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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    ^but its a start mr negative nancy.

    Roshambo I'd get your mom to get you some gatoraid and carrots / whatever vegatable/ fruit that you like.

    and by the way if you're trying to "flush all drugs" you probably should leave the DPH out of the equation

    Yeah I stopped eating microwave soft pretzels, ellios pizza and shit like that. Past month I've been having mostly instant breakfast, chicken, salad, actually eating breakfast and I went from 225 to 218
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut

    what the fuck is wrong with that guys shoulders? does he have klinefelter syndrome like you also?
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    â– â–¡â– ~~~~fuck you queezenarts~~~~â– â–¡â– 
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Probably the only good idea I've had in a while. Flushing all drugs, inducing withdrawal, and locking myself in the basement for 24 hours with nothing to eat or drink but a piece of bread and half a bottle of water. tier 2: take 450mg dph, lock self in basement, lights off, no food, just a bottle of water. bonus= bathing using the water from the sump pump pic related = my basement
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I wish you were more mathematically literate, every now and then you post something where I'm like "I have something to say about that" but then I realize it's just words strung together that happened to have caught my attention, trying to pursue it as a discussion would be a waste of time.

    crib your leg, bag it, and gtfo
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    trails tracers tractor trailers


  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Until my T-PAIN comes I have to deal with fucking opiate withdrawal bullshit and lack of focalin

    I discovered 50mg of seroquel at night (they say thats not enough to feel any sort of significant mental effect, antipsychotic or otherwise but upregulated dopamines are cool. Woke up after like 20 30 minute sleeps this morning and like 12 clonidines, but I noticed the seroquel actually made a positive impact. So, had 2 shots of southern comfort and decided to use my last 5 dollhairs to buy benzedrex. 1 inhaler 250 mgs, no paranoia or adrenergic fuckfest because of clonidine, and had a few beers and I feel almost baseline (like, how I felt normally before drugs, no depression slight motivation)
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    how do I hibernate for days? I need to sleep thru atleast 2 days of opiate withdrawal anhedonia and stim restlessness. Total today for sleep ive taken like 1.4mg of clonidine (not at once, spread out but it never really put me out). I also took 50mg of seroquel a few hrs ago but still never even slept fully. All I have is a shit ton clonidine, seroquel, buspar, melatonin and benadryl just took 100mg bbbenadrills and if this doesnt KO me im gonna crib leg my house's bag to the ground
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut

    always makes me giggle a little to see nogs on facebook calling each other savages

  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Welp as you all know, OYHOY ROSHAMBO SPICE AND BELLWOOTRAINS. Well, First time I did spice was probably the most euporic experience in my life. September 2014 I think it was. I'm certain it only containted small amounts of am-2201 or possibly hu-210, I don't know, it felt like weed, alot like weed but there was some sort of psychedelic in that shit, amt maybe. My very anxious and paranoid friend (mild autism probably) Smoked as much as I did, a huge amount in a soda can. I'd never seen him so free. Literally it was like his troubles and everything dissapeared, he was tslking a million miles a minute, obviously EUPHORICCC UEDJEN. Anyway next time (actuslly third) I got spice I thought it would be the same. Caution diablo. I remember getting it in the mail, throwing the packet on my bed, listening to love buzz by nirvana. Anywsy I went to hell, fell off my desk chair which fell diagonally, Judging by what my family had to witness, my mom came in my room before I fell, I was screaming bloody murder, fell, computer snd desk fell on me, etc etc got strangldd in guitsr cord mom said I was foaming at the side of my mouth while spesking gibberish. theres probably more detail I csn go into but even on fuckin opiates and gsbspentin now tslking sbout this is making me flashback, not even kidding I DEFINITELY got brain damaged. My life ended when I overdosed, now I'm a sack of flesh. I WAS a different person. agh
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Their cover of she said she said was dope
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    It was a bittersweet day. House back on vicodin after faking his own death, yet for once the mobius strip of fuck was cut by the scissors of witnessing his best friend dying of cancer. House, willing to sacrifice a huge part of his life (and a huge part of the amount of legs he had) to be painless for the first time since his thrombosis. They were free. Free rhymes with 3. Taub and Foreman got arrested for malpractice in a psychotic break brought on by their long time captor's apparent death. Foreman was the bottom. Shocking, isn't it? Not really Chase died of oyhoyistatic auyuahyeuyosis Cuddy's ass remained as big and jedi as it always was
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Your only mental disorder is being a pussy/mamas boi

    that goes for roshambo and hts too. Atleast tort has the balls to move into a creepy old mans house, smoke meth and quit his pizza job.

    You could've waited for my own self analysis thread to give me a cold glass of reality punch but did you really have to include the shit about me and hts? Really? And you're wrong about sploo and hts, they have dealt with actual shit in their lives that warrants their behavior, Even if what you said is true, atleast we can leave the county we live in and don't have to deal with community service brought on by wreckless behavior due to being a daddy's boi. My only problem is looking for reasons to rationalize my problems about looking for reasons to avoid looking for reasons to rationalize my selfish behavior
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    This kid TJ that I knew from a tinychat room I used to frequent from 2012 to 2014, had the worst case of ADD I ever witnessed, he was only like 15 or so back then so I thought he'd grow out of it... was a brony, autistic sonic addict and all that shit,yet at age 18 he's still as much of a spastic autist but now he smokes weed. I thought it'd be an improvement but he still messages me on his only friends fb account (surprisingly his friend is actually pretty normal, I talk to him sometimes but, weed + autispasticism = fuckno
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Why the fuck do I get so much damn anxiety and stiffchick'd from snorting focalin? Any way to stop this fuckin shit? what is it vasoconstriction or some stupid shit like that? all I got is gabapentins

    shit out of luck
    fuckity fuckity fuck
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Speaking from an adrenergic flooded and brain damaged, stimulant induced, comedown comeup and irrelevant point of view (since objectively the majority of the time I'm an illogical, egotistsical, drug addicted young fool), You are all parasites. And so am I. Aswell as Nelson Mandela, Charlie Manson, Richard Nixon, Aristotle, and your mom. We all have a holier-than-thou attitude against every organism, whether it be an amoeba (adolescents are top tier criblegbarg.

    Anyone ever try butalbital?

  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    or marplan
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Nardil is a godsend. If there's one thing I would recommend to you, it's this,
    fuck nardil parnate is god
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    fuck eyeoohahska

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