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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S when's your next court appearance?

    No court appearance. They gave me time served, I paid the 60 court fee and its over with
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Racked up a debt of like 92 buns lol. My mom always kept my books loaded so sometimes I just direct transfered money to other inmates
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by livingelegy How'd you get meth into prison? Did a pal keister it?

    I would have raided the BK kitchen for burgers fries and maybe a sundae.

    Surprisingly a guy had a huge baggie of ice in the fucking booking/holding cell. Probably like 2g. I sniffed some and saved some for the first few days. It was an open dorm low security for nonviolent I was housed in. j dorm. Some people probably had CO connects. Needless to say I owed alot of people icy white honey buns on canteen day
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    re evaluated everything when I was homeless from October to December. I had a spiritual awakening on Christmas that I won't go into detail about except I was very cold, very dopesick (I had been snorting heroin and smoking meth from like October 14th to the 31st (then jail.. where I continued to do ice) then from November 20something until christmas.. a 40 a day of meth and a 40 of dope. I got the money panhandling and moving... property... anyways the people I was hanging with decided to steal my blankets and coats and pretty much everything and I was left to withdraw freezing and miserable. I signed myself I to detox on the 27th and have been sober ever since

    Was in jail because I broke into a burger King where I slept and did dope.. was a burglary charge dropped to a loitering prowling
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by STER0S you take shit drugs and need to re-evaluate your long-term plan in life.

    Actually I re evaluated everything when I was homeless from October to December. I had a spiritual awakening on Christmas that I won't go into detail about except I was very cold, very dopesick (I had been snorting heroin and smoking meth from like October 14th to the 31st (then jail.. where I continued to do ice) then from November 20something until christmas.. a 40 a day of meth and a 40 of dope. I got the money panhandling and moving... property... anyways the people I was hanging with decided to steal my blankets and coats and pretty much everything and I was left to withdraw freezing and miserable. I signed myself I to detox on the 27th and have been sober ever since

    That is if you consider suboxone sober
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Hey just wanted to let everyone know I'm off the street I have a shitton of stories about Mary phosphate and caveman junior but at the moment I really don't feel are talking about the shit. Am something days sober with the help of suboxone. Found God atleast am more close to Jesus. And alot of stress has disappeared from my life and the so called phenomenon of craving has diminished greatly due to burning myself out on meth and heroin when I was homeless in summerville. Went to jail for a month back in October-november. Was a 2nd degree burlary charge for sleeping in broken down burger King. Was dropped to loitering and prowling. Suh
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Pretty damn cool game
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Suboxone 8mg a day
    Gabapentin 2400mg a day
    Clonidine 0.2 mg twice a day
    Effexor 150 a day
    Vistaril as needed
    Baclofen as needed
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    What is coughgel bundys favorite band?

    The spice girls
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash I'm glad you have been enjoying the forum lately, Joe. I know that you care a lot of when that great deal happens stance upon an entirety, something like an notion fort pon euphoria. Euphoria upon the decree for the respect towards an damage or loss. Though, Loss is moreso about an Identification Upon Two Seperate Plates Towards The Unders844d40TP What does it mean when one decides that they have finantiated towards their final decree of opinion? What is a movement, What is a forum? What, is a number? A number is like a value without the orientation towards other people's who are not afraid for or towards the scent of cold-death. Ultra.totse

    I was semifollowing until everything after the "damage or loss" sentence. thats when you spudplunged devolved into nonsensory nonsense
    aka incorporeal corpus cavernous dumb dumb speak
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kev because youre a desperate incel

    no im a severely drug addled older looking sometimessocialretard because of schizostimbinges

    when I get my shit together ill have very good luck with the ladies probably. atleast average
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo doxepin and cymbalta was the most suicidal combination of drugs Ive ever been prescribed how tf are you enjoying that?

    i dont know its probably because trileptal is a possible serotonin releaser
    also the wellbutrin sniffing allieviates all the bad side effects of it. it sucks because i had a 180 pill 3 month supply that got thrown out now i got to manage with cashpaying for 2 scripts i had in the pharmacy for lesser supplies. itll get me through till when i get my focalin. i do have some splaining to do about being in the hospital to my doc and med changes so she might stop the stims altogether. i hope not
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    wake up the world to realize even tho its 2020 a fucking germ can exterminate us, makes society be more careful
    ugly people can hide behind a mask
    it helps me shoplift
    i know enough about pharmacology and neuroscience to fake being a doctor, the mask will help the lie and maybe i can use it to fuckt chicks

    I also had a secret wish for a while that an apocalyptic type thing would happen.. my nihilistic misanthropy gives me crisis comfort if that makes any sense. makes me blend into the background more because its a shroud for my social retardedness. if theres a major pandemic going on no one gives a shit or notices my autism
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    some women look at it like the same way men do
    "if some men can get younger chicks, why cant i get younger men", like that
    and having a relationship with a mature well endowed cougar can be extremely profitable.. for dem oxycodone scripts
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Narc Dude that's fucking nasty. She at least in her 50s, prolly older.


    the most erotic experience I had in the past 3 years was making out with a 51 year old crazy chick in a psychward and fingering her later that day. some 50s chicks are extremely fucking hot
    and this is coming from a 21 year old
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    dude people are overanalyzing the carcinogenic effects of cigarettes. you only live once, if you enjoy smoking, just dont do it in excess and limit yourself. for christsake. its not like some radiogenic isotope. its fucking tobacco.
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice Bro Robocough is selling 100 count bottles of 30 mg bundy pills for $20 now, stock up

    I did 300mg of illegally accosted delsym two days ago.. mixed with my clocktailed cocktail of psychmeds (notably, using therapeutic doses of baclofen, taking alot of somas (not mine but I got a large supply) and sploobutrin has been RADICALLL CROBROJAILJUS
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Obbe I tried some Bruce Banner over the weekend, my boss grew it. That's a good strain.

    my old friend charlie got me some of that one time. excellent. very beautiful looking too.
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    dick dale and the del tones
    you will die alone and miserable.
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