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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    rail n tayke ur antidepressints but dint forket 2 kdo rjrigj jwi duidiiodirb djdjjdurofodkhrud8ri3i7
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut

    1. get yourself addicted to cigarettes,. if already addicted, switch to dip packets, then straight up long cut tobacco. you will notice your tobacco addiction is starting to cost more than your butt crack/heroin addicktion

    2. nitrous

    3. kill yourself[/SIZE]
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut look up bronkaid ephedrine i think etsy has it i bought ghb on etsy
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    i looked it up they sell dispensers at william sonoma for 100 dollars NOPE they have another dispenser at some place 13 miles away and I have no car
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah 3 or 4 years ago my dad and me would get in fights and yell, yes my dad talks to himself at night and yes I have my speakers on sometimes but the neighbors nextdoor, theyre fine except the CUNT 20 YEAR OLD WHORE and her CROMAGNON boyfriend never SHUT THE FUCK UP, always HAVE THE WINDOW OPEN WHEN THEY HAVE TROGLODYTE FUCKING SESSIONS, and they BRING TRIBES OF ALCOHOLIC SANDNIGGERjediCHINKAUSTRALIWAIIANS OVER WHO DONT EVEN MAKE REGULAR NOISE, THEY SOUND LIKE FUCKING MONKEYS OOO OOO OOO OO OOOO O O OO OO WHERE THE FUCK DO I ACQUIRE A SNIPER RIFLE/TURN A SEMI AUTOMATIC AIRSOFT GUN INTO SOMETHING THAT CAN SHOOT MORE USEFUL PROJECTILES? i mean sometimes I shoot lit cigarettes out of my .45 airsoft for the lulz but they only go like 10 feet
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    i have the WORST instant gratification, im probably gonna end up killing myself trying to open one of the chargers

    I keep looking up crackers, they dont even sell them online

    Seriously wtf, i thought they just called them charger holders to be inconspicuous

    I paid like 8 dollars for the damn thing

    now I'm gonna have to find a damn cracker and order it and probably have to wait a week for it to arrive

    do they sell dispensers at stores
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    if not therres gonna be a roschplewumbine or the harem crack suicide pact
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    surf or eat turf skate or die, scrimmy
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    use superglue

    store grade will probably itch but it beats bleeding out
    since i couldnt run out because gushing blood I asked my mom to go pick up some, i said its used in medical situations by doctors, she was like no and got me some bullshit potassium hydrophilic polymer which doesnt work very well and ill bleed out in sleep
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I have only prayed twice in the past like, atleast half a decade. The first one was for my father to get his new job, which he did, and, let me get to the point before I get into the whole story [and sorry if im not making much sense, I lost alot of blood]

    In my opinion, praying to God for specific things, is not the right way to look at it. People praying for loved ones, should just simply ask god to bestow strength upon someone who is ill or themselves.

    I cut myself. at like 7am. It was a stupid thing to do but I've done it a thousand times before. Only this time it was very very bad. TLDR I needed some kind of artificial clotting thing, cauterization, like 481934 bandaids, but

    I didnttret

    didnt i already make this thread

  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    The bleeding is stopped after like 8 hrs, I had to rub sand clots in it
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut

    Well, since I'm at another roadblock and I currently bave no other drugs, and I tried to sleep to no avail, tossing and turning and tossing and flipping and making flippy floppy even tho i took a xanax oxy 20 and opium ffs

    after trying all the sleep and fapping I was fucking pissed at my mom for neglecting to get some insurance info to get me a new social security card (I'm possibly 17 remember) and how she and my dad enabled my drug use for years , even before I became evil, psychotic, lazy, avoidant and manipulative. Actually my dad feeding me xanax all those years just made me come up with better ways to get xanax, manipulation nation etc etc

    So I have feet vasoconstriction but I just slashed my arm twice and i wont stop bleedin out eyyy but endorphins cause opiate WDs and soup du jour tour.

    will update when 4-pmpd makes me die

    above is alll fictionnn ^^^

    well 7.24 am and my stomach feels opiated from residual etcs and cutting
    down the hatch is 50mg 4-pmpd

    7.50 20mg sniff

    8.23 I feel like SHIT worst useless stimulation ever, just cauterized the cut


  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    my first post on zoklet in march 2014 was "take away your ambition, replace it with serotonin" I'm a genius
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    125 mg beedrills at night with 3 shots of liquor or 3 beers, expect to wake up at 3am and take 75mg beedrills and 30mg flexerdrills
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    title ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Daily reminder that taking myer briggs special snowflake test is the moral equivalent of accepting a engorged penis into your asshole and makes one a certifiable faggot.

    people that are like OH YEAH I'M ENTJ I'M SPECIAL like when people brag about iq, both tests imo are used to just give a rough estimate of a person's personality and intelligence and iq test should only be used to gauge intelligence in mental retardation to assess their needs and shit, MB test should be used to diagnose personality disorders, or to find a suitable mate with the same personality typw
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    me, if I posted here more often when I'm sober, INTP stoicism top tier
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut

    I wrote those lyrics ALL BY MYSELF :O
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