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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Ok wtf. For the past few years ive been hopelessly addicted to propylhexedrine, vmat2 antagonist taar1 agonist, amphetamine like stimulanr. Very accessable, available over the counter in benzedrex inhalers. If im in ok shape, like supplementing with phenibut gabaergics and have a decent supply of pharmastims im ok, dont need it.

    But over the years its given me very very intense euphoria, better than adderall, at ita best, and mild antidepressant effect at its worst.

    Im in a halfway house at iop rehab right now and my benzedrex addiction carried over. I tried going a week without it and slept 18 hrs a day with immense head neck back and stonach pains, severe anhedonia and agitation.

    Dosed today, usual dose 500mg. I feel... normal again. Cymbalta blunts the euphoriagenesis but im well enough that I walked 3 miles, where yesterday I felt like i was gonna die from walking down the street

    Also loperamide is cool (u need p glycoprotein inhibitors to make it cross the blood brain barrier)

    That feel when my drug of choice is always available
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Fuck man I need something to chill out and enhance life
    I wanna die without drugs
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    2012 was eh, life enhanced. Xanax adderall. Squeaky clean perceptually. 2013 was really shitty. Deleriants and teen angst. 2014 is when my whole life changed, starting mostly near mary/April, peaking at a penultimate meth/coke phenibut peak in summer of 2014 and fading into the spice bliss euphoria headspace of 2015, which was so many fucking revelations, went from a lazyish fat fuck to so many different viewpoints, for the first time in life everything fell into line. 2016 was the trisomy year, winding down so many awesome experiences and concluding a bunch of friendships and things ill never be able to do again. Things I can never feel, opportunities for functional addiction ill never have. Hell I'm in a fucking rehab.
    2017 waa fucking weird as hell and I hated it. I honestly can't tell if 201... No I can tell 2018 fucking sucks worst year of my life
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    My mom gives me some money and my halfway house manager trusts me with 30 a week
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'll never get tired of that typo
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Wi'll pay SLOT. been months since ivr had any good stuff
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Anything to be honest. In pompano beach. Specifically spice, research chem,flakka
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Where do u live
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dissociator Super suvenyhoy 128:
    You are born a microblip of a poarticle into a universe with unknown properties. With the assistance of an artificial intelligence virtual baby consciousness apparatus, you can parent a machine blip as though it were a fetus. Ages exactly like a real child. It perceives everything as whatever is inside a green screen room, while you wear a vr mask and witness only it and it's constructs. Seeds are completely randomised , so you could be lucky and get a bright blip to become you4 neurobro in 20 years or forced to feel sorry for a mongolplot forever

    The limit of the entities intelligence is.. limitless. Can be engineered to create immortality (theoretical technology only available on flinkoid rhomboid dronegar fragment 25i
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Super suvenyhoy 128:
    You are born a microblip of a poarticle into a universe with unknown properties. With the assistance of an artificial intelligence virtual baby consciousness apparatus, you can parent a machine blip as though it were a fetus. Ages exactly like a real child. It perceives everything as whatever is inside a green screen room, while you wear a vr mask and witness only it and it's constructs. Seeds are completely randomised , so you could be lucky and get a bright blip to become you4 neurobro in 20 years or forced to feel sorry for a mongolplot forever
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Coughgel bundys infernal hellride

    Play as coughgel bundy, the zuave, ultra lush socialite who livens the buzz of the night by taking on as many exotic little corpses as he can.. work your way up, start with mongolroy 30s and once you've mastered drugging a tronkosally's dogstickjuice, you'll be ready for bigger and better affairs

    The goal of the game is to grow an empire of loyal henchmen and build a society where rape, dismemberment and murder of women is the primary objective.


    Four players all for themselves in a giant field. Each player is assigned 8 colonists, who aid as their protectors. Colonists chosen by Poindexter dodgeball. The colonists are.. fuck idk where I was going with this.

    Field full of like 64 people all streetclothed. The goal is to form the biggest race riot you can in the most abrupt period of time possible. Game starts with 4 people, all seemingly unrelated, spreading word of a race riot. Eventually tension rises. One nigger one white one spic and one gook are the 4 leaders, other 60 are of mixed ethnicity. Winner is whatever race can avoid being splorkd
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'm more fried I win I win

    B3nxed3sx over a thousand purple hexagonal in 4 yrs

    Starter fluid mixed with spic3 when my head was swollen like a blobuloid after head injury
    I broke my dick on meth, tied a wire around left it on for 12 hrs

    Also im a cute whore
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    It took about 7 years to make the journey across the lands of new, the terrain was very difficult to traverse. This is a log of my travels


    I don't know who I am. All i know is that

  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I heard some gay dating website merged with here now theres fucksluts and mongolroys running amok and the last fibers of totse are now even more frayed

    All non originals gtfo
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    bundy makes you apathetic?
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    All drugs are psychotropic.
    And if you mean pharms, the gab and cymbalta isnt to get high , the propylhexedrine was

    The bundy idea is as an add on antidepressant/reality smoother
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Its stop making sense (1984)
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Ok for those who don't know, I'm in rehab. Yeah, defeating the purpose all that. Well I was simply tired of feeling like shit. Did propylhexedrine, combined with cymbalta its actually pretty fucking awesome. Felt emotions I thought were gone forever. Major limbic boost. Exactly what I needed. It's about 14 hrs after I dosed so its pretty much all worn off with a remaining very slight glow of wellbeing.. maybe it got rid of the opiate withdrawal.

    Well I'm on 60mg cymbalta... Im trying to achieve the best feels possible while still maintaining a routine of healthy lifestyle... I also started taking fish oil yesterday.

    I have severe anxiety all the time, emotions severely limited, extreme fatigue, body pains, etc

    Do you think 60-120mg could make me feel better
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