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Posts by Incessant

  1. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Michael Myers I dunno about that. He claimed I was being mean when I was just giving the other person a taste of their own medicine, yet I was painted by him as the bad guy.

    I can’t even believe you exist as a person *facepalm*
  2. Incessant African Astronaut
    Everyone stop fighting with speedy in my Freds.
  3. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra lol fags

    I stopped using enhancements yesss ago. It’s bad for your mental health.
  4. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra nobody's going to want to watch you screaming and crying incoherently for no reason

    If she looked pretty while doing it they might. I use to go live when I was crying just to see how people responded. They gifted me more and kept asking what was wong.
  5. Incessant African Astronaut
    None, because I forgot my tweeds at home and I’m staying at my moms house.
  6. Incessant African Astronaut
    Watching a football game
  7. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Update: I was too lazy to go out for liquor so I just got high instead

    Please leave your tribute in the what strain are you smoking thread. I will bump for ease of access.
  8. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Would you like me to vocaroo me reading the article out loud to you as well, your Highness?

    You didn’t ask me, but yes.
  9. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Does watching 1000+ hours of YouTube over a 2-month period, not working a single day, only getting out of bed to piss shit or eat, too tired to even go to the beer store 5 minutes away count?

  10. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster You niggers don't understand clinical depression

    I mean I have clinical depression but my antidepressants pretty much help me. I’m sorry it’s so rough. Please don’t catch the bus.
  11. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster I might go get a bottle to try to stifle these thoughts about killing myself

    Take a walk instead and if you still want it get it. Or work out.
  12. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka He'll realise one day that his pettiness contributed to his friend's demise and that's good enough for me.

    I think friend is a strong term for Lanny and Sophie’s relationship but sure.

    You haven’t been here long enough. Lanny isn’t petty he has a strict code of ethics for how he runs this place. He wouldn’t remove anything for anyone. Maybe Lala but still doubtful or he’s do it very quietly.
  13. Incessant African Astronaut
    I was in rare form this Thursday. Puked my guts up in the Whataburger bathroom and kind of mad that none of my girl friends came to check on me. Spent the whole next day sleeping.

    I think what happened is 1) I’d been day drinking earlier and thought since I stopped for a while it wouldn’t matter 2) I barely ate at lunch and then had one piece of pizza for dinner. 3) I usually drink tequila and light beer and I had a shot with Jameson in it and a drink that was given to me that was whisky and soda water.

    Basically brown liquor and I are just a no go ever from now on.

    I drank way more the night before and I never even got buzzed. How does this happen?
  14. Incessant African Astronaut
    Cooking my sister and I lunch
  15. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka My ex gf would get into fights with them and knocked some guy's teeth out and it would be over minor things. I haven't been in fights with them since I was a teen but they didn't fight back so idk if that counts.

    Look at that girls eyebrow. This proves the few times Kafka posted “her face” it was actually her ex. Because she didn’t want to get made fun of for looking like a man.
  16. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka That escort thing was just to reject men and lower their self-esteem.

    So she admits she said the escort thing herself…
  17. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat "
    I think the usual idea is that bi gals get something different out of dudes vs. other women. While not universally true, I've known very few bi women who were in any sort of long term relationship with another woman, or if they were it's "not doing that again lol". Bitches are crazy, and no one knows that better than other bitche"

    SO why not just join porn then?

  18. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka Lanny can still save Sophie by shutting down the site.

    Honey sweetie child…. That will never happen unless he decides to on his own accord.
  19. Incessant African Astronaut
    I wish I understood why men don’t have a problem with their gfs hooking up with other women but it seems to be common. And I agree with her, if my relationship ended I would probably end up with a woman next. Mainly because I haven’t fully tried it yet, the relationship bit. I can finally claim to not be a fake lesbian though because I went down on my roomate (but I barely remember it and don’t remember her turn with me). And apparently I was good at it which is what has kept me from trying this whole time (I don’t like doing things I’m bad at)

    Also I think I would find penetration more intimate than oral. Because it’s like as close as you possibly could be ya know?

    Definitely do not go down this path unless if you’re ready for your relationship to end and to see a fire show before that happens.

    My new boyfriend has been told by about 6 different women now if he doesn’t treat me right they are going to steal me or in Bree’s case she’s just gonna do it cuz she can and to fuck with him (they have a sibling relationship where they constantly flick each other off and act like they hate each other)

    Apparently he had a dream about me and the girl we are house sitting for right now and I told him “that will never happen only because I already know she and I would light the world on fire if that ever happened”

    If a threesome ever happened I would probably have the same rules. Almost a stranger, none of our friends, and honestly I’m so jealous he’d probably only get to watch and that’s it. And if they ever hooked up away from me it would be over. Also she would have to be my type which is definitely not his type. And he’d have to deal with that.
  20. Incessant African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster That shit isn't going to work, just embrace your inner drunkard

    Lies. I didn’t drink tonight. And I was deletions from sleep deprivation so yeah. I was right you were cool.
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