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Posts by Lanny

  1. Lanny Bird of Courage
    is there any real advantage to those frameworks over writing raw/direct SQL queries aside from convenience and portability? I've had to work with a bunch of PHP frameworks in the past, but for most of the above I've had to manage/maintain the services from a sysadmin's point of view but not done any actual development.

    Definitely, although opinions vary on if the tradeoffs are worth it and like anything it comes down to "depends on the situation". It's important to keep in mind that a web framework is more than an ORM. The advantages of an ORM are primarily in convenience, although the additional level of abstraction between the database and controller/business logic certainly comes in handy, especially in larger projects. With a little forethought there's a large class of denormalizations you can do entirely in the model layer without needing the change controllers which is a definite step up from "I added a count field, now I need to go hunt down everyone who ever did the equivalent select count query and change it".

    PHP has shitty templating built in but in most languages you either do CGI which is horrible or find a templating system and use that, a framework is just making the better choice for your. There is also a lot of crap you have to write for basically every web app ever made, routing, CSRF prevention, form validation, auth/password hashing (god only knows how many user credentials have been lost to shit homebrew implementations) and good frameworks provide all these things.

    The argument might be made that I've just described disparate functionality that might be individually packaged and composed as desired rather than dropping the monolithic thing which is the modern web framework on the problem. I think there's a good point there, js/node and clojure/ring are good examples of ecosystems that take this approach but it's difficult to do well. There's a fair amount of interdependency there, like it's very hard to ship an authentication package that doesn't assume a specific persistence layer (e.g. an ORM), almost every templating system you might want will want some kind of special access to the auth system, it's nice if auth and controllers can cooperate in some way other than "programmers shall check auth before every action", there's just dozens of these little cases where it's a lot easier to build something that ties these pieces together into something like a framework than to try and make them composedly assembled and configured by the consuming developer.
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
  3. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Repo is now public on github, PRs or questions welcome.
  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    That's silly, everyone knows the chemical bar-structure is responsible for xanny's effects.
  5. Lanny Bird of Courage
    All further user titles may be purchased at a rate of a gram of meth per
  6. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Hey, did you guys know sploo runs a webcomic:
  7. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Zongo be with you my child
  8. Lanny Bird of Courage
    No one made mention of "voting for someone just because someone else does", the subject was people who might vote for Hillary because their primary goal is to prevent Trump's election rather than genuine love of that candidate.
  9. Lanny Bird of Courage
    benadshrill (DPH) (Disseminator of Professional Hype)
  10. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I think Enter deserves to be the winner, not for pretending to be a girl but for convincing everyone that an actual girl was a dude. The "shopped hand" thing was a master stroke.

    I doubt it was 10 years. Still, Lanny must have something profoundly wrong with him, some sort of severe mental illness that he's in denial about, or a (suppressed) dark or deeply shameful secret, to have continue it as long as he did. The visceral reaction that's consistently elicited in him when I bring this up only increases the likelihood.

    Which visceral reaction is this again?
  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    "Misanthropic hiki wins office out of left field, refuses to leave the white house"

    Somehow even more amusing than even Trump's presidency stands to be
  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    People don't support the candidate I do so they must be dumb and uninformed!

    Nice job raising the general level of discourse bro
  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    django is for faggots
    you are a faggot

    'we decided to refuse to use standard database terminology because master/slave is racist'

    Half of original core was an irredeemable SJW (actually posted like a 10k word essay on why he a retard and got more or less booted from the community under that alias for it) and the other half didn't really care (Jacob and Adrian respectively, if you care) so there's not much you can do. I am happy to criticize Django in a lot of dimensions, specifically the absence of a clear markup-producing isomorph makes it hard to consider it a long-term contender in light of industry trends and it's true core does have a political agenda (although besides such drama as the master/slave episode which is, on the whole, pretty insignificant they are largely impotent to carry it out).

    This doesn't change the fact that for CRUD apps where you don't need to sweat a page reload it's pretty much the best you can do. Look at the big contenders: Rails (language preference is a wash, django wins on idiom and batteries-included-ness), Cake (loses on language, at best a wash in all other dimensions), Node/Express (loses on language, loose hard on feature-richness, wins on composability, wins on perf, maybe a winner in general (ignoring the abortion that is the NPM ecosystem) but not in the CRUD arena), and more domineering Node frameworks (think React and its ecosystem) (pretty much the same story as node but trade some composability for some features that still aren't really CRUD friendly) and it makes a lot of sense in a lot of place, although not always the most glamorous places.

    TBH I always wondered why this community never migrated to image board format. There is a good amount of software out there that can be easily modified. There are threads on this very site about it that I started. Anyway, I dont care to contribute to the code side of this website but maybe if you archive the vb5 shitfest and turn it into what basically ammounts to an image board + a couple extra features you may really have something.

    ​There are a lot of image boards in the world, I can enjoy some chan shitposting but mandatory pseudonymous forums will always be what I grew up with and what I want in a place to call home. I plan to migrate the vb5 DB over, we'll see how realistic that is once I dive into the guts of it but was able to pull a user-migration script for 5 to 3 together in an hour or so so I think it's within the realm of possibility.
  14. Lanny Bird of Courage

    Excellent book, despite the impression the title may give. It did deepen my distaste for socialization, though, along with the human archetype.

    Then it would seem to have had exactly the opposite effect to what someone would presumably want out of it
  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So vb5 blows, like really bad. All I really want is the glory days of vB3 but even finding an install is hard these days and it's always old, addons are DIY if you can even find them. There are other options but almost all of the involve more fancy JS shit than I really want in a forum and none of them support migration from vb5 so at the point that I need to write my own mig and grok someone else's schema to do so it becomes almost as much work to just write something basic from scratch. I'm thinking I can get something out the door in ~3k loc but who knows how realistic that is.

    So I've started on a project, will probably forget about it before I'm done but what the hell. Using python/django because this is the kind of CRUD-y app Django was made for, gulp build on the frontend but all it's doing right now is LESS compilation, if you have UI or serverside experience but haven't used the relevant libs/frameworks I'm still happy to take PRs and do code review. If you want to dip your toes in on webdev this is not a bad teeth-cutting project. Django tends to come off a bit byzantine if you're never looked at a web framework before so if you're like just picking up programming this may not be for you but otherwise all skill levels are welcome.

    Repo isn't public yet, if no one cares I'll just leave it private, if anyone is interested I'll pull my local config out and slap together the standard "how to build" document.
  16. Lanny Bird of Courage
    And that's the reason it's slow as tar and PMs are broken, to keep at bay the wave of new arrivals that threaten the board culture.

    Yeah, that's it...
  17. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I agree, but in this case it involves the creation of another life, which cannot consent, to fulfill that need; condemning them to life and, at present (given our current state of knowledge and technology, the future being unknown), death. Don't you agree that there's something profoundly immoral about this

    If you're a consequentialist then consent never had any intrinsic significance (not to say it's not important, but consent is really only useful as preference indication which may or may not be the same thing as utility depending on who you ask), I'm sure there's a neat logical argument somewhere about this for deontologists (kind of like Kant's argument against the possibility of consenting to slavery but in reverse), maybe the simpler approach is to simply say there is no being, no will, and therefore no consent to be violated.

    In any case consent a non-issue.

    That doesn't change the fact that having a child does represent a certain level of suffering that need not have been the case, and that is an issue. The fundamental question becomes if a given life is worth having, or if we can anticipate at the time of conception, if a life is more likely to be worth having than not. Perhaps the most compelling way to an answer is by introspection: is there any life worth having? What's the worst life worth having? Is this life likely to be better or worse than that? In the case of discourse with most people it's quite easy to use their own life, by merit of their continued participation in it, as point of refrence, we can all imagine naturally possible better lives than our own, ergo at minimum such lives are justified.

    But even if you don't think your own life is worth living, surely you can imagine one which is. It might be difficult, it might seem like whatever convinces you that the life you live today is not worth living, particularly issues of existential angst, would remain an issue in any possible life but that's to mistake an object of your experience for the human condition: existential angst does not rack the whole population, most people don't even know what the term means. So you might think "ignorance doesn't solve the problem" which sure, that's true, but if it entails that such lives are not worthwhile you have to assume the rubric by which a worthwhile life is determined is "correctly identifies and resolves XYZ problems" which is fundamentally difficult to establish. As soon as you venture away from self-assessment of the value of life you'll need to propose an objective measure of value which, if you want to, then sure let's see it followed by the demonstration that no life can measure up to it..

    No it does not, there's such a massive amount of material to consume that even if new production were to cease at this moment you would never experience more than a tiny sliver of it.

    The value of art or science is not merely instrumental in satisfying me personally. Categorically I won't experience human extinction, but that doesn't mean it's not my interest to avoid it.

    As for justifying some children, there's once again the issue of genetic russian roulette, probability. You don't know what will occur for certain. Of course, that applies to essentially everything, every decision, we make in our lives to some extent.

    I don't see how that's an issue, like you said, nearly every decision has a level of uncertainty in it. We merely need to weigh the expected outcomes against each other. Even uncontrolled, unguided population growth, in the absence of changed survival conditions (something that doesn't hold indefinitely of course) should produce about the same distribution of traits which has sustained our civilization for this long. The absence of new humans fails in this dimension. And this of course this ignores our ability to control genetic outcomes, and ignores environmental factors entirely (I know you have your standard line about social and environmental factors having minimal impact on child-rearing outcomes but it's yet to convince the rest of us). If you consider cultural output as worthwhile it at least seems justifiable to roll the dice in the crudest conceivable model to sustain it.
  18. Lanny Bird of Courage
    GrrrAAAAGH, Lanny, I swear, if you're ever corrupted by a woman's wiles or lose track of reason and give in to the call of your diseased ancestry, the selfish genes that corrupt human monkeys, I HOPE YOU DIE!!!!!

    Not that I think there's any real risk of that but why me specifically? There are multiple posters on this very forum that have had children and I don't see you out there professing the wish they'd die.

    Having children and making them happy fulfills a need that had no need to exist. It's absurdly egotistical and selfish, you created the fucking need!

    We've already had this discussion. There are varieties of good that are not preceded by moral necessity. It might be good of me to help my neighbor paint their place but there is no strict need for me to do so. Almost every moral theory has some notion of supererogatory action.

    You created someone to make you feel needed, to nurture, to devote your time to, pour countless resources into, instead of devoting it to others that already exist or higher, intellectual, matters that are of actual importance and will advance us the final goal!!!

    Maintaining intellectual or artistic activities in 70 years time does seem to require a supply of new humans at the moment. Maintenance of a human population, towards whatever ends you do consider worthwhile, may not justify most children born today but it does justify some.
  19. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Oh yeah, forgot about this little drama in a boozy haze.

    Guess malice couldn't find my SSN after all as I haven't heard hide nor hair from him on it since.

    Also I will gladly accept any drugs folks want to send.
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    ugh, dreamforce is pretty awful too. Worse actually, I am constitutionally incapable of imagining anyone of those blue-name-tag-wearing wankers has a life beyond being a sales zombie. Tempted to push them in front of a bus when I'm standing at a crosswalk. I hate them because they are a horrific mirror, my own wretched aspect reflected in their bright faces and empty minds. Worse even than WWDC wherein I can see which segment of my social circle feigns any sort of depth and the hollowness of their charming traits of character, at least that I can fantasize is some kind of disgusting proclivity, like if someone told you they were into auto-genital-mutilation, something they indulge in briefly but may come out of for their interaction with me. Salesforce people though, there is no redemption for them, they've crossed the event horizon for emotional recognition as moral agents.
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