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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    What starts with a rhyme and comes in a riddle?

    [SIZE=14px]whats round on the end and high in the middle?[/SIZE]

  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Are you really only familiar with two possible connotations for "spice" or is this a joke

    It's a joke.

    I know salvia, weed laced with pcp, and dmt were all slangs for spice back then when they made that song. Also heroin I think.
    Probably a soup du jour of heroin and designer drugs
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut

    You never used to care for fancy new obsessions
    You never used to have a reason to be bored
    Now you indulge yourself with new ways of possession
    Now you indulge yourself and your feelings are ignored
    And you're coloring your life with too much spice

    There was a time, there was a place, there was a reason
    There was a situation comfortable for you
    You've tasted everything in this here bag of season
    But now you're bored and you've run out of things to do
    And you're coloring your life with too much spice

    You don't see anything your eyes are so revealing
    They're sharply focused on looking for a thrill
    You've turned so numb you never notice any feeling
    Your thoughts are dead and you've still got some time to kill
    And you're coloring your life with too much spice


  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Make sure you install everything search, and tcpview, gotta be careful. When you view all your opened ports [SIZE=8px](heh) [/SIZE]and your infiltrated subsets (heh) you will be s[SIZE=8px]hocked[/SIZE][SIZE=8px]bywhatyou[/SIZE][SIZE=8px]might[/SIZE][SIZE=8px]find o[/SIZE]ut
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I was the one doxxing Idio it was all my . I am from the future and do what I do for the purpose of my life in 2400 (that feel when live forever in space).

    Anyways I was flawless and then started emailing idio under another account I created in January and "rallied the troops" and attempted to buy the forum out from under him at a steep discount.

    Instead he mistook the threat as a real offer and told me to get a Vbulliton license for myself. I realized my entire year long effort was in vain and sunk into depression, started snorting lines on TC in a vain attempt to win hearts and minds. I got meth and binged non stop, forgot my password and drove to Pennsylvania in a paranoid frenzy and did a drive by shooting at idios place of residence where his children slept.

    Then I went underground and fled the state and bought my first gram Of heroin. Good times

    Are you me? Trying to get vbulletin, depression, snorting focalin on TC and getting labeled an attention whore, and I changed all my passwords due to wellbutrin, bundy and etc paranoia like 2 years ago.

    You have to take away your ambition and replace it with serotonin

    also who are you
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Clean house with lasers and space cat space cat….. WAIT.. DID YOU SAY NUCLEAR WARHEADS?!?!?!

    Devo predicts the future. It takes a worried man, to sing a worried song.

    In the future the prophets known as the smart patrol will be with the world, a widespread dust clearing from mutants affected by an unnamed environmental disease will remember how devo predicted it all.

    Mr. Dna will infiltrate all women and impregnate them with their dna, the altrustic pervert will be there to spread his genes now.

    Witness how Bob 1, tired of the soup du jour, breaks his guitar and throws it at their new drummer, josh freese, brother of jason freese, gay green day live guitarist because ALAN MYERS, THE HUMAN METRONOME HAS CLOCKED OUT, and bob 2 is no longer able to even experience the prophylactic tour. But Devo shall live and you shall see the future
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Rdfrn and intosanc were more, zoklet-like or actual forum like. This place is just an unmoderated, ugly themed and half assed formatting with glitches and shit like the PM bullshit and the template looks bad.

    Honestly after so many iterations the community gets watered down and we get stuck with this abomination.

    Time to migrate to somethingawful..
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    The church of the subgenius and our extraterrestrial prophets known as bob 1, bob 2 (clocked out), jungle jim mothersbaugh, mark mothersbaugh, jerry casale, and the human metronome

    Listen to these passed down songs of the incorporial sensation of being with the world

    Once rod ruder controls the boys we know as devo, through their corporate schemes ,and nuclear warheads are launched. The cleaning of the house and nuclear dystopian nuclear garden reality.

  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Its new. Either take the piss out on me or say its ok
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Pimento loaf Also Charlie sheens
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    More ranting vids with content yey

    Give me requests as to what I can rant about

  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    What are your thoughts on Catholicism roshamploo? This is your thread after all, why don't you enlighten us as to your views and opinions as it relates to Catholicism? Please, spare us no details. Feel free to type out many pages worth of your analysis.

    I've been catholic ever since I was baptized, went to church every sunday for years up until I was like 14, Made my first communion, went to Sunday school/CCD on my own accord from age 5 until age 13/14. confirmation, and still occasionally go to church. The whole experience is really good since I actually believe in god. My church is one of those roman catholic ones where they sing the hymns in latin or something, but really church, sacremental wine and the body of christ and the whole thing is just getting all the weight of my sins off my back.

    Also note to sharpie and sophie:
    find God. Your lives will be so much better
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    So change it…


    One of these days when I get my adderall dose upped to 60mg 3x day I will learn how to h@xx0rz you off the interwebs

    You mentally ill fucking troglodyte pedophile buttmuch fuckface cock smoking motherfucking asshole dirty twat cumsuckling valproate semisodium bastradomus
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Cum popsicles, basically cum and once U get enough mix it with some gatorade or just use classic cum flavor and freeze them using ice pop molds

    Also ice cumcubes. When your gf asks for a soda put a few cumcubes in there
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Not a catholic but i love catholicism, the churches, the music, the vatican, the art it inspired it's power and it's history.

    Why would you make it a point to not be catholic.. if you love everything about catholicism but the religion
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'm paranoid to go on chatrooms because I'm a pedophile and I'll probably get v&.


    The creepy crawly government will infest your lovin' holes before you know it
    better fist the soap while you're at it
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You should go complain to Open Your Mind, if he's going to be like hurr durr pedos are disgusting and inferior. I'mma fill his thread with lolis to ruffle his jimmies nothing personal to you.

    openyourmind is a fuck

    but sophie yeah about the cp/loli shit...
    can you like... not...
    yeah that'd be greatt
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    atleast they didnt say

    that would've been creepy
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    924 gilman street, somewhere, californication
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