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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Just do phenibut bro... close enough to ghb..

    well not really but its trill
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    lmao dude

    It's not a "buzz"

    watch this

    Thats almost identical to what happened at the fuckin.. diablo incident.. crazzy shit
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    bundy hangovers are amazing I love Afterglow it feels like if someone was in is space they could see you up there because of the glow.

    DPH is more of a dark underflow where you are close to the shadow people and spirits of death, its like being seasick in the seventh circle of hell on a lake of fire. Its the same satanic forces that often get conjured up not sleeping on a meth binge

    Heh.. I wish I had bundy afterglows anymore.. back when I first started it made me so wired up the next day and my pupils were like saucers, when I closed my eyes I felt like a tiny speck in the universe..

    Yeah dph does actually give everything a really dark undertone.. Like staring at a fucking shampoo bottle or a ceiling fan is scary.. ceiling fan turns into an evil entity.

    Also taking dph after a benzedrex binge is like... shadow land.. or whatever
    its fucked
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Her name is ellen... Loved her since i was 14 she was 13.. Outcast like me, same situation. Got into the drug game before me. We had some minor fights in the past, long story, never actually went out but for the first time in years we're talking so it might Actually work
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yay for... Jesus
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    what did you do with your sweetheart for valantines day?

    did you and him have a gay old time?
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You guys are largely to blame.

    Not you two personally, but I remember when this all first started on Totse. I kept saying they had to clean stuff up around 2006, and everybody told me I was a douche. Everybody told me it was going to last forever. I said that the glory days were over and that the user base was going to destroy the website with their bullshit. Spectral is crazy, but he was right beside me saying the same things. We were absolutely correct because, within a few years, Jeff shut the website down because the user base wasn't worth the trouble anymore.

    Same thing happened on Zoklet. Everybody cried about how they wanted something better. They wanted Totse. I tried to get a library started. Most people scoffed, some people contributed, but most of the site was the same pathetic shitposting that comprised Zoklet circa 2007. You guys would give refuge to sploo, Xpoast, BlingBling, and all these other shitposters who would just spam the site with their illegible bullshit and butthurt drama. Then once we finally got some serious Zoklet Library collections started and Parker Brother was working into programming the stuff into the site - one of you dipshits releases all of Zok's personal information. Everything about his health status, where he works, where he kids go to school - it was all out there. Big surprise: the site shut down, and I watched you fuckheads fragment into a few crappier sites.

    You had Tranny HC45 Randy Airlines or whatever his deal was open longlivezoklet (great name, douchegnome), which sucked. Literally the only content was created by psychomanthis, because he's one of the few people who says he wants to contribute to a society of learners and walks the walk. Eventually RDFRN happened, it was moderated relatively hands off. There's potential and a community there, so a few of us start working on articles. I was outlining three different Cyber Forensic textbooks under the guidance of a college professor in order to release an updated text on Cyber Forensics and not even three weeks into the project you fucking assholes did the exact same thing. Someone gets a hold of Idio's personal information (including the information of his wife and kids) and claims he's going to release it unless the site is shut down. I post in the closing thread (yet again) with a huge fucking "I TOLD YOU SO." You cried that it wasn't good enough and how you wanted it to be something great, yet you contributed nothing and applauded at the people who destroy the site.

    And then you dickheads have the audacity to blame idio for keeping not keeping it open. You guys are right - he should have let the address of his wife and kids float around the worst recesses of the internet so you assholes could have a place to post "OH NO I'M ON BALLER PROBATION WITH THE BUTTHOLE POLICE." Fuck you all, I would have done the same thing and pulled the plug. MmQ was even volunteering to host the site at the end just for the sake of keeping it alive, but they insisted it be shut down.

    It's already starting here. You now finally have the zero moderation you morons spent over a decade crying for, and everyone's already complaining about starting new sites, taking control, and bellyaching about how you want something better.

    Well congratulations assholes. Enjoy the castle of shit you fucking deserve. Practically nobody valuable will come here because we have almost nothing to offer. Haven't you retards noticed that every version of "totse" has less and less of the community than the last rendition of it? You've lost basically everybody. As you should, because what does this website offer? The same four guys talking about computer science, the three of us who signed up to play chess, and three people talking about philosophy. These good threads usually have the same few posters in them. Everything else is racist bullshit, a few try-hards using this website as an instrument to feed their relentless need for attention, a homeless asshole spamming in broken English about meth every five seconds, and everyone else complaining that the site barely works. Like I said, I appreciate the fact that Lanny left this open for us, but I think almost 12+ years of this bullshit has adjusted my expectations pretty realistically about the future of this website and community.

    Just get over it. Totse is the first girl we ever dated. We loved it, it was interesting, we learned a lot, there was a genuine connection, and everything about it was perfect. But the problem is that you guys let your memory cloud the reality of what it really was. Most of us were younger and life in general was just more interesting. I can't even get a decent "post an interesting story about literally anything" thread going in this heap.

    I'm already over it. My job kinda sucks but I've been accepted to school, I have friends, I get laid more than I should, I have a close family, I have hobbies, I belong to clubs, and I've amassed a small library in my house. I'm always learning and I'm happy Totse was a part of that, but I'm an adult now and have a life. Some of you guys need to move on and realize that this "great community" or whatever you make the people on this website to be would be the first watch you kill yourself on tinychat and laugh about it.

    It's not just the userbase, though. The ability to attract dedicated people to a forum with the promises of fringe knowledge isn't appealing anymore. People want youtube, they want honey boo boo, they want videos and bright flashy pictures.

    Light a candle guys. It's over.

    what about intosanc? Whats your opinion on that? Better/worae than rdfrn?
    it was hella better than this shithole but everyone had to give arnox shit and get him to shut our sanctuary down
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Worldstarhiphop, dailymotion because jeditube is just not worth visiting nowadays, artofmanliness
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut

    >Dank websites
    >No onions

    smh tbh fam

    sorry fam I think you need to go elsewhere for cp links
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    He should take some arnox immodium
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I almost fucked a fat schizophrenic nigger
    violent times indeed
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    That doesn't even make sense.

    If you were a schizoid, you wouldn't even be on this site you fucking retard. Also, unless you're trying to passively admit that you're a pansy through some awful wordplay, ecology refers to the environment you dimwit.

    Please don't flex your entitled little teenage internet nuts on me. I'm literally superior to you in every way.

  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Can you start contributing to this site?

    since people don't change, go ahead and and call this post butthurt if you want.

    but all you seem to do is try to establish yourself as king of the castle of this community by methodically doing... Whatever you do here..
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Holy fucking shit dude, just let it go. You're starting to freak me out.

    rule 1 of ecology: never grind a schizoid's gears.
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Ohai easydoesit.
    but really youve motivated me to make better music. Thanks bro.
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Wow, you seriously need to grow up.

    If you're going to be that much of a bitch as to threaten to kill yourself or get majorly depressed and "sleep for days" when some guy you don't even know tells you that your "music" sucked two weeks ago, then you've been pretty insulated from the world around you and are being a major pussy. If that's the worst thing that happens to me in two weeks I'm definitely having a great month. Besides, I thought you said you didn't care what anyone thought? Obviously you do if you're going to come on here and double post about how hurt you are by it.

    I don't know how to tell you this, but most people aren't going to recognize what you do as music, and most people are definitely not going to give you the unconditional praise you crave since you spend most of your time sitting around in your house high as fuck and produce nothing worth envying. Sorry, but you don't get worship from people for no reason. You're not a special little snowflake. I'm not going to apologize for refusing to lie to you, and that doesn't make me "a dick." If you want support, go to your guidance counselor. You ought to feel stupid for coming on a website called and expecting support from people - especially when you've contributed absolutely nothing to this community in the 20+ years it's been around. If you want shallow worship from people, do something worth worshiping. Taking suboxone and making cringe-tier youtube videos about it is definitely not the way to go.

    The fact that you're even scapegoating me is even more pathetic. I make you want to kill yourself? Really? Some random fucking internet guy that you didn't even know existed less than a month ago makes you want to kill yourself because he said you're music sucks? You need to talk to a fucking psychologist before you hurt yourself or somebody else because you obviously have very little perspective on how planet earth works.

    Well here's the scoop bud: Get over yourself, grow up, and stop blaming other people for the fact that you're not the creative genius you make yourself out to be. Getting high all the time, mixing noises, and not being able to keep a beat on the drums isn't tasteful and most people aren't going to recognize it as art. You don't need to look any further than the literal hundreds of thousands of kids within your very city doing the same shit and thinking they're special.

    Also, the point of making my thread wasn't to seek out emotional support. I made my thread and some people were nice enough to be supportive for whatever reason. I wasn't asking for it, nor did I expect it.

    TL;DR - Go fuck yourself for being so spoiled and insulated from the world around you that you can't take random internet criticism and double-fuck-you for trying to make your complete lack of emotional stability and narcissistic need for praise and admiration about me. You don't make music, you make noises that nobody will even remember after you delete them. You're in for a big surprise when you face real world problems like paying bills and working for a living.

    Now if you excuse me, I have to continue cleaning people's shit for $9 an hour so that I can afford my internet connection. Not all of us can sit on our ass in our parents' house high on drugs all day.

    Since you don't know shit about me

    I have a job. I make less than you do an hour. Minimum wage in NJ sucks. Stocking groceries sucks too.

    I was already in a state of depression but you have no reason to take the piss out on me for no reason. Nice insulting my MUSIC by saying its noises. I could show you my best work, not all of my MUSIC is good but the shit that is good is good enough to actually have a fanbase.

    Also I come to
    to converse with the community. I haven't gotten coddled here like you think my mindset is, but shits good until you fucking show up
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    When I get free T-PAIN from newmind because of personal arrangements that have gone on between me and the CEO of synaptent inc
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Oh easydoesit you're oplus? That explains alot. You really do love making me want to kill myself don't you?
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    You should kill yourself. You do know that your post discouraging my efforts on doing anything in my life worked. I've been sleeping for days. I was already in a depression and I don't need you telling me how bad my "not even music" is. You dick.
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