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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    and I went to a baptist church yesterday and felt genuine joy and sparks inside my soul. for the first time in years. also buying one of those old timey safety razors helps alot with the embedded morgellons
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    very good. soma is an amazing drug. exactly how I thought barbiturates/atypical 50s era gabaergics would feel.amazing with bupropion.
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    about milton bearle.. good ol uncle miltown.
    how I used to highly respect richard nixon and elvis but nixon was a deformed manic depressive with deep seated self hatred and elvis was a megalomaniac hypocrite.. nixon was the main culprit pushing the war on drugs and elvis was a DEA agent
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    hey, quick post because i forgot my library card pin and im using their free temporary 15 minute computer

    I sniffed 60 focalins in like 2 hours around a week ago and got into some mess at the halfway house, left peacefully. when i was out walking i saw some crazy dude and stayed at his house for a day.. his dad was a vietnam vet. this guy stole 20 dollars from his dad and i used it to buy cigarettes. me and him went for a walk and he said he had to go home or his dad would worry. i pointed him home.. stole some benzedrex later showed up at his house. he never came home. i hightailed out of there and psychwarded. in said psychward a doc took me off wellbutrin and lyrics and put me on a new cocktail of cymbalta baclofen doxepin and trileptal, for neuralgia mood stabilization pain and depression. its working pretty well.

    i had a latent script of wellbutrin at the pharmacy so thats been my fuel. ive also been stealing soma from some guy at my new boarding house that has MS. just reporting in. all is very very good. trileptal causes a weird neurologic side effect tho where everything sounds a semitone lower in pitch. pretty peculiar.

    i read on the road by jack kerouac. dean moriarty reminds me so much of john (schplew). its also refreshing to read a book about benzedrine inhaler popping raving lunatics from the 50s. like a cold glass of affirming reality punch

    thats all
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    how am I doing I guess I'm doing alright I'm living at a halfway house but I have to deal with the reality that I cannot use a smartphone anymore
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I do want a sip of dat dipt
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Prolly low testosterone homeboy. Youre also on a ton of different meds. Wouldnt be surprised if that wad a side effect of at least a couple of them.

    I got high energy to work out and I went from 200 to 150 in about six months they also told me I have overactive thyroid but I'm not taking my thyroid meds because I don't want it to be fat I think I have high testosterone or at least I used to
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Basically I called someone in Niger a month ago cuz you went into someone's mail and stole some money, and lately this lady's been telling me I'm a sissy and to put on some panties and s*** so that's a hate crime right there I don't give a f*** but you know what she told me I'm being terminated by the end of the month I got in a bandeau to move into it's just going to be too hot this ain't my smartphone so it's going to suck
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by street_carp Dissociator isn't just a clever name then.

    You got it amigo
    Y'all tho sploo was the king of bundy tho
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Okay milo
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I used to buy weed from a guy with narcolepsy and he would fall asleep randomly on benches or at peoples house with a bunch of weed on him and lose it all over the place.

    Yeah and you would probably steal it all from him
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Is that odd? I mean because of all the stimulants are various drugs of all different kinds that I've used I'm not surprised but I still have a high sex drive I still masterbate I just don't feel like fucking every hot chick that I see you kno

    I don't even think about sex alot.. I mean ivw had sex with like 7 different girls in my life, 3 men

    Last time I had sex I got buttfucked and also gave head and I mean it was pretty crazy I mean I do have HIV now
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Hear the lights that are going down south where I'm down south in Charleston baby I mean random thoughts telling me blinking lights too many blinking lights of all different neons of lime green and all I see is little dots and summer smeared and summer spots
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Honestly whenever I do duster and I get the wahwahs . honestly it just feels like warm sensation over me and an instant numbing narcosis effect in my head, but with butane I feel like I've been stabbed with ice picks and all the lobwa of my brains you know

    I can imagine butane being fun with a lot of cocaine though

    But if I do at benzos inhalants are fuckingawesome every time and with opiates don't even get me started
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Also im not seeing any exposed mandible

    Under my tongue
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I had 4 slicee's Domino's pizzA and crush soda
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Just to be clear- he died because he was a developmentally stunted, narcissistic, spiteful drug addict. Youre also a drug addict. You cant pretend like whooooaaa man if this was portugal and he could get pharmaceutical heroin hed have lived to the ripe old age of 72. The fact that he was unemployable, severely autistic and couldnt afford legitimate drugs is probably the only reason he lived as long as he did. He was a drug dumpster as are most of us. As are you. Dont sully his memory by trying to pretend that he didnt just enjoy getting retarded off keyboard duster and diarrhea pills.

    Honestly dude i thought this whole thing would give you some perspective but it sounds like youre just followingin his footsteps. In a minefield when the man in front of you gets blown in two, thats supposed to be how you know where NOT to go. Youre a creative, talented dude. Itd be a shame for you to continue to rot away all for nothing.

    I quit spice I mostly take Klonopin and Xanax daily to get by and sometimes lortabs if my teeth are hurting too bad. I do Justin when I'm really hurting bad and I don't want to commit suicide and I rather get f***** up completely. I have to send some lunch and know what what you do and when to do it he just got f***** up all the time haphazardly
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I do this

    To deal with this
    try try doing funny you suck dick sucking my dick sucked dick suck you suck dick sucking my dick suck black dick

    All day all night from some Niger that lives in the same room on
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    my best friend died because he had to take over the counter substitution for opiates that causes heart to beat in in an abnormal way and if he just had access to some sort of morphine or whatever or decriminalize drugs or you no pain medicine something even benzos he would he would probably still be alive I mean all this over the counter should killing people's f***** up I mean the war on drugs really the war on people way to control people I mean the only reason why spice exists is because of the war on drugs and you know it makes spice illegal make weed legal in when weed is legal everywhere spice is definitely going to go down but I mean that there are people that prefer spice I'm one of them but still the war on drugs war on live side with him because the war on drugs Nixon and I think it was Nixon and Elvis Presley who was a f****** hypocrite my best friend is fuxkng dead
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    For realzo
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