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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah it depends on the circumstance. I say that because if you say you're under 18 you get respected significantly less than people over 18
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I don't see how you're a functional addict, you live with your mom and don't have a job. (no offense, just sayin…)

    I make money from music royalties, albeit not alot, by royalties I mean the ones I have up on spotify and itunes (Silver dollar 7s- rolling nickels. the burnouts-hey bulldog, gone under-knowledge, the sperglords-cryptodellix, a small fortune.) About to reach the 100 dollar payout threshold, same with google adsense. Been working at affiliate marketing and making phony sites with ads on them, legit informative sites and personal media, idea, music, etc sites. So 200 dollhairs soon. Something to do with the time.

    Also I'm 17 so living with my mom isn't too unusual

    I get out of the house for walks, atleast 3 times a week. I used to go for walks all the time from like, most of 2014 and 2015 but that was for benzedrex. I quit that shit officially since the local store who sells them at half price won't sell to me.. not walking 2 miles for 16 dollars 2 inhalers. I've been getting better, regardless of how it seems. I'm still going under to a place where all the mutants go. Also do these songs sound very similar? Tfw I listen to the goldfinger one and get nostalgia from when I first started spice, I actually see oev visuals because I'm on gabapentin which does that, and when I get nostalgia from that I get fractal nostalgia from the sum 41 song, from when I was 14, met up with a really old friend from like fuckin 2nd grade, my dad knows his mom because she has probs like my dad. Used to longboard with the guy, drink mouffwash, fosters beer and chew concertas and experiment with pharms of all shapes and designations.

  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Before I start my usual riff raff, I'd like to say, NA/AA/12step don't work. Atleast for me, 36 people I knew in rehab that all are doing drugs again. One died. Maybe I'm missing something but the book basically says ok, you will get sober, by our terms, our way, you can't do anything by yourself, you need the book. the program. the steps. the group. the bad coffee.

    I take ALOT of focalin. MOSTLY because I'm on the same exact dose I was on when I was 14. 10mg 2x day. AfosB workin its way to the bottom. anyway, ROLLERCOASTER, OF LOVE.

    Even if I snort a nonipredetermined and sometimes miscounted amount of focalin a day, for the bellringer and thrill , anywhere from 3 to 8 a day. and 5mg 2x day with 2.5 mg as needed like up to 6 times a day. Set this as a sched. The snorted ones can be eliminated as they are to get high mostly. Optional. Also focalin doesn't give me anxiety anymore during the comedown... don't really work. Only got 1.5 hr of sleep and came right back on nick&nite circa 2020bc. Anyway I'm planning on getting a library card today after I meet up with narcoid dyedHippieCannabinoidCephalicHat and get some weeds and probably get a fuckton of philosophy books and not read more than like 20 pages in each.
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Flippy flappers get your slappers if I didnt ind an oxycooolone I'd be a cruel one BDSM whoever is a fem, make sure you ship up the tachyon beam ans ship it out of here



  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    "Stupid face", what a classic.

    Scientists haven't even discovered a name for what you are. Forget the fact that you want to molest small children and scar them for life with no remorse and rationalizing, or just using your obvious butthurt comments. I'm very certain you do not have a single friend in the world. Did all of your friends stay away from you're.... creepy sociopathic soul-less coward when you were a child and you want to molest children to fix your deeply set repressed memories. Did daddy clean up afterwards?

    You are so far gone you don't even sicken me. I pity you. Icouldn't imagine living like you.. everything dark and 2 dimensional...
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Etizolam never did anything for me really... xanax tho was always the most euphoric benzo for me, actually it might've been klonopin but I don't remember. Sometimes 1mg makes me feel near euphoric sometimes 9mg doesn't even affect me... tho over last summer I had a few shots of southern comfort with 9mg of xanax and woke up vomiting realized I fell asleep with chew in my mouth and must've swallowed some.. good times
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut

  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Other than taking 15-30mg noopept daily for the past week I've been more or less the same, meaning no benzedrex or T-PAIN/etc mostly because I've been giving it a chance to work but yesterday I had like 8 cups of coffee and was euphoric (caffeines always made me feel like shit) and found a 7.5mg adderall and was fucking flying for like 8 hours, and it usually took me atleast 15mg adderall (5 years ago) for me to feel anything worth noting or 80mg of vyvanse to feel any real good feels. So I had 14 drinks, slept 2 hours and still manic so I started taking my wellbutrin again. inb4 kill yourself inb4 crash and going postal
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Its Cuisinart you fucking cuck

    never was never will be you fucking slimy criglord SUFFER SAD SUFFER BAD ETERNAL DOOM IS COMING FOR YOU
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Klingon mating rituals were a series of courting traditions held by the Klingons. Klingon mating rituals included combative foreplay

    [SIZE=12px]I'd fuck a klingon bitch any day of the week[/SIZE][/SIZE]
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut

    sadly the pitch had to be raised because of the youtube fucks deleting the original

    link to original music video (dont know if it will embed)

  12. Dissociator African Astronaut

    I like turtles still.

    batlh DaHutlh
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    you ever huff starter fluid with hank hill propranololz, herptane and buttane in it? thats the only shit they sell around herr
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    When I overdosed on spice back on december 16th, 2014 I was seizing violently and hit my head on the floor, got trapped under a desk and was suffocated tied up in guitar cables. I thought I was in hell and felt the worst pain imaginable, pain in everything, crushing skull, burning like I was on fire in every part of my body, internal, external, and all I could see visually was a greenish, orange dense like liquid, and eventually just felt numb, with an unexplainable feeling of floating through molasses or something, and then I remember floating in an out of conciousness in the ambulance and hallucinated being on a bus flying through space, only being able to breathe every 30 seconds and passing through 3 checkpoints of what I assume was death. My mom said I was freaking out screaming speaking gibberosh even before I fell down and got trapped but was actually convulsing and eventually my eyes rolled inside my head and was vomiting foam
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    God damn tinybltc is even more of a cesspool than usual lately. Kreepykay and privacycunt are nowhere to be found lately (afaik, I saw kreepykay in there like a week ago but thats it) Too many drunkards and bad music not enough conversation/any drug other than alcohol plus the usual stale cgghkaruImmfrd
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Anyone who practices NoFap and honestly thinks that it does anything beneficial needs a large dose of clozapine and deserves to get their nads chopped off with rusty shears
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Sucks for those fools, I hate the fucking store and I hate the fucking employees but they sell those things cheapest there out of ANY store. , but I've purchased ATLEAST 2.5 grand worth of ppx from them since 2013. I dont get my replacement Id for another few weeks but fuck em lol, its only that store manager fucking himself over. Guy looks lke a human bulldog lemur combo anyway
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    naw cus I was oyhoynly paranoid because I was on focalin, thats some devil shit on any other drug I'd gladly eat a lightbulb or stick a d battery up my ass
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    It really depends, its not all just one brand is for this one brand is for that, but with your music preferences and styles I'd say fender jaguar, unless you already have both a fender and gibson guitar and are wondering which one is better, overall I would say fender
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