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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    I didn't understand the credit union part - when they come to collect, are they going to break her kneecaps instead of yours? If so, that's cool.

    no. to simplify it as much as possible...there are two basic types of financial institutions that issue cards to 'normal' people: banks and credit unions. banks are for-profit and usually large organizations. credit unions, due to federal laws, are 'smaller' and supposedly not as profit-hungry as banks. they tend to be more supportive of their members because they are generally local entities.

    this being the case, credit unions are more inclined to be supportive of the membership of their institution, as well as offering better interest rates and more likely to issue loans when a bank wont

  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    since everyone else seems to enjoy posting the misadventures of their personal lives for everyone to read, laugh at, and not give a shit about, i may as well join the club.

    there is a particular whore* which i was previously acquainted (by saying 'was,' i no longer associate with her) whom which i have a significant amount of quite revealing pictures of. when they were taken our mutual agreement was, she'd let me take whatever pics i wanted as long as i never showed them to anyone. ive been taking pics of chicks since i was a teenager and there are only a handful of chicks that ive banged that i dont have pics of...and ive never shown identifiable pics of them when i said i wouldnt. im debating on posting some of this particular chicks for no other reason than because I can...and...because she failed to live up to her end of a bargain.

    she was recently in a financial bind where she was on the verge of going to jail (four days away from a bench warrant being issued with a no-bail order) if her DUI fines/court costs/etc werent paid. her friends, family, and people who owed her money, magically wouldnt return her calls or mysteriously were out of money. because we had fucked a few times she thought i was a good candidate to come to her rescue. soooo...being my generous self...and her donating the use of a few of her orifices for my personal pleasure...i loaned her some money to keep her from going to jail with the fervent agreement that shed pay me back...and would never not pay me back...and came up with about a dozen reasons why i should loan her the money and there was no reason she wouldnt pay me back...and she always pays people back that loan her money. the funny thing was...there were 3 or 4 people she made daily rants to on 'facecrapbook' about owing her money that havent paid her back. this was back in january or so. fast forward to now...she doesnt answer my texts or phone calls anymore, when previously we talked/texted at the most every other day. one of her reasons she said for not wanting anyone to see her me-made porn pics is because of her professional modeling and her not wanting to get that sort of reputation.

    the magic on my part was that i paid her fines with a credit union credit card to the collection agency. i have since had the charges reversed and the fact that the court case was not in my name, the collection agency had a legally questionable position, and a credit union is more inclined to side with its own members than a juden-controlled bunch of bottom feeders.

    this post isnt asking for advice...this post is for the entertainment pleasure and lulz of the readers.

    [SIZE=11px]*the term 'whore' in its literal sense is a woman who sells herself for money. my belief is that it isnt a derogatory term however my own defintion of the term 'whore' as it applies in this situation is a woman who fucks other men (plural) while in a serious relationship with different men, pawning off her child on others while she goes a-whoring (clubbing, having fun, beach, 'out', etc), telling the babysitter that shed be back at a specific time a few hours or the next morning but actually abandoning the child for an entire weekend (friday afternoon to monday afternoon), made the baby-daddy suffer through various excuses not to let him see the kid, using child support for the stupidest shit but i have NEVER seen her spend any of it on her kid, including not buying her a halloween costume and made her go as a fucking sheet-ghost when all the child wanted was a $6 disney princess costume from walmart.[/SIZE]
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    a better question is when are the brainwashed zombie sheep going to stop falling for the bullshit being shoveled by the other brainwashed zombie sheep and learn to think for themselves.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    You couldn't find your way to a woman's vagina if you tried.

    in the case of your mother, that would be correct. i have to bring a safety rope and fire engine ladder truck to make my way out of that chasm

  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    The Muslim World has atom bombs too, you fucking idiot. Well, just one Muslim nation, which is Pakistan. The US wouldn't dare to nuke Pakistan.

    pakistan isnt 'the muslim world'

    the US wouldnt waste a nuke on that shithole...theyre too expensive. besides...they dont need to...we have regular drone incursions and troop insertions, unhindered by the inept crapistanis.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Only bitches bring their guns. That's right, you're a bitch. Who'da thought?!?

    and virginity is a choice, said the fat ugly dork virgin

    my condolences to you in being unable to own a firearm

    speaking of which...after i use my firearm, you can be sure that the epitome of the definition of bitch will be carried out on each and every one of your orifices...including the new ones.

  7. infinityshock Black Hole


    good. chasing down my rape victims is tiring.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    lol, just make up any old bullshit about spiritualism and you can touch a girl's body.

    or become a gynecologist and your can fuck them wantonly
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    that's not a 1st amendment violation or anything
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    that's not the real arms merchant from totse
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Have you ever imagined murdering someone? Watching their eyes as the life drains away? There was a period i seriously considered murdering a random person just to see how it would feel, Le Edgemaster i know, i was 100% serious at the time though.

    I'll save you the time and effort: it's not that interesting or exciting of an experience. if anything it's a detriment because when someone pisses you off enough there's no 'unknown' factor in consideration for introducing them to room temperature THEN having to either explain or dispose of the carcass. and goddamit, there's a lot of paperwork involved with dead people.

    also...the universe doesn't care if you've exterminated an entire population or never killed anyone
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Beaner, 38
    White, 21
    Nigress, 21
    Nigress, 20
    Chingchong, 25
    Mongrel?, 19
    Nigger, 23
    Nigger, 22
    Feminist, 27

    The only decent ones were the White and maybe the Chingchong, assuming he wasn't a liberal.

    the west pointer, aye.

    the 27yo E5 it'd hard to say but she was white.

    where's al sharpton and niggerlivesmatter to protest this travesty?
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Racial demographic of the soldiers that drowned during a recent flood:

    oddly enough, the majority of them werent white.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Ive always pointed out what a piece of shit the 5.56x45mm...also known as .223 as a combat round. here is yet another example why this round needs to be retired as the primary duty round for not only the US military, but the american police as well.

    That fruitcake shooter in houston:

    - fired approximately 212 rounds

    - all six people he shot with it, lived, including one wearing body armor

    - the only death was not from the rifle

    - a helicopter was hit 5 times but received only superficial damage.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    ^haha yeah, I just got back from the grocery, store went through one, and had to type in a plu code for lemons and I thought to myself lazy faggots, and thought about this and cackled. If they could just hiring a few more people to work the real check out stands it would be cool. And the thing is at places like walmart, the idiot thats "managing" the self checkouts is almost never always there when I need something.
    I remember when I was still in highschool and those things first came out I went to the store with my dad, and we tried use one and he was like goddamnit

    when they first came out i gave them a try for a few times. every time i used one (chinamart, homo-depot, and some other grocery store i forget the name of) there would be an error and an actual live body had to come over to fix the shit. most of the time it was because i was buying some sort of item that required '18 or older' but several times it was because it couldnt find the item. now i never go to them. late at night when walmart doesnt have an open live-person register, or just before closing when homo-depot only has self-checkouts, ill go up to a cashier and tell them i need to check out and wont use the self checker-outer then explain in as long of a vivid description as i can. oddly enough...they always agree with me and say everyone else has the same problems
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    masturbation is always a good way to spend ones time
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    There's nothing wrong with liking this. Human girls are beautiful. Non sickfucks go awee cute kids.
    What is wrong and brings in FBI law enforcement is when you oversexualize it to the point where society has to hold you back from abducting a child and raping them.

    That's why /Hebe/ got killed they just pushed the line.

    there is absolutely no sexual attraction in those kids whatsoever. they arent viable sex partners...the only purpose of sex is to reproduce. anyone that finds that sexually attractive needs to have their wiring looked at 'cause is shorting out.

    is #3 and #6 wearing makeup? what the shit is wrong with their parents?

    and...there is something wrong with #1, #2, #4, and #6. physiological development at that age isnt supposed to have such low abdominal fat and overly visible ab muscles.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    ive never heard of him and ive been on totse since before then...give or take
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    someone got turned down on an internet dating site
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    suicide is always an option
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