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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    'war' implies mutual combat. this is an extermination event
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    now theyre saying one shooter shot the other shooter. this makes no sense from a terrorism standpoint. the only thing that does make sense is that some CCW holder decided to go john rambo on the actual shooter.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    this sort of thing is normal behavior for that species

  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    theres nothing brave about it. quite the seems one of the goals for the brave new world is to create a populace of weak-minded, physically inept, and emotionally crippled sheep with zero ability to think on their own or create new thoughts and concepts for themselves.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    i do. i mean...they do.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Note how they mention the shooters were 'white or hispanic.' Note also how during the last several terrorist incidents the shooters were described as 'white or hispanic' yet when it was discovered they were actually worshipers of the desert dwelling pedophile the incidents quickly dropped down the ministry of truth memory hole.

    Im making the call that the shooters are going to turn out to be hajis.

    Edit: im taking a wild-ass-guess that this was a terr'ist attack scheduled to celebrate memorial day.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    I officially lodge a protest on behalf of monkeys and apes everywhere at the indignity of being included in the same sentence as niggers
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    the best way to avoid rejection is through duct tape and roofies. chicks can't say 'no' when they're suitably bound and gagged. pics
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    …but how did this narritive come up?

    it's what older men tell younger girls in order to seduce them away from males their own age and what chicks tell each other to justify their own insecurities

  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    That's what me mum initially did, but I enjoyed it too much so she switched to the mouth.

    post pics
  11. infinityshock Black Hole

    they dont look white...they look flat out nigger.

    last friday there was an episode of 'maury' on where they showed the pic of a nigger baby, from a white mother, and the premise of the show was a white guy that fucked her claimed to not be the daddy but the fat white chick insisted he was...while he said he wasnt because she fucked a bunch of niggers and the sprog looked like a niglet. when they showed the niglet pic it was flagrantly obvious it was a nigger spawn that had the contrast/brightness reduced to minimize the dark skin.

    the movie 'matrix' and how most of the characters looked...deformed. that would be a future race post-miscegenation

    still, from what i know of the last two thousand years of human history, and the last 60 or 70 or so years...this is a short term fad where at some point in the future anyone who promoted this nonsense will be derided and ridiculed.

    Meet the next generation - the changing face of America.

    big surprise. the author is juden. whoda thunk it.

  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Instead of washing my mouth out with soap when I said a bad word, me mum washed it out with steel wool, then left it in there, then did the battery trick, then took my blindfold off so I could see the majority of my family laughing at me while taking pictures, then she took the wool out and connected two 9v batteries and put them in there, then duct taped my mouth shut, then joined the rest of the audience in laughter as the batteries heated up and I slipped further and further into agonizing pain, completely helpless, a laughingstock.

    that'd been sweet if instead of jamming it in your mouth they stuffed it up your ass then stapled it shut.

  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    For future clean urine samples, of course. Problem there is, you can't store it forever, even in the fridge, and at a certain point, they will be able to detect the sample is unusable for testing.

    depending on the motivation of the testing situation:

    1- temperature within a fraction of a degree off of human body temp is detectable

    2- metabolites present in piss 'die' as soon as the temperature drops to such a low temperature, which is detectable

    TLDR: bad idea...wont work
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    why in the name of the great pumpkin would you want to freeze your piss?
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Thats cool when you are like 12.

    or when it has a functional purpose that grownups know how to apply to useful applications

  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    so you believe that if theres a black dude who is a respectable person, he shouldn't be allowed to date a white woman?

    you misinterpret my position

    i fully encourage miscegenation. it helps weed out the weak and inferior.

    EVERY white ive known that dates an obviously-non-white has either a mental, emotional, or physical defect.

    explain why black males are so fond of dating white females while ignoring their own females. the reason is they know white females are more 'better' than their own females. before anyone considers this a 'raciss' statement, it has been repeatedly proven with several surveys and polls.

    as far as 'shouldnt' date anyone, im of the belief system of live and let live...i dont give a shit what anyone else does as long as they leave me the fuck alone. the current trend of miscegenation is not a live-and-let-live situation when it is being pushed so heavily on society. it isnt a naturally occurring phenomenon...its societal engineering. i remember 'back in the day' when i was in europe (before it was europistan) i remember watching the media (news/advertisements/TV shows/etc) and noting how oddly frequently black-males-with-white-females were showing up. the same situation is now occurring in the US. miscegenation is being brainwashed into the populace via various media sources at a rate far too often to be coincidental. its to the point people are doing it just to be cool and hip...the same as when lesbos came out of the closet in droves after ellen degenerate publicly advertised her dykery.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Yes, survival of the strongest. Countries like Japan, Korea, China, Saudi Arabia and India don't let niggers and jedis trample on their culture.

    Native Americans are also justified in rejecting a government that doesn't support their culture and historically tried to wipe them out.

    mudslimes are possibly the most racist race on this planet. hajis literally have old geezers that walk the street to physically abuse anyone, regardless of nationality, of violating any part of their shit religion. UAE has some of the highest demographics of immigrants yet they treat them like slaves...literally. i personally saw some haji slam and hold closed a door to a public building on a far-eastern foreigner (philipino? bangledeshi? i can never tell them apart)

    that is part of the reason i hate hajis...they demand to have western culture acquiesce to their wants yet they have ZERO acceptability for any sort of western religion/culture/etc in their own home countries. i have all kinds of fun stories about stupid shit from haji-vs-westerners. (fun one: while leaving a western establishment in riyadh, shity-arabia, some geriatric began 'wacking' a chick in our group with some sort of stick, apparently because she was wearing short sleeves. the males then responded in kind to the gerry causing a virtual international incident when the US MPs and saudi pigs to show up in large quantities.

    how many churches and synagogues exist in haji-majority countries?
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    infinityshock has stated before that white people can also be niggers. Not all black people are niggers. Niggerdom is a way of life, not a race.


    theres a difference between niggers and blacks. theres a difference between pigs and cops. theres a difference between dirty white trash and whites. theres a difference between spics and hispanics

    remember kids...judge not on the color of their skin, but on the content of their character

  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    nothing interesting. if u want real fun...stick a 9v battery into some clean steel wool
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'm not racist...especially since it isn't even a real word. it's like 'terrorism'...a false concept designed to incite emotional response with no regard to facts or reality. I never judge on the content of anyone's skin color. I judge on the content of their character
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