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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Have any other examples?

    not off hand.
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie If you ever go on a rampage you should employ your military training to the fullest extent. I will teach you energetic chemistry so you can make IEDs like the hajis, but they will be better because you are not a haji. Timothy McVeigh or Anders Breivik style.

    thanks for the offer but id never go on any sort of rampage. im too much of a law abiding and peace loving person. make love, not war and such.

    that...and the techniques hajis use to make things go boom are mostly kinda lame. ill grant them that they are resourceful, and can be effective, but not anything impressive as far as im concerned. that dude kazinski had the craftsmanship down and as far as im concerned a more capable artist than any haji that ever lived. IRA had some 'artists'...regardless of their retardation.

    the term 'IED' is somewhat of a misnomer. some of the boom-makings of professionally trained demo guys look like two elephants afflicted with parkinsons trying to fuck a spastic chihuaha during a hail storm...regardless of effectiveness.

    speaking of which...everytime i hear someone annunciate 'vbied' it makes me want to laugh at them. dont know why. its a funny word.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ What is a fake word?

    doublethink: the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination.



    words that are used to incite an emotional response without basis in reality. most used by those with limited mental capacity and lack of free will. most accepted by those with minimal ability to form coherent thoughts on their own without being told what they should think by others.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 I'm mixed with I guess some hebrew blood and Native American but I'm also really pale white doughy color and blonde and blue.

    It's funny, Before I went gray I had blonde hair and a red beard. I saw a photo of one of my nephew with the same. must be genetics from my Moms side over my Dad.

    at least you admit to it, and that deserves a bit of lauding.

    oy vey, der juden. no wonder you hate white people. to be honest...with the level of rising antisemitism, you might want to be less forthcoming of your judean ancestry.

    i can imagine where you anti-whiteness comes from. your ancestry is high on the list of most-eradicated by white people. between the juden persecution for its entire the redskins getting all but extincted...yea, i see why you have such a persecution complex.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie Nah he lives in Cuck York, the second most liberal place on the planet, after Californicuck.

    i cant even describe what a shithole that place is.

    where i was totally unrecognizable as an american city. the entire place is now a sub-third-world shithole. i avoid telling people where im from its such a shame. the park i used to play in where i never saw a nigger (plenty of spics, tho) is now a nigger-infested slum-hole. the last time i was there was while i was on leave from the military, visiting a friend, and military-thoughts on vermin eradication were dancing thru my head like sugarplums...
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 This site is probably one of those Gay White Nationalist Nazi groups.

    It's an honor to be amused by you racist faggots.. prolly in drag

    drag is right.

    right behind a truck...tied with the same noose thats going to hang you from a tall tree.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 of Topic and back on Old… Snoopy was a member of hate and it was he who told me about niggasin space. someone told me Snoopy was and alt of ZoK

    I came on here long time ago.. saw racism.. said fuck this gay shit. but then something new lead me to niggasinspace

    And Lanny was talked about either on vice in that story or an offlink talked about Lanny.

    Lanny did you get dragged into the coupon scandal ?

    Oh and John the Danish faggot aka Reaper also referenced this site

    you dont even know what 'racism' is.

    its a fake word anyways.

    judging by your stance you must be some sort of mud. nigger? jedi? haji? abo? paki? that...or your preferred sexual partners are well endowed mandingos.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    crying is weakness leaving the body so the whole world can see it and point and laugh.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic ur gonna need one when infinityshock comes thru and cums on ur face

    literally. right thru the peritoneum, via the rectum.
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 Japan can suck it.

    The one thing this Klan card holding president of our is going to do (if he just ignore the fucking wall aka Amerika's Iron Curtain)

    Is build Cities like China does. 100 story buildings going up in a Month(s) rather than 8 fucking years.

    The 66 floor Salesforce which is still over 1000 feet high (I guess the floors are supposed to be 14 plus feet ceilings with a large false top piece) only took less than 3 years .. most of that 3 years had down time in the hole they dug out.. it was nearly 300 feet fucking deep. they wanted to actually see the bedrock to drive pilars into it and check it for Earthquake safety.

    Part of that advanced building experience is based off of China's elevating crane system on jacks. The WTC Fredom Tower 1 took 9 fucking years to build. Understandable the base concrete structure has to cure for a year or so, but the tower itself could of been built by Chinese technology in 4-5 Months rather than 8-9 years.

    Asian countries have built an entire Skyline similar to that of NYC in less than 5 years. I Believe Taiwan (though separate from China) had did this.

    The USA is falling behind. Buildings require space to be filled.. this forces Job hiring. If you want work.. move to the city. unless you're a fucking farmer (respect to farmers) then move out of your boonies and move to NYC and live out of your car in Jersey or Brooklyn if you have to. make that money, bank it, move back to Boonies. Not sure Coal is the answer. get off your meth habit because you're depressed and living in fucking bum fuck kansas or out in bakersfield where apparently there is no work. Go drive a fucking truck and move furniture if you're in your 20s instead of smoking crack. then go learn to code.

    We should build one big skyline from LA to NYC or San Francisco to Washington DC. to busy to cause trouble. Go to work faggots!

    For our Forefathers did not invision a lazy America of videogame players and troll texting faggots in a virtual world. It was that we all work and pay our taxes and stop tax fraud, and not to tolerate an oversize Government playing Nanny State

    *Steps off of soap box and walks silently off into the night!*

    as a construction expert i can qualitatively say that when massive projects of the nature you describe go up in the manner you fantasize about, the cost in speed is paid with the fee of quality.

    go google how turkeys construction experiences with 'large' projects paid off. as in...their multi-level buildings collapsing because they used the 'wrong' concrete...or forgot basic construction techniques.

    while youre playing with google...check out chinas safety records. as in actual records, not the ones the chinee authorities falsely claim.

    china DOES NOT have advanced construction techniques. 100% of chinee construction knowledge in current widespread usage is derived from information gleaned from western/russian advisors and contractors which they then modify (retard; definition: delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment) to fit their own distorted vision.

    im not making this up, its completely true: during mass concrete pours if a worker falls into the still-'liquid' concrete, there is minimal effort to rescue him. the pour does not stop and the worker is left to be considered a cost of the project.

    i dont know where you get your info from, but the chinee are far behind the US in all manners of construction. that theory you came up with as far as their crane really should delete that entire part of your post. the chinee are the, second to none, absolute WORST crane-systems users/builders on this planet. just from memory, i recall one structure failing catastrophically, collapsing, then obliterating an entire partially-constructed power plant project. another example is NYC where a GC (general contractor...the 'buck stops here' boss of a project) hired a chinee sub-contractor for the exclusive reason that they were the cheapest. the subcontractor then proceeded to work on a massive crane...then due to excruciatingly deplorable practices combined with abhorrent metal alloy (im not even going to call it 'steel' due the the horrifying description of it) the crane failed and fell off of a skyscraper. it was in the news and im fairly sure the details i mentioned are in some construction trade sites.

    in have absolutely no first-hand construction knowledge and everything you posted is completely and utterly false (i actually hope trump is a KKK member...but there is no evidence to prove it) and to save face, i strongly suggest deleting your post or you risk further ridicule.

    as a caveat, before you try to get into a dick swinging contest over what i do or dont-do know about building shit, i will tell you straight away...i will repeat my earlier statement that i am a construction expert, as per several pieces of paper that say so... to say nothing of the things i made that havent fallen down or sploded, without reason.

  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by cerakote shut up farthead

    5th grade is still about 5 years too far advanced for you

    get back to your preschooler buddies and have the teacher burp you.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR inb4 your cum is my soulfood….

    id be happen to oblige...

    open up, buttercup...
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by NARCassist Lol made me think of snoopy. What the fuck happened to that slav fuck. Did he get sent back to romania when they shut down the calais jungle, or did he drown trying to cross the channel on an inner tube?

    hopefully that faggot died in a grease fire

  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    thats fucking gay

    whats with the reticle on trump
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    only elementary-age children and faggots use that term
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR Are you copy pasting stuff I've said to you before now or is it just the Stockholm Syndrome that makes you want to be like me?

    Anyway, stop it. You are emberassing.

    it would be obvious if i were copy/pasting your posts...

    everything would be misspelled and not a damned thing would make sense.

    get back on your street corner before your pimp finds out youre not earning him his beer and cigarette money, hajiniggerjedi.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by RisiR I'm not that fat…..

    stop believing everything your mother tells you
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by reject Cerakote would blatantly be the top. He'll dominate RisiR and RisiR will love it

    they should make so gay pedo-porn together. theyd be famous.

    they could do it in blackface and name the movie 'the fat kid and the bosnian go moonlighting'

    guaranteed to win an oscar
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by reject I bet you sit and eat all their food in front of them too

    the cats food, nothing...he uses the spray can as foreplay just before he eats the poor flea bag.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic reported to the feds for animal cruelty. enjoy your jailtime

    statute of limitations ran out on the first two before you were born.

    that term 'legally' was included specifically for you and your lack of any sort of mental comprehension abilities whatsoever. go google the meaning.

    and. animal cruelty isnt a federal charge. and. good luck finding a prosecutor that'd take the case with zero evidence.

    when youre done...i have a dick needing to be sucked. bring those purty tonsils over here and put them to work, sweetheart.

    enjoy the happy ending.

    you could try a sexual harassment charge...thats fairly obvious.
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