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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    also how is this song Bill Krozby? sploo said my music is getting objectively better
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    amphetamine blue is such a badass song, it also sounds ALOT like clockout by devo if devo were more like waves
    well not really, only the drum riff
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    also how good is this song from 1-10

    I'd say... 7.33
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    devo, allman brothers, beatles, green day, wavves, locked in prism and the doors
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    on a related note…i watched that movie for the first time on some sort of antique CD-looking disk that was the size of a large dinner plate. it was probably from the 80s

    laserdisc is a superior format... moreso than bluray even.. I mean, devo, the kings of technological wats even made a commercial for it.

  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    it's shit because i don't know flew and i'm not in it

    one flew over the cuckoos nest is objectively one of the best films of all time you sour spud
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    spectral is harding, hts is billy, sploo is jack nicholson, I am chief
    and near-death rodent is bancini

    Bill Krozby would be the guy with marfans

    sophie would be that guy dancing in circles all the time, malice would be cheswick


  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    the googer gieger
    stiffchick syndrome
    stick figures with fountain pens
    words of thought
    birds of prey
    distinct distortions
    deport the extorters
    skate or die
    surf or eat turf
    snoo snoo low IQ
    choo choo dont drop your iq
    urban riff raff
    clandestine synthesizers
    hated and baited
    tech specs and trekictle specticles
    strut strut the what what
    stiffchicks sister
    spit baby
    slurred waves
    the staircases
    inuet inlets
    greasy grabbles
    the greepy bobes
    can I snargle your p'twaang

    if catchphrases out of these you do, so drop will your iq
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    any of you old enough to remember swanson tv dinners
    I'm not
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    drive my car
    drive your bill
    i think mark mothersbaugh is secretly a shill.

    the door to quarks bar was left ajar, thanks to a jurisdiction on ferenginar.
    I lured a duras sister into the holosuite
    she was too holo-sweet.
    she gave me deep face mine.
    she deep faced my kline
    my diff was spic
    my dick was stiff
    i had stiff dick
    everybody do the stiff chick
    schlick schlick schick
    do the stiff chick
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I plan on going to church soon. That feel when catholic, made my confirmation when I was like 13 or something.

  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Thread gave me a hardon
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    When I realize I'm having a lucid dream I literally rape the first person I see
    Whenever im jedicid reaming I always get too excited thinking about doing a rape i wake up
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Is fuckboy/fuccboi a britishism? I feel like it's something only the English could ever come up with

    pretty sure it originally was a gay porn slang/category/genre
    but then it became more widespread and it was apparent it was a newfangled slang word used by the lowest bottom of the barrel current generation schlingnutters
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    10/ten would ten her in the ten
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Picked up some goodies. Just part of it, the fun stuff:

    California passed a retarded law, which is in the state's nature, banning Naptha (at least in pure form for consumers), but that lighter fluid is 100% naphtha. It's incredibly stupid. Same thing, but otherwise I could also have bought this:

    Home Depot and OSH are closer. Interestingly, the Lowe's in SF seems to be the only one that doesn't stock that lye product. I wonder if it's due to meth.

    Oooh malice whatchu cookin
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I knoe my mom has the right to drink on account of she is the primary source of money in the house, my dad in his bipolar fits always quits his job when hes manic and comes up with these great ideas, affiliate marketing, and then gets depressed and complains he got fired for age discrimination but in reality hes on and off Etc

    but my mom has around 3 or 4 glasses of wine a night and talks to the dog like its a child ( very cringeworthy, probably subconciously because both of her children are pretty much failures)

    thats all I can think about in terms of my mom related to cringe
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    tort is a nowhere man
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut

    also obligatory undergrads

  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    guys you should really give T-PAIN sodium a try.. yeah we all know it gets you high but as an antidepressant . Instead of taking massive doses, since I got 10 grams I'm deciding to ration it

    morning dose:250 mg

    25 mg at 10am
    25mg at 12am
    50 mg 3pm
    50 mg 6pm
    and 100mg before bed

    thats why I haven't been posting alot, depression better, applied for a job at a local supermarket/dollar store walmart kinda place
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