Why `tuple(answers)`? random.choice should work over any iterable
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    What is the value of your available credit? Are you stating you're giving me permission to post your social security number and waiving your right to any legal recourse, that is, a contractual agreement that you will not press charges or file suit?

    My available on my card is 4k, no lines of credit or anything. Sure, I won't press suit for posting my SSN. I'm not even sure I could, I don't know what would be illegal about it beyond means of acquisition which presumably you wouldn't tell me.

    Think carefully about this, Lanny, think about who I am. Do you remember when I posted information about your father's medical condition and you thought I had found that by myself, seeming to be impressed, but I stated that you had mentioned it before (without posting proof)? What if I was lying? Reminds me of your mother and how parents are likely to understate the severity of their condition for their child's sake; christ that would be a demonic thing to do to you…

    You don't scare me kid

    You should look into identity theft. There's so much information available for purchase, security is so lax with the proper knowledge. How do you think illegal immigrants manage to do it en masse with such consistency?

    Yes, vast amounts of information are available but the economy is set up to feed mules, not pick out info on specific individuals. I have no idea how illegal immigrants deal with the lack of a legal identity but I do know pulling my name out of a data breach dump is going to take some doing. You'd have a better time trying to get into my email account and hope I have my info stored there or it can be used to recover an account that stores it.

    That said, I am willing to take you up on your challenge if you can guarantee payment and agree to the above, for my safety. At the very least you could think of it as a fee for letting oyu know you need to tighten up your personal opsec.

    Sweet, let's do it. What's the time frame? You don't owe me anything if you can't do it but I would like to gloat at least.
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    old beer tastes pretty crappy though.
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Someone from California talking about the cold? What a laugh! I hope you fucking drown in your brisk weather you anti shoveling piece of fucking fucking FUCK I HATE WINTER

    Lol, weather machismo is the highest form of wankery.

  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Oh for fuck's sake Lanny, alienation of labor and struggle with the capital holding class. :rollseyes:

    "Someone said words I've been conditioned to think dismiss a view point, time to go into ultra-defensive mode". Nice.

    I understand your point about labor becoming divorced from capital and that sounds like it'd make a great topic to talk about. But, based on what you said, it sounds like SJWs are unknowingly in league with what you call the bad guys.

    My point was that there's symmetry. You and your sect are as maligned by the capital holding class (the "bad guys" although I'm skeptical of the knowingness of even the greater villains of our economic system) as are the "SJWs".

    No application of force or threat, not even economical. Just pure social status.

    Well I'd like to refrain from supporting the anti-SJW position but the threat of social black listing via the racist/sexist/undesirable label is fundamentally economic. Most people so threatened have existed in a society where threat to status was meaningless. Just think how much of a fuck you give about the opinion of people on NiS matters to you: none, I hope. The issue is not the loss of faith but the ruthless efficiency some sects have shown in translating dismissal into economic sanctions. \

    Call that man a sexist and watch him lose everything he's ever had - his money, job, family, and friends. And you got "society" to do it for you. Beautiful, isn't it?

    In a different era technologists suffered another bugbear. Again, not everyone who pursues social justice pursues economic sanctions as frequently or so lacking warrant as do the most hated enemies if the old guard.

    I feel that SJWs are a threat that's an order of magnitude larger than these tards. Alt-righters are playing at the old kind of fascism we all know and love, but SJWs are building some new horrible kind of fascism that's never been seen before (just look at their methods - public court, infiltration, etc.).

    See again expanding and contracting circles of "SJWs". Also public court and social infiltration are nothing new among even the highest castes you might consider yourself a member of, if you haven't seem lynch-mob mentality in HN threads in the last half decade then you either haven't been watching or are blind. I'm not saying such sentiment is always wrong, but realize you're facing very similar attitudes as yours and mine have cultivated in the past.

    It's just sickening that someone so far removed from reality has access to resources and just wastes them. Well, waste isn't the right word - he just disperses them to anyone that wants to make some money off of his warped view of the world.

    If you take nothing else away I hope you come to understand how your sense of repulsions does nothing but hurt you. No one who feels the fiery righteous anger at the defiling of our sacred tenants has ever done anything to right the situation. Realize at least that your "enemies" (those you find yourself opposed to, regardless of those who may be responsible for your miseries) thrive on your rage, every angry gripe you make is just ammunition in the vilification of you and yours,

    Did you know that Lanny lives in San Francisco, paying at least 2K a month for a mere studio, and works in the financial district of SF as a programmer for finance? I shit you not, and he's only in his early 20s. Yuppie of epic proportions right there.

    "Yuppie of epic proportions" sure. I've said this before, but I play the game I'm faced with. No one is helped by my poverty in the face of an environment that unfairly privileges me. Whatever moral flaw you perceive with my existence (and fear not, fair reader, for I know my flaws ever so much more intimately than you and hate myself accordingly) it's better than the alternative (mean of my peers) which I guess justifies at least my existence.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Steal my identity, hah! I'll pay you the value of my available credit (significantly less than my liquid assets, rest assured, and yet basically the upper bound on the value of my stolen legal identity) if you can post my SSN right here and now (which is like the minimum you're going to need to gain control of my assets).
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I am not a determinist but i would say the brain determines personality and the way in which you interpret the world around you and your own thought process.

    Do you think there's any causative force acting on behavior than the brain? Do you think there are any non-physical forces acting on the brain? If the answer to both is no then how can you call yourself anything other than a determinist? If your behavior is a product of brain-states and the brain is purely physical then how could anything be other than the playing out of physical laws upon initial states? Indeterminism seems like one avenue of approach (although I'll argue it's incoherent in relevant dimensions) but it doesn't give you the libertarian free will that I presume prompts your rejection of determinism. I'm curious, I won't try to anticipate your response but I think there are interesting problems you face either way and want to know how you deal with them.
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Me too, and i t wasn't that bad, definitely better than the vast majority.

    How so? Even the "twist" was so painfully contrived (a point you yourself bring up) that it hardly warrants mention. It fails as sci-fi, which is OK, lots of good art does. The problem is that it fails to redeem itself in any other genre so far as I've been able to determine, it's not particularly good romance, it's middling social commentary, at best it's bringing an obvious aesop to the already vanishing corner of society that doesn't already admit the ontological possibility of non-human persons which you'll forgive me for considering middling art.
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    God bless fall and winter. Once the usual late-summer faggotry that is bay area weather subsides I'll be free once again to lose myself in the vast depths of the cold. I think I may have some mild form of SAD, my mood always becomes darker but I enjoy it. Similar to burning yourself when you huddle too close to a fire, but opposite in the tactile dimension, painful or immediately discomforting on a cursory level but satisfying on a more holistic level. Melancholic as opposed to depressive I guess. It's nice, I have a handful of albums I listen to every year once it gets cold, noisy, droning, crushing in aesthetic. I wish I could spend the whole year in that headspace although it might get to be too much without a break. In any case I'm pretty excited for the impending cold.
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    this was just so sad. A lot of people blame the camerman but they don't blame the mother. The child is the real victim here.

    Uhh, who ever said the kid wasn't a victim? Also that doesn't really change the fact that like sane humans would intervene here instead of allowing some kid to play with their dead parents corpse in tears rather than pull out their phone to film the drama.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage
    This has been talked to death many times before. I hesitate to further engage because most people bemoaning "SJWs" don't have any real sense of what they mean by that (it is a class that extends as far as anyone who isn't an extreme conservative and as narrow as a cherrypicked population of mentally ill tumblrniggers depending on which is convenient in the moment) and really the usual level of discourse is just barely above "who can I complain loudly about in a feeble attempt to feed my own ego". But what the hell, let's shitpost niggas.

    So let's take the latter characterization (because asking this question about the former is retarded) and reframe the question as such "why is there an influx of marginalized and politically extreme groups into tech and the 'geek preferably' more generally?" There are a couple of factors which can be roughly divided into economic and social categories. Economically the situation should be obvious, you can be pretty fucking dumb and still stumble your way into a well paying job. There's also the fact that tech-folk have historically been socially inept for a good while now, your "hacker culture" style inability to function like a normal human in a modern capitalistic framework doesn't look any different to the capital-holding class than "I'm a faggot look at me I'm so oppressed" and in a very real dimension they're the same thing. Our forerunners through incidental economic value as the gatekeepers to a very powerful field of human activity and pure stubbornness have managed to create an apparatus that specializes in bending nearly all the traits that you loathe in "SJWs" into economic value. 20% projects and lipservice to open source is a black hole managers throw money at to keep their code monkeys happy and if that funding gets redirected to codes of conduct and tolerance seminars or any other variety of homosexuality it really is the same difference to anyone who matters.

    And then there's the social dimension. Deviancy has always been fundamental to our culture. It goes beyond the fact that our founding myth is about a martyred faggot war hero but that should be some indication. Your occupation is to sit in front of a screen for untold hours toiling over what is basically the opposite of what our language faculty has developed to do (formal specification). This is not something sane, normal people want to do. Everyone in this space who's worth a shit is broken and we all tacitly acknowledge it and as such it's always been a refuge for those who can't make it in genpop. It's woven into our very language, ask yourself where the enduring and pervasive "wizard" cultural motif came from. So why on earth would it surprise anyone that this kind of environment people with extremely unpopular opinions, big mouths, and without the social sense to not disclose their myriad sexual deviances? Again, I understand why it can be difficult to see at times but the perceived SJW threat really is the mirror image of the autistic libertarian "hacker" archetype we all know and love.

    So inevitably when I outline this symmetry to someone they tell me "yeah, but my particular tribe of technologists are actually good at technology!" usually followed up with some, again cherry picked, examples of drama whores who have managed to get themselves bought by some company in order to generally degrade the lives of people who produce actual value and who possess no discernible technical ability. Where and when this happens I agree, "cultural crusaders" who don't actually participate in the culture are a blight upon every god fearing code monkey. But these piecewise cases are not a realistic characterization of the full group people who complain about SJWs try to address. Again, an example of the shifting bounds of "SJW", only examples of extreme ineptitude are considered in vilifications of anyone with a hint of leftist sentiment at all. I could list a lot of "social justice warriors" by the general definition who are perfectly competent, almost certainly more talented than you for most all values of "you" where you're complaining about SJWs.

    So what's the point here? It's that in so far as we're standing in them we dug our own graves and that this manufactured conflict between whatever class you think you belong to and SJWs is just another mechanism by which we are distracted from the fact that we are alienated from our labor. Tech is one of the few places left in our society where the yeoman laborer can still exist, where the worker still owns all the fundamental means of production. Young stupid (if talented) technologists who spent their teens on the totse or the chans or what have you are being distracted by a conflict with young, stupid (if talented) technologists who spent their teens on tumblr or reddit when the conflict that actually matters to our trade, the struggle between the capital-having class and their agents (the management class) and the laboring class, has been all but forgotten.
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    BLM is a group of political protesters, black americans getting shot disproportionately often, or americans in general being brutalized by the police, is a fact. They're two different things.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I will also take that bet. Kind of a win/win for me.
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    This thread is getting mighty interesting.

    inb4 Bill Krozby drops it because he realizes how fucktarded he is

  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I guess a bow if you live somewhere rural. If you just want to fuck niggas up in the street some kind of bladed weapon would probably be a good pick but hunting game is probably a more productive strategy than duking it out in the streets.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I thought of that shitty movie tbh...
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    If you did psychedelics and didn't take anything away from it I don't doubt that but I disagree anyone who does otherwise should avoid them. I mean really if your level of engagement was cool visuals and stuff then it seems like you should be the one avoiding them, the un-fun-ness of a bad trip relative to the payoff of the purely somatic effects makes it a pretty bad way to spend your time IMO. I feel like any intellectually challenging or therapeutic action is intrinsically tied to the state of vulnerability most people experience, enduring change either positive or negative is predicated on your ability to be overwhelmed by the experience, to lose context and find the need to rebuild a psyche from brute facts.

    Most mentally healthy people could probably take fairly large doses of psychs and remain fairly level, hold their shit together, through continuous reality testing and normal avoidance but that's not what makes it worth your time. Getting lost in it is the point, if you remain composed the whole time then maybe you're not at risk of enduring negative effects but you don't really stand to have the sorts of transcendental experiences that justify the whole endeavor to start with.
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