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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    i hate this forum
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    su craptic
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    what search terms should i use on.smeglist to find ppl that can make me a pimped out sissy for like purposes of infinite amounts of krak
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I thought u do nitros
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I can almost never remember my dreams anymore, don't think any forum members have visited

    more generally though, in the past the bizarre nightmares never really bothered me - the dreams I always found disturbing and unsettling were the ones where I was a different person - I mean physically I was probably the same person, but my morals and thought processes were completely warped from what they would normally be…

    I remember the first time (I think) it happened I'd dreamt that I'd found a lost child, like 2-3 years old, and was trying to find it's parents
    I wasn't having any luck and the kid just kept crying louder and louder
    after a few minutes of wandering around, I got mad and threw the kid into traffic, directly under the wheels of a speeding car… it made quite a mess

    I woke up a few minutes later, just sat there for the next hour or so thinking, 'why the fuck did I do that?'

    That sounds more normal than most of my dreams, atleast it has some sort of structure. Ever since I did spice I started having really really abstract thought processes like, I wonder if people with down syndrome have nmda antagonist tier dissociation because I can see it in their face, or will someone with no cannabinoid receptors look really really deformed.

    During an ischemic benzedrex benadryl dream I kept jumping off a stage and snapping my ankle but the dream happened over and over again for hours and it hurt so bad.

    also some of my dreams are truly unexplainable, like I had one the other day that just blew my mind and completely opened up so many closed receptors because everything in the dream was like, a layer above another form of reality but it had some kind of structure or something because in the dream I was like HA, NOW I GET IT.

    Maybe I should keep my thoughts to myself.
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Rajal tekdermis rakmunis chjlromps. klorsky born'jers? j'unshnck t'feral. Nargueyling? æßhler pronts. Pronty sckraps? Narteely scrapes! Norschorbehor gorflorđõr. Schnelracht, ųntantly schrlempelerdor n'rachtmunis. Born'jer narno rjackly sjlrempartly scrongus. Clorfdorfdemorf munislons, slonsifurile jackninsterkohl. Artargus klemps, Jackstermunis tlflemps. Car stignerfungus, rath'dantry mungus. Deltcherflorm isotypes.
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I got 32 also do all crackers open up both 8 and 16gram canisters? the one I ordered didnt specify also by death I mean from like, tachycardia or something, ischemia from huffing inbetween focalines also dying on nitrous and having brain release dmt would be radical
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    inb4 dissociator is repressed and now can only make dreamthreads and should abandon this place and go to dreamviews panthrax and mq regularly invade my dreams its quite unsettling I had a dream I was blind and in jail and sniffed a cocaine and it was freezing out and I dropped my computer systems 1 assignment in a semifrozen lake (it was a borg node) [yes I have been watching star trek voyager lately thats why reg barkeley and the EMH are in my dreams actually, lets make this a multipurpose dream thread/my own dream circlejerk
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    well i got my focalin filled today and tldr apparently I coulda got it filled on the 3rd so I still have 2 more then I shud cause i took 6 ey so im stopping the wellbootrains becsuse fuck that , life without cigarettes isnt life at all I get my cracker in the mail tomorrow 12pm or money back, how horrifyingly awful will mixing shit tier worse than brnzedrez stims with dissociative nitrous i know i need b12 supps and my mom is prob gonna copcall me but i have testicular torsion snd i want to remember the fall of 2016 aka my fall of 2016 as nitrous green day zippero 1101001
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Sittin' after supper Watched the f.b.i. Asked for the cigarette I got no reply Then you dropped your culottes Revealing rubber underpants Sweat was forming in my shoes But you ended our romance I been refused I lost my shoes Last Monday morning Minus 20 degrees Walked to unemployment On my knees Dogs in the ocean Figs in the sea well come on baby And wakka-wakka-wakka with me Bought a kodak brownie Developed film at home Took some shots of sister Pants were full of loam Took a couple back views Took some up front Three tries wallet size I was lookin' at that cunt I been refused I lost my shoes.
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    zippity zoom how did you get in my room
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I scored a 119 on a test in middle school or something my proccessing speed/working memory was like 79 because OG NITROUS
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    are you the real armsmerchant
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Bill Krozby: 105
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    so here I am minding my own business and then I focus my energy on producing more theta and also gamma waves in my brain then Im sitting there in like a gimp suit and alot of fetishy stuff with a dominatrix but then I was in star trek voyager and then suddenly

    [SIZE=28px]please state the nature of the medical emergency[/SIZE]
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Because you aren't aware of who you truly are.


    last night I had a dream that I was longboarding down a street but instead of slowing down I just kept going faster and could do cool ass tricks and didnt get all fucked up and fall

    also I killed a bunch of tarantulas and felt bad and wondered why people only get pissed when you kill bigger animals and not like, tiny ants or spiders. then I mailed the taurantulas to ppl

    also there was this dude kyle who I didnt really get along with in middleschool, like I started doing drugs he was a douche and all that but in the dream I bought a new longboard but I was like 5 dollars short and he was like yo heres some 5

    maybe I should trust people more? or value friendships? also one of my old middle school friends messaged me around the time I woke up saying he could get me a job
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    sploo: 141 malice: 145 me: 138 mrhappy: 135 sophie: 125 bling: 119
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    obviously i have the neerotransmuters to be happy if i can FEEL in the dream is ot llllllllll is it a coincidence that I get the goodtime dreambag after starting back on wellbutrin 300mg?
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